30.-Is Danny going abroad? -I think so. He for a better job, but out of luck. A.hopes B.hoped C.was hoping D.has hoped 查看更多



Eighty-year-old retired tailor, James McKay, spent Saturday night in jail after __36__ thirty-year-old Keith Smith over the head __37__ his walking stick.McKay’s wife, Laurence told us that while McKay is usually a __38__ person, he had been __39__ to this act of violence by getting wet just once too often.

       Smith lives above the McKays and it appears that not only is he a keen gardener, he is also a __40__ collector.Unfortunately for him, the water he sent over his balcony every day ended up on the McKay’s, or too often, on the McKays __41__.

       “For the last fortnight, since Smith moved into the flat above us, we have hardly dared to go to our __42__,” said Laurene.She added that it wasn’t so much the water falling onto their balcony from Smith watering his plant __43__ bothered them, it was more the way he cleaned his fish tanks.“We’d be __44__ there happily reading our newspapers, when __45__ so much water would come from above that we’d be as wet as if we’d __46__ with our clothes on! Neither could we get rid of the __47__ of fish!”

       And on Saturday evening it was just too __48__.“It was James’s birthday,” explained Laurene, “and I’d made him a birthday cake.The candles were a great sight as you can imagine, but James didn’t get to blow them out.” __49__, Smith emptied one of his larger tanks over his balcony and both the McKays and the cake were wet __50__.Rarely had Laurene seen McKay move so fast.“I couldn’t __51__ him.He was up there in a flash.It was the fastest I’d seen him move since 1964.”

       Smith is not going to take things further with the police.He has also promised to change his__52__ from now on.And what of James McKay? __53__ he left the police station, a large crowd of supporters sang him, “Happy Birthday”.“__54__ the most exciting birthday __55__!” said the cheerful old man.“The best since my adolescence I’d say!”

A.hitting         B.tapping     C.pushing    D.touching

A.by          B.with        C.through    D.via

A.quiet          B.sensitive   C.stubborn   D.peaceful

A.accustomed   B.driven      C.taken       D.attracted

A.fish           B.seed      C.plant        D.newspaper

A.themselves    B.itself        C.herself      D.himself

A.bathroom      B.balcony    C.bedroom   D.kitchen

A.which         B.what        C.that         D.whether

A.sitting        B.exercising C.sleeping    D.eating

A.regularly       B.suddenly   C.precisely   D.unconsciously

A.swum         B.watered    C.showered  D.drowned

A.taste          B.smell       C.feeling      D.sense

A.little          B.soon        C.late         D.much      

A.Otherwise     B.Besides     C.Instead     D.Consequently

A.over          B.across       C.through    D.down

A.stop           B.blame       C.ignore      D.stand

A.views         B.attitude     C.mind       D.ways

A.While        B.Since     C.Until       D.As

A.Sincerely      B.ImpossiblyC.PreviouslyD.Definitely

A.before         B.already     C.ever        D.since


The Adventure Guides Program

New Member Information for the Adventure Guides Program ( for children aged 4—12)

What Is the Adventure Guides Program All about?

The objectives of the program are:

● Fostering companionship and setting foundation for positive, lifelong relationships between parent and child

● Increased understanding of one another

● Expanded awareness of spirit, mind and body

● Great memories

● Fun!!!

Parent and Child Will Be Joining…

The nationwide affilicated(隶属的) program sponsored by local YMCA’s and part of the National Council of YMCA’s

A smaller group of families called a “circle”

What Is the Time Commitment?

● Program runs from October to May (ending with the Memorial Day Parade)

● One “circle” activity per month ( one circle decides on fees and dates)

Additional all participant activities (scheduled by Wilton Family Y) —additional fees and registration required.

Outing Dates: To Be Announced

What Do I Do Now?

● Registration is on-going. Registration forms are available online under “Registration”.

● You will be notified by the Wilton Family Y of which “circle” you and your child are in and who your “circle” leader is.

● You will be notified by your “circle” leader as to when your first parent/child “circle” meeting will take place.


Participant: Full Child or Family member $110.00 / Program member $200.00

Sibling: Full child or Family member $75.00 / Program member $150.00

Adult: Family member FREE / Program member $125.00

Wilton Family Y Contact Information:

Geoff Malyszka Teen Director 762-8384 ext.224

E-mail: gmalyszka@wiltonymca. org

Kim Murphy Early Childhood Ed. Director762-8384 ext.214

E-mail: kmurphy@wiltonymca. org

1. Which of the following is true about “circle”?

A.You and your children will make up a “circle”.

B.A “circle” activity will be held once a month.

C.You have the right of choosing your “circle” leader.

D.You are free to choose to become a member of a “circle”.

2.What information can you get from the passage?

A.There is no extra fees for additional all participant activities.

B.The program will be held only in October and May

C.You can register just by making a call to 762-8384 ext. 224.

D.It has not been decided yet when you will go out.

3.The passage is mainly written for _____.

A.parents and their children

B.adventurous travelers

C.international students

D.children with bad memories



—How is everything going on with you in Australia??

—Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, _______.

A. instead of   B. instead       C. either  D. though?



. Professor Lee is considering going to teach in Shenzhen, where he can get paid_________.

A. as five times much                  B. as much five times     

C. much as five times                  D. five times as much




The following is a timetable in Shanghai Pudong International Airport.


Flight Number




Air Canada



10:12 a.m.


Japanese Airlines



10:30 a.m.


British Airways



11:00 a.m.


Pan American



11:20 a.m.


Pan American



11:43 a.m.


Air Canada



12:32 a.m.




Hong Kong

12:32 a.m.





12:45 a.m.


British Airways


New York

12:55 a.m.


1.A man wants to take Flight 178 to Tokyo. Which gate should he go to?

       A.14    B.28            C.21           D.18

2.Lisa is at gate 23. Where is she going?

       A.Paris             B.Beijing       C.Tokyo         D.New York

3.Now it’s 11:40. Mary is at gate 20. Which airline’s plane will she take?

       A.British Airways  B.Japanese Airlines      

C.Pan American    D.Air Canada

4.Gate _______ is the busiest among all these gates.

       A.23             B.18               C.24    D.15

5.Which airline’s flights cover the longest route(行程)?

       A.CAAC         B.Pan American           C.British Airways  D.Air Canada


