27.A.pride B.respect C.envy D.honor 查看更多



One day a rabbit ran into an elephant. "Hello," said the rabbit. "Fine day, isn’t it?" The elephant stopped to look down at the tiny(小的) creature and shouted. "Leave me alone. I don’t have the time to waste on someone so small." The rabbit was shocked by the elephant’s words. Then he decided to ask the whale(鲸鱼) what she thought about the elephant’s rudeness. But the whale laughed at this tiny animal. The rabbit said, "You think that I am weak, but in fact, I am strong! I can beat you at Tug-of-War (拔河比赛)." The whale looked at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Very well, little one. Go and get a rope," she said. The rabbit ran off to find a strong and thick rope. Then he went to the elephant, "Elephant, I will beat you at a game of Tug-of-War." The elephant laughed loudly, but agreed to challenge the tiny animal. He tied the rope around his huge waist. The rabbit took the other end and ran away. He called back to the elephant, "When I say 'pull’, you start pulling. "The rabbit took the other end of the rope to the whale, "Tie this to your tail and when I say 'pull’,you swim." The whale tied the rope to her tail after laughing at the rabbit’s foolishness. Then the rabbit called out "PULL!" The elephant and the whale began pulling. After a while, they were too tired to continue. The elephant and the whale never knew how such a tiny creature could beat them. But from that day on, they said "hello" to the little rabbit with great respect whenever they met.

1.Why did the rabbit want a game of Tug-of-War?

   A. He wanted to show he was the best.

   B. He knew that he could do well in this game.

   C. He wanted to get respect from the elephant and the whale.

   D. He wanted to prove he wasn’t the tiniest animal.

2.What do you think of the rabbit according to the story?

   A. Smart and brave.              B. Tiny and stupid.

   C. Pride and naughty.             D. Poor and weak.

3.Why did the elephant and the whale lose the game?

  A. They didn’t prepare for it.

  B. They were not as strong as the rabbit.

  C. They were too impolite to the little rabbit.

  D. They actually fought with each other but not the rabbit.

4.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The elephant was pleased to talk to the rabbit at first.

  B. It was the whale who suggested having a game of Tug-of-War.

  C. The rabbit was stronger than both the whale and the elephant.

  D. The whale and the elephant began to respect the rabbit from then on.





  The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.

   The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition.

   The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal. 

1. The Taj Mahal was built for____ .

A. Mumtaz                      B. Shah

C. Either Mumtaz or Shah         D. Both Mumtaz and Shah

2. The passage mainly tells us____ .

A. why the Taj Mahal was built

B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz

C. some information about the Taj Mahal

D. the Taj Mahal—the pride of Indians

3. Form the passage we can learn that____ .

A. the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before.

B. the Taj Mahal doesn't exist now.

C. the Taj Mahal has completely changed.

D. the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest.


Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing. Three years ago, few people would go swimming in the icy waters. But now there is a Winter-swimming Enthusiasts’ Club(冬泳爱好者协会)and it has more than 2 000 members. The oldest is 84 years old and the youngest is only 7. The members are from all walks of life. They may be workers, peasants, soldiers, teachers, students…

Though it is now the coldest part of the season and the water temperature in the city’s lakes is around 0℃, many winter-swimmers still swim in the icy waters, even when it is snowing. They enjoy themselves in the lake, while the people by the side of the lake are wearing heavy clothes.

Why are so many people interested in winter-swimming? Because winter-swimming can be good for one’s health.

Bei Sha is a good example. He is 69, and he once suffered from heart trouble for 26 years. After ten years of winter-swimming he is now in good health. Scientists are now studying the effects of winter-swimming on health.

4. What does the underlined sentence “The members are from all walks of life” mean?  

A. The members do different jobs at different places.

B. They come from all parts of Beijing.

C. They are persons of different ages.

  D. They are men and women, old and young.

5. The winter-swimmers are able to swim in the icy waters, even on snowy days because       .

  A. they are not afraid of coldness

  B. they often swim in the icy waters

  C. they know that they can benefit(得益)from it

  D. winter-swimming can make people healthy

6. Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing because       .

  A. more and more people like to swim in Beijing

  B. it is more interesting than swimming in summer

  C. winter-swimmers are brave men

  D. winter-swimming does a lot of good to one’s health

7. What’s the best title for this passage?

  A. People in Beijing Like Swimming in Winter

  B. Winter-swimming—A Craze(狂热)in Beijing

  C. People Benefit from Winter-swimming

  D. Winter-swimmers Are Brave Men


It is difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach their children to be responsible for housework, but with one of the following suggestions, you really can get your children to help at home.
  If you give your children the impression that they can never do anything quite right, then they will regard themselves as unfit or unable persons. Unless children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.
  My daughter Carla’s fifth - grade teacher made every child in her class feel special. When students received less than a prefect test score, she would point out what they had mastered and declared firmly they could learn what they had missed.
  You can use the same technique when you evaluate (评价)your child’s work at home. Don’t always scold and give lots of praise instead.  Talk about what he has done right, not about what he hasn’t done. If your child completes a difficult task(任务), promise him a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad.
  Learning is a process(过程)of trying and failing and trying and succeeding. If you teach your children not to fear a mistake of failure, they will learn faster and achieve success at last.
【小题1】The whole passage deals with ________.

A.social education       B.school education
C.family education       D.pre - school education
【小题2】The article gives us a good suggestion about how to evaluate(评价)your child’s work at home. That is to _____.
A.praise his success        B.promise him a trip
C.give him a punishment     D.promise him a ball game
【小题3】The author advises readers to________.
A.learn from himself, for he has a good way of teaching
B.take pride in Carla’s fifth - grade teacher
C.do as what Carla’s teacher did in educating children
D.follow Carla’s example because she never fails in the test
【小题4】Having read the last paragraph, we can conclude that ________.
A.pride goes before a fallB.practice makes perfect
C.no pains, no gainsD.failure is the mother of success


“Imagine you are walking along the road. Suddenly you fall over and all the passers-by burst into laughter. You feel very  36  and think the world is laughing at you . But in fact, five minutes later, they have  37   it ever happened.” The other day when I came across these words in an article, I didn’t agree with the  38  .
The author thinks the best thing to do in this kind of  39  is to pretend nothing has happened, and so avoid  40  trouble.
I admit that we should keep  41  because “Your tears will only remind others of what happened, while your  42  can let them forget it.” But this is far from satisfactory. We should do 43  to make things better.
I used to be a(n)  44  girl and not very good at maths. Our new maths teacher asked me a question and I still remember how I hung my head in  45 when I couldn’t answer it.
“If you don’t know the answer, just tell me.” the teacher said, “If you don’t how can I know   46  you know the answer or not?” All of my classmates burst into laughter. My face turned red but the teacher  47  me to go to the blackboard and  48  what I knew. If I had  49  the words in the article, I would have given up. But I tried my best. And to everyone’s  50 , I succeeded! The teacher smiled and said, “Well done! I  51  you could do it!”
Since then, I have become active in maths as  52  as in other subjects. I used to think doing maths exercises was a waste of time. But now, I know  53  I do can make things better. Everyone is the  54  of his own fate.
If we make mistakes, we should take on an active 55  . Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep(哭泣), and you weep alone.
36.A. nervous      B. excited       C. afraid         D. embarrassed
37.A. realized      B. recognized     C. forgotten      D. remembered
38.A. speaker      B. reader         C. author        D. announcer
39.A. environment  B. surrounding    C. condition      D. situation
40.A. ordinary     B. extra          C. common       D. usual
41.A. confident    B. smart          C. calm          D. strong
42.A. smile        B. worry         C. courage       D. satisfaction
43.A anything      B. something      C. nothing       D. everything
44.A. shy         B. energetic       C. happy         D. clever
45.A. joy         B. pride          C. shame         D. surprise
46.A. what        B. that           C. when          D. whether
47.A. forced       B. invited        C. asked          D. pushed
48.A. bring up     B. put down      C. think about      D. show off
49.A. obeyed      B. doubted       C. refused         D. understood
50.A. expectation  B. disappointment  C. surprise         D. delight
51.A. hoped       B. knew         C. doubted        D. regretted
52.A. long        B. far            C. soon          D. well
53.A. whoever     B. whenever      C. wherever       D. whatever
54.A. architect     B. owner         C. host           D. controller
55.A. position      B. attitude        C. value        D. response


Today, many people are starving to death. Recently, a man who wanted to understand the conditions of such people conducted an experiment. He only ate one meal a day for a month but continued to work as he normally did.
During the first five days he was hungry at his  1  mealtime, but after he had drunk a glass of water, his hunger went away. In the morning, when he ate his one meal, he ate quickly and had a   2   amount. During the next few days,   3 he was not hungry during the day, he quickly   4  every food stall (a table on which food is put to be sold), and the smell of food caught his    5   . During the third and the fourth weeks, he had hunger pains and    6    physical strength. He    7     his one meal and ate it slowly, enjoying every bite.    8    it, he knew he would have hardly enough energy to work.
    This   9   changed his attitude about some things. Having a cup of tea was not just a pastime. It also  10   him strength. He more frequently noticed overweight people and people who threw   11  leftover food. He realized the importance of   12   for the very hungry person. He could no longer easily    13    by a hungry beggar on the street. But most   14   , he could now sympathize(同情) in a   15    way with the hungry people of the world.
1.A.after       B.formal       C.regular      D.frequent
2.A.large       B.small        C.ordinary      D.common
3.A.if         B.when       C.as if       D.although
4.A.recognized B.noticed        C. glanced       D.digested
5.A.eyes        B.imagination      C.attention    D.interest
6.A.needed       B.lacked           C.required      D.wanted
7.A.looked forward to     B.devoted himself to
  C.looked down upon      D.took pride in
8.A.With        B.Without      C.Rather than   D.Except for
9.A.action       B.movement   C.experiment     D.performance
10.A.gained       B.gave      C.took       D.left
11.A.in         B.up       C.away      D.about
12.A.food        B.meals       C.money     D.work
13.A.come        B.pass     C.stand     D.stop
14.A.fortunately  B.seriously     C.necessary    D.important
15.A.great       B.big        C.small     D.similar

