35.--Do you think he will come to my birthday party? -- . --That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him. A.You can count on it B.I don’t know for sure C.You can believe him D.It depends 查看更多



—Do you think he will come to my birthday party?

— ________.

—That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him.

A. You can count on it   B. I don’t know for sure

C. You can believe him  D. It depends


---Do you think he will come to my birthday party?
---That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him.

  1. A.
    You can count on it
  2. B.
    I don’t know for sure
  3. C.
    You can believe him
  4. D.
    It depends


-Do you think he will come to my birthday party?
-That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him.

[     ]
A. You can count on it      
B. I don’t know for sure   
C. You can believe him      
D. It depends


— Do you think he will come to my birthday party?
— _________.
— That's good. Everybody's expecting him.

[     ]

A. You can count on it
B. I don't know for sure
C. You can believe him
D. It depends


--Do you think he will come to my birthday party?

--     .

--That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him.

A.You can count on it                              B.I don’t know for sure

C.You can believe him                             D.It depends

