29.It was only when I was at home she came to see me. ( ) A.that B.since C.before D.which 查看更多



When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment. On a Friday night I   36  at dinner table, “My teacher said we have to bring a box, a special box, for our valentines (情人节) on Monday”.
Mother said, “We’ll see,” and she continued eating.
What did “We’ll see” mean? I had to have that box   37  my second grade Valentine’s Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didn’t love me enough to help me with my   38 .
All Saturday I waited   39  and with Sunday arriving, my concern increased, but I   40  an enquiry(询问)about the box might   41  anger or loud voice, for in my house children only asked once. More than that   42  trouble.
Late Sunday afternoon, my father called me into the kitchen. The table was covered with colorful   43  of different kinds. A (n)   44  shoebox rested on top of it.   45  flooded through me when Daddy said, “Let’s get started   46  your project.”
In the next hour my father   47  the shoebox into impressive valentine box. Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts   48  to what I considered all the right places. He sang while he worked. When he finished, he was so delighted that a   49 smile spread over his face. “What do you think of that?” he asked.I answered him with a hug.
But inside,   50  danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father devoted so much   51  to me, for his world consisted of work only.
The holiday party arrived, and my classmates put cards, and presents into the valentine boxes. Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal time   52 .
On the way home, I held out my valentine box for the world to   53 . The love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines inside. The valentine box became a symbol of his love that   54  through decades of other Valentine’s Days. He gave me other gifts through the years, but none   55  compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old, empty shoebox.

A.andB.howeverC.so D.or
A.designB.project C.planD.idea
A.knew B.foundC.realizedD.imagined
A.startB.markC.cause D.produce
A.took B.invitedC.savedD.had
A.boxesB.paper C.giftsD.food
A.newB.bigC.empty D.attractive
A.Relief B.RelaxationC.CheerD.Calm
A.byB.atC.on D.in
A.foldedB.changed C.packedD.pressed
A.slightB.broad C.briefD.confident
A.fun B.joyC.interestD.amusement
A.moneyB.support C.timeD.hope
A.reachedB.setC.came D.spent
A.acceptB.admire C.respectD.recognize
A.evenB.yetC.still D.ever


I was driving home one evening about 5, stuck in traffic, and the car started to die— I hardly managed to get into a gas station, glad only that I would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck(拖车). Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the “ Quickie Mart” building, then suddenly she slipped(滑倒) on some ice and fell down, so I got out to see if she was okay.
When I got there, it looked like she had been overcome by weep than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked exhausted with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up and gave it to her. It was a coin.
At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban packed full of stuff and three kids in the back, and the gas pump(汽油泵) reading $4.95.
I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying “I don’t want my kids to see me crying,” so we stood at the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California for Christmas and that things were very hard for her right now.
I took out my credit card and swiped(刷磁卡) it through the card reader on the pump so that she could fill up her car completely, and I bought 2 big bags of food for her kids in the car who attacked it like wolves. While it was fueling, she asked, “So, are you an angel or something?” I said, “At this time of year, angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses common people.”
It was unbelievable to be part of someone else’s miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. Sometimes, angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter(摆动) of their wings.
【小题1】. Caught in traffic, the author still felt happy because      .

A.she could fill up her car to get home in time[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]
B.the woman who needed help was waiting there
C.she could find a warm place to wait
D.she could do something for others in the gas station
【小题2】. The young woman cried because     .
A.her situation was very terribleB.her kids wouldn’t listen to her
C.she was too tiredD.she fell down and got injured
【小题3】. It can be inferred from the passage that    .
A.the author was driving carelessly on the way home
B.the young woman was interested in long driving
C.the young woman didn’t want to see her kids crying
D.the kids were extremely hungry at that time
【小题4】. According to the passage, we can say that the author     .
A.was a kind personB.liked to deal with others’ business
C.had no thought for othersD.was a real angel



When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess(公主)in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practice my lines. But once onstage, every word disappeared from my head. Then my teacher told me she had written a narrator’s(解说者的) part for the play, and asked me to change roles. Though I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day, she sensed my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day .We could see dandelions(蒲公英)popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down by one of the bunches. “I think I am going to dig up all these weeds,” she said. “From now on, we’ll have only roses in this garden.”

“But I like dandelions,” I protested. “All flowers are beautiful—even dandelions!”

My mother looked at me seriously. “ Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” she asked thoughtfully. I nodded. “And that is true of people, too,” she added.

When I realized that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth.

 “But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.

Over the next few weeks, with her continuous encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. “Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing me a dandelion. After the play, I took home the flower, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such a weed.

56.The girl did not play the role of the princess mainly because                .

      A.she felt nervous on the stage

       B.she lost her interest in that role

       C.she preferred the role of the narrator

       D.she had difficulty memorizing her words

57.Why did the mother suggest a walk in the garden?

       A.To remove the dandelions

       B.To enjoy the garden scene.

       C.To have a talk with her daughter.

       D.To help her daughter with the play.

58.What is the main idea of the story?

       A.Everybody can find his or her own way to success.

       B.Everybody has his or her own value in the world.

       C.Everybody should learn to play different roles.

       D.Everybody has some unforgettable memory.



  My cat Posy.a tortoiseshell tabby,lives with my family in a house in London,England.Like most cats,Posy is never pleased to see another cat on her territory-or anywhere,for that matter.Whenever she encounters a cat-like fellow.her hair stands on end,and she begins to hiss.In extreme cases,she sets up a yowling that warns the whole neighborhood.

  Though she may be a proud defender of her territory,there is a reason why my dad has always referred to her as“a cat of very little brain”.One day my mum came home with a purchase she was delighted with-a large tea cozy in the shape of a cat,with all the cat features,from ears to tail,drawn in.Naturally,When teatime roiled around the next afternoon,out came the new tea cozy to keep the pot warm.It received a lot of admiration from the rest of the family because it had the Iook of a real cat.This cat looked almost like a king sitting there,guarding the pot,with a half-smile on his cloth face.Suddenly,a slight sound emerged over the clink of teaspoons on china-a slow,Steady hiss I turned around to see Posy behind me in the kitchen doorway,hair standing on end,ears laid back,staring straight at the tea cozy The tea cozy stared back.Posy edged nearer with suspicion,as her eyes narrowed,while she sent Out more hissing sounds as she sized up her rival-a rival who'd not only managed to get INTO her house but was now 0N her table.And here was the family doing nothing about it.

  Needless to say,we had almost fallen off our chairs laughing by this time we couldn'tbelieve she actually thought the tea cozy was a real cat! Luckily,Posy stopped short of jumping on the unexpected rival.Eventually we took pity on her,lifted the cozy off the pot and finally convinced her that,the presence of this particular cat on her territory was no good reason to cause fur to fly.


Posy begins to hiss ________

[  ]


whenever she sees a tortoise on her territory


whenever she sees another cat on her territory


whenever she sees a teapot at home


whenever she meets the family members at home-


It can be learned from the passage that________.

[  ]


Posy is loyal to my dad


it isn't difficult to read the facial expression of the tea cozy


nobody gets along well with Posy except my mum


my mum has been buying something like a cat to protect the pot from being broken


“Posy stopped short of jumping on the unexpected rival”in the last paragraph means ________

[  ]


Posy couldn't launch a successful attack on her rival


Posy didn't have the ability to attack her rival


Posy decided not to attack her rival


Posy's rival is not alive


The best title for this story is ________

[  ]


Posy,The Stupid Cat


Posy,The Cat of Little Brain


Posy,The Tortoiseshell Tabby


Posy,The Proud Territory Defender


Love in a Box

When I was a little girl,I found love in a box all because of a class assignment.On a Friday night I__1__at the dinner table,“My teacher said we have to bring a box,a special box,for our Valentines (情人节) on Monday.”

Mother said,“We’ll see”,and she continued eating.

What did “We’ll see” mean?I had to have that box__2__my second grade Valentine’s Day would be a disaster.Maybe they didn’t love me enough to help me with my__3__.

All Saturday I waited__4__and with Sunday arriving,my concern increased,but I__5__an enquiry about the box might__6__anger or loud voice,for in my house children only ask once.More than that __7__trouble.

Late Sunday afternoon,my father called me into the kitchen.The table was covered with colorful__8__of different kinds.A(n)__9__shoebox rested on top of it.__10__flooded through me when Daddy said,“Let’s get started__11__your project.”

In the next hour my father__12__the shoebox into an impressive valentine box.Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts__13__to what I considered all the right places.He sang while he worked.When he finished,he was so delighted that a__14__smile spread over his face.“What do you think of that?” he asked.

I answered him with a hug.

But inside,__15__danced all the way to my heart.It was the first time that my father devoted so much__16__to me,for his world consisted of work only.

The holiday party arrived,and my classmates put cards,and presents into the valentine boxes.Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal time__17__.

On the way home,I held out my valentine box for the world to__18__.The love that filled it meant more to me than all inside.

The valentine box became a symbol of his love that__19__through decades of other Valentine’s Days.He gave me other gifts through the years,but none__20__compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old,empty shoebox.

1.A.announced      B.appeared

C.served       D.sat

2.A.and          B.however

C.or          D.so

3.A.design        B.plan

C.idea         D.project

4.A.sadly        B.anxiously

C.disappointedly     D.patiently

5.A.found         B.realized

C.knew        D.imagined

6.A.start        B.cause

C.mark        D.produce

7.A.invited       B.took

C.saved       D.had

8.A.boxes         B.gifts

C.paper         D.food

9.A.new          B.big

C.attractive       D.empty

10.A.Relaxation     B.Relief

C.Cheer       D.Calm

11.A.by         B.at

C.in         D.on

12.A.folded        B.packed

C.changed        D.pressed

13.A.joined       B.attached

C.linked         D.connected

14.A.slight       B.brief

C.broad         D.confident

15.A.joy         B.fun

C.interest        D.amusement

16.A.money       B.time

C.support        D.hope

17.A.reached      B.set

C.spent          D.came

18.A.accept     B.respect

C.admire       D.recognize

19.A.carried      B.kept

C.spread        D.lasted

20.A.ever        B.even

C.yet        D.still


