When was Bright Eyes in a band called Commander Venus? A. At the age of 14 B. At the age of 15 C At the age of 18 听第9段材料.回答第14-16题. 查看更多




It was Sunday morning. All the summer world was bright and fresh, and full of life. There was cheer on every face and a spring in every step.

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He stopped by the fence in front of the house where he lived with his aunt Polly. He looked at it, and all joy left him. The fence was long and high. He put the brush into the whitewash and moved it along the top of the fence. He repeated the operation. He felt he could not continue and sat down.

He knew that his friends would arrive soon with all kinds of interesting plans for the day. They would walk past him and laugh. They would make jokes about his having to work on a beautiful summer Saturday. The thought burned him like fire.

He put his hand into his pockets and took out all that he owned. Perhaps he could find some way to pay someone to do the whitewashing for him. But there was nothing of value in his pockets—nothing that could buy even half an hour of freedom. So he put the bits of toys back into his pockets and gave up the idea.

At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea came to him. It filled his mind with a great, bright light. Calmly he picked up the brush and started again to whitewash.

While Tom was working, Ben Rogers appeared. Ben was eating an apple as he walked along the street. As he walked along, he was making noises like the sound of a riverboat. First he shouted loudly, like a boat captain. Then he said “Ding-Dong-Dong”, “Ding-Dong-Dong” again and again, like the bell of a riverboat. And he made other strange noises. When he came close to Tom, he stopped.

Tom went on whitewashing. He did not look at Ben. Ben stared a moment and then said: "Hello! I’m going swimming, but you can’t go, can you?”

No answer. Tom moved his brush carefully along the fence and looked at the result with the eye of an artist. Ben came nearer. Tom's mouth watered for the apple, but he kept on working.

Ben said, "Hello, old fellow, you’ve got to work, hey?"

Tom turned suddenly and said, "Why, it's you, Ben! I wasn't noticing."

"Say — I'm going swimming. Don't you wish you could? But of course you’d rather work — wouldn't you? Of course you would."

Tom looked at the boy a bit, and said "What do you call work?"

"Why, isn't that work?"

Tom went back to his whitewashing, and answered casually,

"Well, maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. All I know is, it suits Tom Sawyer."

"Oh come, now, you don't mean to say that you like it?"

The brush continued to move.

"Like it? Well, I don't see why I shouldn’t like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?" Ben stopped eating his apple. Tom moved his brush back and forth, stepped back to look at the result, added a touch here and there, and stepped back again. Ben watched every move and got more and more interested. Soon he said,

"Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little."

Tom thought for a moment, was about to agree; but he changed his mind:

"No — no — it won’t do, Ben. You see, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. It has got to be done very carefully. I don’t think there is one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it well enough."

"No — is that so? Oh come, now —let me just try. Only just a little."

"Ben, I'd like to, but if it isn’t done right, I’m afraid Aunt Polly— "

"Oh, I'll be careful. Now let me try. Say -- I'll give you the core(核心)of my apple."

"Well, here — No, Ben, now don't. I'm afraid —"

"I'll give you all of it."

Tom gave up the brush with unwillingness on his face, but joy in his heart. And while Ben worked at the fence in the hot sun, Tom sat under a tree, eating the apple, and planning how to get more help. There were enough boys. Each one came to laugh, but remained to whitewash. By the time Ben was tired, Tom sold the next chance to Billy for a kite; and when Billy was tired, Johnny bought in for a dead rat — and so on, hour after hour. And when the middle of the afternoon came, Tom had won many treasures

And he had not worked. He had had a nice idle time all the time, with plenty of company -- and the fence had been whitewashed three times. If he hadn't run out of whitewash, Tom would have owned everything belonging to his friends.

He had discovered a great law of human action, namely, that in order to make a man or a boy want a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to get.

68.Tom was about to agree to let Ben whitewash when he changed his mind because ______ .

A. Tom wanted to do the whitewashing by himself

B. Tom was unwilling to let Ben do the whitewashing

C. Tom was afraid Ben would do the whitewashing better

D. Tom didn’t want to let Ben do the whitewashing before he made him give up his apple first

69.The underlined word “casually” is most similar to “______” in meaning.

A. carelessly                 B. delightedly               C. seriously                  D. angrily

70.We can learn from the passage that ______ .

A. Tom was interested in whitewashing the fence.

B. Tom had a lot of friends who are ready to help others.

C. Tom was unwilling to whitewash the fence, but he managed to let other boys do it for him

D. Tom was good at whitewashing the fence, so he looked at the result of his work with the eye of an artist.


As John moved his bicycle out of the driveway, he heard his mom shout, “Don’t forget to lock it!” He thought to himself that she was such a   36  . Really, what could   37   at that little library in the small prairie(大草原)town?

The day,   38   most that summer, was bright and hot. As he   39  , sweat trickled(滴下) down. When he arrived at the library, he leaned his bike   40   the railing(栏杆) and,   41   his mother’s advice, didn’t bother to   42   it.

The library was extremely   43  , filled with the distinct smell of books.   44   in the stacks(堆), John spent longer than he’d imagined   45   just the right book. He waited patiently for his   46  , and watched   47   the librarian fed his card through the recorded machine.

As he went out of the library, he saw his bike   48   down the sidewalk. Walking beside it was a boy, perhaps fifteen years old.

“Hey! That’s my bike! What do you think you’re doing? Give it   49  .”

“Give it back! You’re   50  . It’s not yours.”

John felt   51   with this boy and his words that the bike was his own. What could he do? He wasn’t at all sure   52   to deal with him.

At that moment, John surprised himself.   53   a step toward the boy, he took   54   of his bike. “This bike is mine. You’ll have to give it back to me.”   55   by his determination, the boy let him go. John jumped on and rode home as quickly as he dared. He felt a little strange, however, and a bit older somehow, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.

36. A. housewife                B. mother                   C. worrier           D. talker

37. A. happen             B. steal               C. lose                D. take

38. A. as                       B. with                  C. of                     D. like

39. A. went                       B. rode               C. ran                        D. drove

40. A. to                           B. on                   C. at                          D. against

41. A. remembering           B. thinking       C. reminding            D. ignoring

42. A. lock                        B. place              C. mind              D. care

43. A. hot                   B. warm              C. cool                       D. cold

44. A. Missed                     B. Run               C. Seated            D. Lost

45. A. to choose           B. choosing          C. to search          D. searching

46. A. turn                  B. chance            C. book               D. Bike

47. A. as                    B. because           C. since               D. while

48. A. move                       B. moving           C. moved             D. being moved

49. A. in                     B. out                 C. up                  D. back

50. A. laughing                    B. smiling             C. cheating            D. joking

51. A. angry                       B. glad                C. sorry              D. content

52. A. what                       B. how                C. when              D. whether

53. A. Walking                     B. Making             C. Going               D. Taking

54. A. hand                          B. lift                    C. hold                  D. finger

55. A. scared                 B. surprised           C. worried             D. disappointed


Laughter Yoga (瑜伽) is a unique technique invented by Dr Kataria, a doctor from India, by which you can learn to “Laugh for No Reason”. You don’t even need a sense of humor, no funny jokes or comedy programs — just a willingness to laugh — and in the present climate everyone needs to laugh more.
Laughter Yoga is a combination of Laughter Exercises and Yogic Breathing, so that you increase the amount of oxygen in your body while being playful, resulting in you feeling healthier, energetic and alive. This actually changes the physical conditions of your body so that you start to feel happier.
Laughter Yoga is generally done in groups although it can be practiced alone. When you make eye contact with someone and you’re both willing to laugh, the laughter is increased. However, we do say that you can “Fake (假装) it, fake it till you make it” because the body doesn’t know the difference between fake and true laughter; as long as you’re willing to laugh you’ll experience the same health benefits.
Laughter Yoga started in a park in Mumbai in 1995 with just 5 participants, and now there’re over 6,000 laughter clubs in 60 different countries — showing the willingness of the world to laugh together.
In the UK, Julie was one of the first people to train as a Laughter Leader with Dr Kataria in June 2002. In 2006 she was awarded Laughter Ambassador for her selfless service to promote Laughter Yoga.
“Yoga has been part of my life for 30 years but 7 years ago my life changed when I discovered Laughter Yoga. I believe laughter and yoga are both good for your health,” says Julie.
【小题1】Why do people practicing Laughter Yoga laugh a lot?

A.They have a sense of humor. B.They are amused by jokes.
C.They are willing to laugh.D.They can’t help laughing a lot.
【小题2】 What do we know about Julie from the passage?
A.She took up Laughter Yoga 30 years ago.
B.She helped make Laughter Yoga more popular.
C.She used to suffer from serious physical problems.
D.She was the first person to practise Laughter Yoga.
【小题3】The purpose of the passage is to _____.
A.persuade people to take up Laughter Yoga
B.tell people how to practise Laughter Yoga
C.describe the good effects of Laughter Yoga
D.introduce Laughter Yoga as a new event


When was the last time someone unexpectedly did something nice for you ? Not someone you knew, but a total stranger? It’s happened to me a few times, but two instances really stand out.

A few years ago, I was dining in a restaurant with a friend who kept talking about himself, completely not aware of the fact that I was sitting there in misery. It wasn’t my friend’s talks that made me suffer. I was recovering from a broken heart, and just sitting down to dinner reminded me of my last relationship. I could have burst into tears right there at the table.

When we picked up the check, the waitress said, “ Your meal was already paid for .” My friend and I didn’t have a clue how it happened. Then I remembered a man I saw out of the corner of my eye. He was dressed in mostly white, sat down at the bar, had a beer, and stayed for maybe ten minutes. The waitress said, “Yes, the gentleman in white paid for you .” It felt like an angel was saying “I see you, honey. It’s going to be okay.”

Just last year, I was running a half-marathon. With just 1 mile to go, I was out of gas. Runners call it “hitting the wall”. I thought I couldn’t move another inch. Out of nowhere, a stranger came up to me and said, “What’s your name, sweetie? Jennifer? Okay, Jennifer, let’s go! Come on! It’s just around the corner! You can do it!” And he ran with me until I picked up my pace. I found him at the finish line to thank him for the encouragement only to learn he wasn’t even supposed to be in the race that day.

 I still shake my head when I think of these momentary angels that came to me at my point of need. Do you have any experiences like these?

1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. The kindness of strangers.              B. Valuable friendship .

C. Two special experiences .               D. Helping others is worthwhile

2.Why did the author suffer when dining out with a friend?

A. Because she didn’t like the dishes.

B. Because she quarreled with her friend

C. Because her friend only talked about himself.

D. Because she was sad for her last relationship.

3.The underlined expression in the passage means “______”.

A. being hurt by the wall              B. winning the game

C. taking a deep breath              D. running out of energy



This is a true story. Rex White lived in a  36  some distance from the coast, so he   37   to drive to Lytham and leave his car in a car park beside the river. Then he  38  row out to the pilot boat, and wait for the  39   ship that it was his duty to guide.
Early one morning, Mr. White   40   to Lytham from a night on duty, only to   41 he couldn't start his car. He had driven from his village the evening before and left his car in the car park   42  . Now with his work finished; how he   43   to drive home to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a warm bed!   44  , no matter what he did, he could not get the engine to start.
It was a cold and windy night; there was no garage   45   to which he could turn for help. He was just about to   46 , and spend the rest of the night in his car,  when a bright idea 47   him.  He pushed his car round so that it was facing in the   48   of the wind, opened ail four doors,   49   it along a short way, and then jumped in. The doors acted like 50, and in no time the wind had taken him  51   out of the car park and away down the beach road. When he   52  the starter-switch once more,  the engine roared to   53  immediately.  All he had to do then was to stop the car and shut the   54  .
He went to bed later than usual,   55   he did not go without his cup of hot chocolate. Mr. White was not a seaman for nothing.
36. A. city               B. town            C. village                  D. family
37. A. decided            B. had             C. managed                  D. asked
38. A. could              B. should           C. would                   D. might
39. A. old                B. foreign          C. big                     D. particular
40. A. returned             B. got              C. went                   D. walked
41. A. accept             B.  tell           C. find                    D. remember
42. A. once more      B. as usual         C. at last               D. as well
43. A. prepared             B. supposed          C. hurried             D. desired
44. A. Sadly            B. Surprisingly    C. Naturally           D. Finally
45. A. inside              B. around           C. away                    D. ahead
46. A. shout at             B. break down    C. give out            D. give up
47. A. knocked             B. beat          C. kicked                  D. struck
48. A. position             B. direction           C. speed                   D. strength
49. A. pulled             B. rode             C. pushed                  D. followed
50. A. brakes             B. engines          C. energies                 D. batteries
51. A. nearly             B. right             C. almost                  D. hardly
52. A. opened             B. checked          C. tried                    D. provided
53. A. effect              B. way             C. use                     D. life
54. A. windows            B. doors            C. lights                   D. systems
55. A. but                    B. or               C. and                    D. so

