22.--- Daniel! The alarm clock has been ringing for almost a minute. --- Oh, Mum! Can I sleep minutes? A.another five B.more five C.five another D.five other 查看更多





36. Mom and Dad came back home from vacation a day earlier than expected. When coming into the house,  37. 妈妈变得很生气 because she found their dog was tired and hungry and the money for the dog food was gone.  38. She wondered what her sons did with the money they left. Dad got angry too when he saw the room was a mess. They turned to Daniel because they left him in charge. They shouted at him angrily and they wanted to punish him.

Daniel had planned to explain what had happened but his parents wouldn’t listen, so he said he hated his parents and he didn’t allow his brother, Eric, to explain for him because 39. 他认为他们不配知道真相。

40. Mother thought they might be too hard on Daniel, but Father said since Daniel had been rude to them, he felt like they had to punish him.

36. _________________________________________________________________.

37. _________________________________________________________________.

38. _________________________________________________________________.

39. _________________________________________________________________.

40. _________________________________________________________________.



Wednesday, October 29,2008.

The United States federal government had two young men in the state of Tennessee arrested on October 22 on unknown charges.

In court documents published on Monday, it came to light that the men had discussed attacking an African – American school and killing 14 of them.

Another crime was about planning to murder Presidential candidate Barack Obama. According to their affidavits (口供), the suspects’ “final act of violence” would be like this: when they attacked Obama they would wear white suits and top hats and drive “their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows.”

The two suspects are Paul Schlesselman, 18, of West Helena, Arkansas and Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tennessee. According to the court papers, they met last month over the Internet through a friend. Schlesselman and Cowart are believed to share “very strong views” about White Power.

Schlesselman listed “being racist” as his occupation on his MySpace page. He further wrote: “I'm white. I'm proud. I get angry. I like guns.”

Cowart also had a MySpace page on which photos of guns were presented under a heading of “My Guns”. On his page he wrote, “Better to die quick fighting on your feet than to live forever begging on your knees.”

Some have questioned the pair's ability to carry out the charged plan, but authorities have been very concerned about Obama as the first black presidential candidate from a major party.

“We honestly don't know if they had the ability or the skill to carry out the kind of plan that they talked about.” said Malcolm Wiley, of the United Satates Secret Service in an interview with The New York Times. “But we take any threat seriously no matter how big or how small it is.”

Cowart and Schlesselman are scheduled to appear before a judge on Thursady.

1.The passage is mainly about____________.

 A.Americans’ attitudes towards Barack Obarma        B.two young men planning to commit violence

 C.the violence in the United States                   D.the disadvantages of the Internet

2.From the passage, we can know that the two young men_________.

 A.shot 14 students in an African – American school     B.came from the state of Tennessee

 C.were proud of Barack Obama                     D.have not been sentenced yet

3.Which of the following shows the right order of the events?

 a.The two suspects were arrested.

 b.The two suspects will be tried in the court.

 c.Cowart set up his MySpace page on the Internet.

 d.Malcolm Wiley was interviewed by The New York Times.

 A.a; b; c; d      B.d; c; b; a        C.c; a; d; b        D.c; a; b; d

4.What can we infer from the news?

   A.Most of the white people in the United States don’t like Barack Obama.

  B.The two young men planned to shoot President Barack Obama.

  C.The two young men were innocent in fact.

D.The two young men strongly believed that the president should be a white man




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    Buy any full-price movie ticket on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, and you can buy a second tickets for a friend for only half price. The latest movies are here, being shown in one of our five theaters at Bayfield Shopping Center.

Offer here through December 1, Limit on per customer.

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    Buy any meal for at least $6 at Mike’s Café, and receive a free soft drink. We serve the best food in the Shopping Center. Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service. You won’t be disappointed!

Free soft drink offer ends November 14.

1.What are these ads for?

A. Food you can order for delivery.

B. Places to go on vacation.

C. Special offers at a shopping center.

D. Things on sale in a big store.

2.Which of the following is true according to the ads?

A. Spending $50 means 3 hours of free parking.

B. One person can buy 5 tickets for the price of three.

C. After buying two CDs, you can get another two CDs for free.

D. At Mike’s Café, people can get a free drink after spending $6.

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned at this mall?

A. Clothes store.       B. Music store.    C. Restaurant.      D. Toy store.

4.We can know from this passage ________.

A. there is more than one theater in the center.

B. if you buy a book there, you may pay less than half the price.

C. you may get a free one if you buy a shirt, or a tie, or a pair of shoes.

D. you won’t get a free soft drink unless you spend more than 10 dollars on the meal.




Daniel Radcliffe, starring Harry Potter, has entered _____ Guinness World Records book as

one of ______ highest earning actors of the decade.

A.the ; /                     B./ ; the                    C.the ; the                  D./ ; /




Two new studies suggest that modern running shoes could increase the risk of injuries to runners.

One study involved sixty-eight healthy young women and men who ran at least twenty-four kilometers a week. The runners were observed on a treadmill machine. Sometimes they wore running shoes. Other times they ran barefoot.

Researchers from the JKM Technologies Company in Virginia, the University of Virginia and the University of Colorado did the study.

They found that running shoes create more stress that could damage knees, hips and ankle joints than running barefoot. They observed that the effect was even greater than the effect reported earlier for walking in high heels.

The study appeared in the official scientific journal of the American Academy of Physical Medicine.

The other study appeared in the journal Nature. It compared runners in the United States and Kenya. The researchers were from Harvard University in Massachusetts, Moi University in Kenya and the University of Glasgow in Scotland.

They divided the runners into three groups. One group had always run shoeless. Another group had always run with shoes. And the third group had changed to shoeless running.

Runners who wear shoes usually come down heel first. That puts great force on the back of the foot. But the study found that barefoot runners generally land on the front or middle of their foot. That way they ease into their landing and avoid striking their heel.

Harvard’s Daniel Lieberman led the study. He says the way most running shoes are designed may explain why those who wear them land on their heels. The heel of the shoe is bigger and heavier than other parts of the shoe, so it would seem more likely to come

down first. Also, the heel generally has thick material under it to soften landings.

60. How many organizations are involved in the two studies?

A. Three.                          B. Four.                      C. Five.                      D. Six.

61. What can we learn from the text?

A. Most running shoes are designed improperly.

B. The design of high heels is better than that of running shoes.

C. No one will run with running shoes in the future.

D. Both of the studies are done in America.

62. Why do running shoes increase the risk of injuries to runners?

A. They could create stress. 

B. They’re too big and heavy.

C. They can affect the way the runners land.   

D. Their heels can soften landings.

63. How did the researchers do the two studies?

A. By practising.         B. By comparing.      C. By questioning.     D. By reasoning.


