24.--- Amazing! You wear slippers at work. --- I am sorry. This is the last time. A.should B.must C.can D.may 查看更多



—Amazing! You ________ wear slippers in class.

—Don’t you know it’s a fashion?

A. must   B. should   C. can   D. may



     Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
                                                                        ―Thomas Jefferson
     As a high school coach, I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I pushed as hard for   1   as they
     A dramatic incident,   2  , following a game in which I was appointed as a referee (裁判),   3   my views on
victories and defeats. I was refereeing a league championship basketball game in New Rochelle, New York,
between New Rochelle and Yonkers High. New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck.
     The gym was   4   with audience, and the volume of noise made it   5   to hear. The game was well played
and   6   contested. Yonkers was   7   by one point as I   8   the clock and discovered there were only 30
seconds left to play.
     Yonkers,   9   the ball, passed off-shot-missed. New Rochelle recovered-pushed the ball up court - shot. The
ball   10   around the rim and off. The fans shouted with disappointment.  
     New Rochelle, the   11   team, recovered the ball, and tapped it in ( 拨进篮框) for what looked like victory.
The noise of whistles, screams and shouts was   12  . I took a quick look at the clock and saw that the game
was over. I hadn't heard the final buzzer (终场哨声) because of the noise. I  13  with the other official, but he
could not help me.  
     Still   14   help in this chaos, I approached the timekeeper, a young man of 17 or so. He said,"Mr. Covina,
the buzzer   15   as the ball rolled off the rim,  16   the tap-in was made."  
     I was in the unpleasant position of having to tell Coach O'Brien the   17   news."Dan," I said, " Yonkers won
the game."  
     His face clouded over. The young timekeeper came up. He said, "I'm sorry, Dad. The time ran out before the
final basket."  
     Suddenly, Coach O'Brien's face  18  . He said, "That's okay, Joe. You did what you had to do. I'm  19   of
     Turning to me, he said, "Al, I want you to meet my   20  , Joe."  
     The two of them then walked off the court together, shoulder to shoulder.

(     )1.  A. ability   
(     )2.  A. therefore  
(     )3.  A. changed   
(     )4.  A. located    
(     )5.  A. evident   
(     )6.  A. strongly 
(     )7.  A. leading   
(     )8.  A. stared at  
(     )9.  A. in place of
(     )10.  A. rolled    
(     )11.  A. winning  
(     )12.  A. deafening  
(     )13.  A. argued  
(     )14.  A. claiming  
(     )15.  A. took on    
(     )16.  A. after     
(     )17.  A. sad       
(     )18.  A. fixed up  
(     )19.  A. proud     
(     )20.  A. fellow    

B. direction       
B. however         
B. held               
B. equipped           
B. important         
B. closely           
B. falling         
B. glared at        
B. in possession of   
B. centered           
B. host            
B. annoying         
B. quarreled       
B. receiving          
B. went on         
B. instantly      
B. interesting      
B. lit up           
B. accused         
B. student          

C. victory        
C. moreover       
C. shared        
C. crowded       
C. likely        
C. successfully  
C. scoring       
C. glanced at    
C. in face of    
C. rocked         
C. champion      
C. disturbing    
C. checked                
C. giving        
C. took off      
C. before         
C. strange     
C. cleaned up    
C.   independent 
C. son            

D. honesty        
D. thus           
D. conveyed       
D. covered        
D. impossible     
D. amusingly      
D. losing         
D. aimed at       
D. in favor of    
D. hung           
D. guest          
D. disgusting                    
D. compromised    
D. seeking        
D. went off       
D. when           
D amazing         
D. showed up      
D. embarrassed    
D. friend         


Ballet is amazing       you go ,you are likely to find yourself going again and again.

       A.as           B.once        C.unless            D.while


                 Easy Ways to Boost(改善)Your Mood
_______1_______. Taking an extra moment for yourself will make your day brighter and give
you a healthier outlook on life. Here are some simple ways you can bring a little happiness into
your life right now:
1. Go for a walk.
Grab your dog, best friend, or your significant other and head out on a brisk(轻快的) walk. Just a
little bit of exercise can boost your mood and give you a fresh perspective on problems that have
been bothering you. Think walks are boring? ________2_______. Take a trip to the mall, or
even walk to get some frozen yogurt. Make it a fun trip and you'll surely make it part of your routine.
After all, laughter is the best medicine. Pick up something that makes you laugh like a funny picture
, book, magazine, or a DVD of your favorite comedy. _______4______. Giving yourself time to
laugh boosts feel-good endorphins(胺多酚).
3. ________5________ .
Take a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy, like roller skating, skiing, swimming, playing
an instrument, or being with friends and family. Place the picture on your desk to remind yourself
that you lead an amazing life and have lots to be happy about.
 A. Model behavior
 B. Try walking to a place that seems exciting to you
 C. Ten minutes of relaxation can do wonders
 D. Even the most optimistic people can use a mood boost every once in a while
 E. Tell someone that you're guaranteed to brighten their day
 F. You could even plan a date night out to a comedy club
 G. Buy something silly


“Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise.” said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body. While here’s no question that continuous stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in which you’re able to rise to the occasion can be good for you.

  In a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses, those who faced considerable work demands but coped with(设法处理) the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they couldn’t get the job done.

  Stress that you can manage may also boost immune(免疫的) function. In a study at the Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam, researchers put volunteers through two stressful experiences. In the first, a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test, subjects believed they had control over the outcome. In the second, they weren’t in control: They had to sit through a gory(血淋淋的) video on surgical procedures. Those who did go on the memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that's the body’s first line of defense against germs. The video-watchers experienced a downturn in the antibody.

  Stress prompts the body to produce certain stress hormones(荷尔蒙). In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect, including improved memory function. “They can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage,” says Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University in New York. But in the long run these hormones can have a harmful effect on the body and brain.

“Sustained stress is not good for you,” says Richard Morimoto, a researcher at Northwestern University in Illinois studying the effects of stress on longevity(长寿), “It’s the occasional burst of stress or brief exposure to stress that could be protective.”

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. the benefits of manageable stress

B. how to avoid stressful situations

C. how to cope with stress effectively

D. the effects of stress hormones on memory

2. The underlined word “shun” (Line 1, Para.1) most probably means________.

A. cut down on

B. stay away from

C. run out of

D. put up with

3. We can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that ________.

A. people under stress tend to have a poor memory

B. people who can’t get their job done experience more stress

C. doing challenging work may be good for one’s health

D. stress will weaken the body’s defense against germs

4.Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University believes that ________.

A. a person’s memory is determined by the level of hormones in his body

B. stress hormones have lasting positive effects on the brain

C. short bursts of stress hormones enhance memory function

D. a person’s memory improves with continued experience of stress


