13.-What’s the time by your watch? -My watch five to seven. A.appears B.speaks C.tells D.says 查看更多



--What’s the time ___ your watch?---On, my watch ___ “A quarter to five”

A. by, says    B. on, talks   C. on., tells    D.by,  speaks


1. How much did the man pay for the cap?
A. Ten dollars.
B. Forty dollars.
C. Fifty dollars
2. Where is the man going to plant the tree?
 A. By the front door.
B. At the back of the garage.
C. At the other end of the garden.
3. What did the man mean?
A. He quite agreed with the woman.
B. He enjoyed the lecture the whole time.
C. The lecture was more than one hour long.
4. What does the man really want to do?
A. To read the advertisement.
B. To meet the manager.
C. To take the job.
5. What's the time now?
A. 8:30.
B. 8:00.
C. 9:00.


---What’s the time ___ your watch?

---On, my watch ___ “A quarter to five”

  1. A.
    by, says
  2. B.
    on, talks
  3. C.
    on., tells
  4. D.
    by, speaks


My watch is a little slow. What’s the time _____ your watch?

A. of       B. in       C. on      D. by


1.What does the man usually have for breakfast?
A. Fried cakes.
B. Fried rice-noodles.
C. Noodles.
2.What will the woman do first?
A. Withdraw some money.
B. See the dentist.
C. Go to the history class.
3.What is the time by Sandra’s watch?
A. 2:55.
B. 3:00.
C. 3:05.
4.What does the woman mean?
A. Filling out the forms is no easy thing to do.
B. She forgot to fill out the forms.
C. She’ll remind the man about the forms
5.What is the conversation mainly about?
A. Differences between mean and fruit.
B. Different ideas about meat and vegetables.
C. Different kinds of meat.

