cash A. cell B. absence C. act D. physician 第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从ABCD四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 查看更多



The Fourth “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition is to be held in Shanghai.

  Organizers: China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network.

  Co-ordinater: China University English Speaking Association (CUESA).

  Co-sponsors(联办单位): English Speaking Union (ESU), Lotus Software (China)Co. Ltd., Times Publishing Group of Singapore, Hilton Shanghai, Pearson Education, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.

  Date: March 26(Friday), 1999.

  Place: Hilton Shanghai.

  Competition Format (形式): Each student will present a prepared speech on the given topic, followed by a three -minute off - hand speech and a three - minute question and answer period with the judges.

  Prepared speech period: six minutes.

  Q & A period: three minutes.

  Speech topic: People and Nature: In search of harmony (和谐)in a new age + your personal opinion. (Topics for the off-hand speech will be given on the day of competition).

  Prizes: Besides books and certificates (证书), the top two winners will be offered scholarships(奖学金) to travel to the annual international English -speaking competition which will be held by the English Speaking Union in London in May, 1999. The third and fourth place winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore, sponsored by the Times Publishing Group. The fifth through 10th place winners will be offered cash prizes. All the competitors will receive certificates from the English Speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press. The teachers of the top winners will also receive a one - year membership to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL)

The main purpose of this passage is ________.

  A. to invite you to take part in the competition

  B. to tell you some information about the competition

  C. to help to improve your spoken English

  D. to show you how to win the competition

Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Shanghai English Speaking Competition?________.

  A. Where and when it will take place.

  B. Its programs.

  C. What each winner will be offered.

  D. The number of its competitors.

Suppose you get the sixth place, you’ll________ .

  A. travel to London for free.

  B. become a one - year member of IATEFL

  C. get some money, some books and a certificate

  D. get a chance to study in Singapore

An “off- hand speech” is________.

  A. a speech not longer than three minutes

  B. a speech without preparation

  C. a speech with a piece of paper in hand

D. a speech which is well prepared


Any housewife who went to the new supermarket wished to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping. This was what the  21 just inside the entrance  22 .It said: “Remember, 23 ,one of our customers gets  24 goods. THIS MAY BE YOUR LUCKY DAY!” For quite a long time Mrs. Edwards 25, like many of her  26, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never 27 hoping. The  28 in the kitchen was full of things which she did not need. Her husband tried to advise her  29 buying so many things but failed. She  30 dreamed of the DAY when the manager of the supermarket would come up to her and say, “Madam, THIS IS YOUR LUCKY DAY. Everything in your  31 doesn’t need to be paid!” One Friday afternoon Mrs. Edwards shopped  32 .But she was not the lucky customer. No sooner had she just put the things inside her  33 than she found that she had forgotten to  34 tea. She dashed back to the  35 , got some tea and went towards the 36 .As she did so, she saw the  37 came. 38 his hand he said, “I want to  39 you. You are our LUCKY CUSTOMER this week! Everything you have in your basket 40  !”

A .notice          B. report         C. board          D. newspaper

A. did           B. promised        C. made          D. agreed

A. every day       B. every month      C. twice a week      D. once a week

A. excellent        B. free                  C. extra                 D. unexpected

A. waited           B. came             C. hoped               D. went

A. friends           B. neighbors         C. relatives           D. customers

A. got rid of       B. got along with   C. gave up            D. gave out

A. counter        B. cushion            C. food              D . cupboard

A. against           B. for                   C. with                 D. about

A. often             B. always              C. usually             D. seldom

A. bill             B. hand                 C. car                   D. basket

A. anxiously       B. seriously           C. crazily              D. wonderfully

A. pockets         B. car                   C. basket              D. house

A. buy                   B. find                 C. take                 D. have

A. shop              B. counter             C. department       D. supermarket

A. door              B. entrance           C. cash-desk          D. shelves

A. secretary        B. policeman     C. manager        D. salesman

A. Putting out     B. Holding out      C. Shaking         D. Waving

A. congratulate  B .tell                   C. inform                D. thank

A. is yours          B. means nothing   C. belongs to you  D. costs nothing 


 The Fourth "21th Century Cup" National English Speaking Competition is to be held in Shanghai.

  Organizers: China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network.

  Co-ordinater: China University English Speaking Association (CUESA).

  Co-sponsors (联办单位): English Speaking Union (ESU), Lotus Software (China)Co. Ltd. , Times Publishing Group of Singapore, Hilton Shanghai, Pearson Education, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.

  Date: March 26 ( Friday), 1999.

  Place: Hilton Shanghai.

  Competition Format (形式) : Each student will present a prepared speech on the given topic, followed by a three -minute off - hand speech and a three - minute question and answer period with the judges.

  Prepared speech period: six minutes.

  Q & A period: three minutes.

  Speech topic: People and Nature: In search of harmony (和谐)in a new age + your personal opinion. (Topice for the off hand speech will be given on the day of competition).

  Prizes: Besides books and certificates (证书), the top two winners will be offered scholarships(奖学金) to travel to the annual international English -speaking competition which will be held by the English Speaking Union in London in May, 1999. The third and fourth place winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore, sponsored by the Times Publishing Group. The fifth through 10th place winners will be offered cash prizes. All the competitors will receive certificates from the English Speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press. The teachers of the top winners will also receive a one - year membership to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL)

 The main purpose of this passage is ________.

  A. to invite you to take part in the competition

  B. to tell you some information of the competition

  C. to help to improve your spoken English

  D. to show you how to win the competition

  Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Shanghai English Speaking Competition?________.

  A. Where and when it will take place.

  B. Its program.

  C. What each winner will be offered.

  D. The number of its competitors.

  Suppose you get the sixth place, you'll________ .

  A. travel to London for free.

  B. become a one - year member of IATEFL

  C. get some money , some books and a certificate

  D. get a chance to study in Singapore

 An "off- hand speech"is________.

  A. a speech not longer than three minutes

  B. a speech without preparation

  C. a speech with a piece of paper in hand

  D. a speech which is well prepared


EAT YOUR VEGETABLES.Wash your hands. Always say  “please” and “thank you”. We are full of advice for our children, but when it comes to money, we often have little to say. As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners, but without any idea how tomanage their money.
  Here are some basics that will help guide them their entire lives:
  Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save $1.000,invest(投资)it at 8% and add $100 every month, by the time she’s 65,she would have $980,983!
  Be careful of credit(信用).Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history, but they must be used responsibly, which means paying off your debt in time. Explain to your children that when you buy something using a credit card, you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid if you used cash.
  Teach patience. Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150.Rather than paying the cash, give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putting aside,say,$15 each week, he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.
  Provide incentive. Tell your children the importance of saving. “For every dollar he or she agrees to save and invest rather than spend, you agree to add another dollar to the pot,” says Cathy Pareto, expert in money planning.
  Explain your values. Values and money are deeply intertwined, says Eilleen Gallo,co-author of The Financially Intelligent Parent. When your child demands that you buy something, explain why you really don’t want to buy it.“You might say, ‘I’d rather save that money for your  education,’” advises Gallo. Every time you spend or don’t spend money, you have a chance to share your values.
【小题1】The writer gives some basics to help________ in a proper way.

A.parents teach their children how to deal with money
B.children follow their parents’ instructions
C.children manage their money
D.parents save their money
【小题2】The writer thinks that, if a child wants to buy something, his parents should________.      .
A.give him some regular pocket money
B.encourage him to put money away for it
C.explain to him the importance of investment
D.tell him to save some money by using a credit card
【小题3】The underlined word “incentive” in paragraph 6 means_________.       .
【小题4】What leads the writer to write this article?_________
A.Parents want to know how to educate their children.
B.He wants to share his good ideas about money matters.
C.He thinks money management the most important for children.
D.Parents care Little about their children’s management of money.


EAT YOUR VEGETABLES. Wash your hands. Always say "please" and "thank you ".We are full of advice for our children, but when it comes to money, we often have little to say. As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners, but without any idea how to manage their money.Here are some basics that will help guide them their entire lives:

Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save $1.000,invest(投资)it at 8% and add $100 every month, by the time she's 65,she would have $980,983!zxxk

Be careful of credit(信用).Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history, but they must be used responsibly, which means paying off your debt in time. Explain to your children that when you buy something using a credit card, you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid if you used cash.

Teach patience. Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150.Rather than paying the cash, give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putting aside,say,$15 each week, he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.

Provide incentive. Tell your children the importance of saving. "For every dollar he or she agrees to save and invest rather than spend, you agree to add another dollar to the pot, "says Cathy Pareto, expert in money planning.

Explain your values. Values and money are deeply intertwined(缠结在一起), says  Eilleen  Gallo, co-author of The Financially Intelligent Parent. When your child demands that you buy something, explain why you really don't want to buy it. "You might say, 'I'd rather save that money for your education,'" advises Gallo. Every time you spend or don't spend money, you have a chance to share your values.

1.The writer gives some basics to help ____ in a proper way.

A.parents teach their children how to deal with money

B.children follow their parents 'instructions

C.children manage their money

D.parents save their money

2.The underlined word "incentive" in paragraph 6 means ____.

A.honor            B.praise            C.excitement        D.encouragement

3.What leads the writer to write this article?

A. Parents want to know how to educate their children.

B. He wants to share his good ideas about money matters.

C .He thinks money management the most important for children.

D. Parents care  little  about their children's management of money.


