第一节 单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释.在相应题号的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式. 66. We can at least be that our efforts to improve the world will be successful. 66. 67. Because of the Internet, shopping in real shops is no longer a . 67. 68. The disease – SARS once hit parts of China. 68. 69. A perfect waved to me in the street this morning. 69. 70. All kinds of are available in China now. 70. 71. The boy was punished for in the exam. 71. 72. This engine is to be repaired at low cost. 72. 73. is the favorite food a bear loves. 73. 74. In , I prefer fish to chicken. 74. 75. Marry goes to take exercise to keep fit . 75. 查看更多







1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.






1. They are to put on an e_____________ of French paintings in the Oriental Hall next week.

2. My father used to smoke a lot but he has q___________ smoking since last year.

3. It is a_____________ true that the sun rises in the east.     

4. She has received formal keyboard training. C_____________, she can type much faster than I.

5. Can you t_____________ this English poem into Chinese?

6. The a___________ temperature in summer in Quzhou is about 20℃. 

7. The soldier was awarded a medal for his b____________ in the war.

8. The temperature is above n_____________ all over the world and it’s time we took measures.

9. Who is to b____________ for the fire in the kitchen?

10. I felt n___________ and uncertain because it was my first travel abroad.


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.    (不幸的),the temperature on earth is increasing by one degree centigrade every year.                                                                                66.___________

67. I will wait for you at the    (喷泉) .                       67.___________

68.She was so angry that she    (撕扯)the letter into pieces.        68. ___________

69.Quite a few young people would like to live a    (单身)life.   69. ___________

70.Students are     (禁止) to bring cellphones .                         70. ___________

71.The broken     (树枝)have been swept away.                 71. ___________

72.There are twenty books______.(总共)                        72.            

73.Walk    (直着)and the hotel is just on your left.                  73.           

74.It is good for you to have a little    (巧克力).                    74.           

75.Are all the     (乘客) aboard? .                                  75.           


第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


76. The cruel man shot his wife and __________(埋葬)the dead body in the backyard.

77. There are still quantities of stars we haven’t known in the __________(宇宙).

78. It’s no good using __________(暴力)to solve the problem. We’d better take effective measures.

79. With the ____________(发展)of science and technology, people’s life is becoming more and more convenient.

80. The test measures students’ ____________(成绩,成就)in reading, spelling and writing.

81. Tom and I chat on the Internet very often, but only see each other very o__________.

82. Harbin No. 3 Middle School was f_________ in the year 1923.

83. Recently many earthquakes have s_________ some places in Asia and South America.

84. Lots of poor elder people in the mountains live in p_________.

85. A third of the worst accidents o_________ in the home last year, and the rest happened on the roads.



66.The police asked the ___________if they had seen the accident. (过路人)

67. _________( 争吵 ) with his classmates, Tom didn’t notice his teacher coming in.

68. The longer she waited for the bus, the ________(生气) she grew.

69. He has three accidents in the past ___________( 两星期 ).

70. You’re wasting _________time! (宝贵)

71. We’ll let you know if there are any _______(进一步) developments.

72. If nobody ___________to it, we ‘ll put off the meeting till next week. (反对)

73. The use of cell phones is __________ ( 严格) forbidden here in the library.

74. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your________ again.(力量)

75. In the restaurant both Chinese and European ______( 菜单 ) are provided.

76. When_____( 提供) help, one often says “ Thank you” or “ It’s kind of you”.

