26.Hearing a loud explosion.all of the children rushed out of the classroom. books on the desks. A.leaving,lying open B.leaving,lied opened C.left,laying opened D.left,lain open 查看更多



Doctors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss.The noise can be the sound of a jet airplane or machines in factories of loud music or other common sound at home and at work.A person only needs to hear the noise for little more than one second to be affected.
An American scientist has found that using aspirin (阿斯匹林) increase the temporary (暂时的)hearing loss or damage from loud noise.He did an experiment using a number of students at a university who all had normal hearing.He gave them different amounts of aspirin for different periods of time, then he tested their hearing ability.He found that students who were given four grams of aspirin a day for two days suffered much greater temporary hearing loss than those who did not use aspirin.The hearing loss was about two times as great.
The scientist said millions of persons in the U.S.use much larger amounts of aspirin than were used in his experiment.He said these persons face a serious danger of suffering hearing loss from loud noise.
1.Doctors have long known that__________.
A.one may lose his hearing when he hears a terribly loud noise.
B.one may become deaf when he hears a loud noise.
C.loud noises can cause damage to the hearing of the young people only
D.common sounds at home are not harmful to the ear
2.This passage suggests that one’s hearing________.
A.will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second
B.will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise less than one second
C.will not be damaged if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second
D.will not be damaged if he has little more than one second to get ready
3.One conclusion you can draw from the passage is that aspirin________.
A.makes hearing damage from loud noise worse
B.should never be taken more than four grams
C.can damage one’s hearing when it is given more than four grams daily
D.always increases hearing loss by two times
4.Millions of Americans are in danger of suffering hearing loss because they__________.
A.take too much aspirin            
B.often take air trips
C.like listening to loud music       
D.have too much loud noises at home and at work
5.The American scientist did his experiment in order to find ________.
A.how much aspirin would affect a person’s hearing
B.how much aspirin should be given in the treatment of the patients with hearing damage from loud noise
C.whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage from loud noises
D.whether the people who had hearing damage should use aspirin






For more than twenty years scientists have been seeking to understand the mystery of the‘‘sixth sense"of direction.By trying out ideas and solving problems one by one,they are now getting closer to one answer.

One funny idea is that animals might have a built-in compass(指南针).

Our earth itself is a big magnet(磁体).So a little magnetic needle that swings freely lines

itself with the big earth magnet to point north and south.When people discovered that idea about athousand years ago and invented the compass,it allowed sailors to navigate (航海)on oceanvoyages, even under

cloudy skies.

 Actuallly the idea of the living compass came just from observing animals in nature.

 Many birds migrate twice a year between their summer homes and winter homes.Some of them fly for thousands of kilometers and mostly at night.Experiments have shown that some birds can recognize star patterns.But they can keep on course even under cloudy skies.How can they do that?

A common bird that does not migrate but is great at finding its way home is the homing pigeon.Not all pigeons can find their way home.Those that can are very good at it,and they have been widely studied.

One interesting experiment was to attach little magnets to the birds’ heads to block their

magnetic sense—just as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner.On sunny days, that did not fool the pigeons.Evidently they can use the sun to tell which way they are going.But on cloudy days,the pigeons with magnets could not find their way.It was as if the magnets had blocked their magnetic sense.

Similar experiments with the same kind of results were done with honeybees.These insects also seem to have a special sense ot direction.

In spite of the experiments,the idea of an animal compass seemed pretty extraordinary.How

would an animal get the magnetic stuff for a compass.

An answer came from an unexpected source.A scientist was studying bacteria that live in the

mud of ponds and marshes.He found accidentally little rod-like bacteria that all swam together in

one direction—north.

Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of dense particles inside,which

proved magnetic.The bacteria had made themselves into little magnets that could line up with the

earth’s magnet.

The big news was that a living thing,even a simple bacterium,can make magnetite.That led

to a search to see whether animals might have it.. By using a special instrument called magnetometer,scientists were able to find magnetite in bees and birds,and even in fish.In each

animal,except for the bee.the magnetic stuff was always in or closer to the brain.

Thus.the idea of a built—in animal compass began to seem reasonable.


The Magnetic Sense— The Living Compass

Passage outline

Supporting details

The existence of the earth magnet and the invention of the navigating compass

◇Our earth is a big magnet and a little freely (71)   ▲ 

  magnetic needle lines itself with the earth magnet to point north and south.

◇(72)   ▲   on the idea above, the navigating compass was invented.

The possibility of birds’ built-in compasses

◇ One piece of evidence is the (73)   ▲    of many birds between their summer homes and winter homes.

◇ Birds can recognize star patterns on clear nights and keep on course (74)   ▲     under cloudy skies 

The  (75)   ▲     on pigeons’ and bees’ built-in compasses


◇Little magnets were tied to the pigeons’ heads to (76)   ▲     their magnetic sense.

◇The pigeons’ magnetic sense seemed to be affected on (77)   ▲    days.

◇Similar things with the same results were done with bees.

The  (78)   ▲     of the magnetic stuff for the animal compass

◇Little rod-like bacteria were found by chance to swim together in the direction of (79)   ▲    .

◇Some animals had a chain of dense magnetic particles in or close to the (80)   ▲     inside their bodies.





For more than twenty years scientists have been seeking to understand the mystery of the ‘‘sixth sense" of direction.By trying out ideas and solving problems one by one,they are now getting closer to one answer.

One funny idea is that animals might have a built-in compass(指南针).

Our earth itself is a big magnet(磁体).So a little magnetic needle that swings freely lines

itself with the big earth magnet to point north When people discovered that idea about a thousand years ago and invented the compass,it allowed sailors to navigate (航海)on ocean voyages, even under cloudy skies.

 Actually the idea of the living compass came just from observing animals in nature.

 Many birds migrate twice a year between their summer homes and winter homes.Some of them fly for thousands of kilometers and mostly at night.Experiments have shown that some birds can recognize star patterns.But they can keep on course even under cloudy skies.How can they do that?

A common bird that does not migrate but is great at finding its way home is the homing pigeon.Not all pigeons can find their way home.Those that can are very good at it,and they have been widely studied.

One interesting experiment was to attach little magnets to the birds’ heads to block their magnetic sense—just as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner.On sunny days, that did not fool the pigeons.Evidently they can use the sun to tell which way they are going.But on cloudy days,the pigeons with magnets could not find their way.It was as if the magnets had blocked their magnetic sense.

Similar experiments with the same kind of results were done with honeybees.These insects also seem to have a special sense of direction.

In spite of the experiments,the idea of an animal compass seemed pretty extraordinary.How

would an animal get the magnetic stuff for a compass.

An answer came from an unexpected source.A scientist was studying bacteria that live in the

mud of ponds and marshes.He found accidentally little rod-like bacteria that all swam together inone direction—north.

Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of dense particles inside,which

proved magnetic.The bacteria had made themselves into little magnets that could line up with the

earth’s magnet.

The big news was that a living thing,even a simple bacterium,can make magnetite.That led

to a search to see whether animals might have it.. By using a special instrument called magnetometer,scientists were able to find magnetite in bees and birds,and even in fish.In each  animal,except for the bee.the magnetic stuff was always in or closer to the brain.Thus.the idea of a built—in animal compass began to seem reasonable.


The Magnetic Sense — The Living Compass

Passage outline

Supporting details

The existence of the earth magnet and the invention of the navigating compass

◇Our earth is a big magnet and a little freely (56)     

  magnetic needle lines itself with the earth magnet to point north and south.

◇(57)       on the idea above, the navigating compass was invented.

The possibility of birds’ built-in compasses

◇ One piece of evidence is the (58)        of many birds between their summer homes and winter homes.

◇ Birds can recognize star patterns on clear nights and keep on course (59)         under cloudy skies 

The  (60)         on pigeons’ and bees’ built-in compasses


◇Little magnets were tied to the pigeons’ heads to (61)         their magnetic sense.

◇The pigeons’ magnetic sense seemed to be affected on (62)        days.

◇Similar things with the same results were done with bees.

The  (63)         of the magnetic stuff for the animal compass

◇Little rod-like bacteria were found by chance to swim together in the direction of (64)        .

◇Some animals had a chain of dense magnetic particles in or close to the (65)         inside their bodies.



We lived in a very quiet neighborhood. One evening I heard a loud crash in the street. Earlier that evening my wife had asked me to go to the store to get some soft drinks. It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly practice her driving, so I sent her to the store in my truck.

At dinner my son talked about how much he liked my truck. I enjoyed having it, but I said: "Guy, my heart is not set on that truck. I like it but it is just metal and won’t last forever. Never set your heart on anything that won’t last."

After hearing the loud noise, the whole family ran outside. My son shouted: "Dad! Dad, Holly crashed your truck."

My heart sank and my mind was flooded with conflicting thoughts. Was anyone hurt? Who else was involved? As I ran to the door, I heard a voice in my heart say: "Here is a chance to show Holly what you really love. She’ll never forget it."

The accident had occurred in my own driveway. Holly had crashed my truck into our other vehicle, the family van (搬运车). In her inexperience, she had confused the brakes and the gas pedal. Holly was unhurt physically, but when I reached her, she was crying and saying: "Oh, Dad, I’m sorry. I know how much you love this truck." I held her in my arms as she cried.

Later that week a friend stopped by and asked what had happened to my truck. I told her the whole story. Her eyes moistened (湿润) and she said: "That happened to me when I was a girl. I borrowed my dad’s car and ran into a log that had fallen across the road. I ruined the car. When I got home my Dad knocked me to the ground and began to kick me."

Over 40 years later, she still felt the pain of that night.

I remember how sad Holly was and how I comforted her. One day, when Holly thinks back on her life, I want her to know what really matters in my life.

1.How did the crash happen?

A.The van was parked in the wrong place that evening.

B.Holly stepped on the gas pedal instead of the brakes.

C.The brakes of the truck didn’t work properly.

D.Holly was too careless and young to drive a truck.

2.Why didn’t the writer punish Holly?

A.He was so rich that he didn’t care about losing one truck.

B.He thought there was no point punishing her after the accident.

C.He believed the truck was made of metal and of poor quality.

D.He wanted Holly to know he loved her more than any possessions.

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.She still suffered physical pain.

B.She felt guilty of damaging the car.

C.It left a deep wound on her soul.

D.She was not forgiven by her Dad.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.What really matters?

B.Better to forgive and forget

C.Who is to blame?

D.Accidents will happen



Compared to the other parts of the body, our ears don’t ask for much. They don't need to be brushed once a day like your teeth. But they need some special care, especially if you like listening to music with earphones.
Maybe your mum or dad has told you, "Turn that down before you go deaf!" Well, they are quite right. Loud noise might cause hearing loss for a short time or even forever. Think that earphones are a good way to escape from your parents’ eyes? Well. It may not be as good a way as you expect. American doctors have studied a group of 44,000 people who used earphones more than 15 hours per week. The doctors found that 37,000 of them were getting hearing problems.
If you use earphones for too long a time, your ears might feel painful. You could also lose your hearing for the rest of your life.
So don’t wear your earphones too long. Use them less than one hour a day.
Want sharp hearing? Don’t forget to do the following:
Try to stay away from places where there is too much noise, like a disco. If you have to go, wear earplugs.
When swimming, remember to put earplugs into your ears to stop water from getting in.
Never put anything sharp into your ears. If you think you have too much earwax, ask your mum or dad to help you clean it out.
Keep these things in mind! Then you won't be saying "WHAT???" when you are older.
【小题1】Which is the topic paragraph of the article?

A.Paragraph One.B.Paragraph Two
C.Paragraph Five.D.The last Paragraph
【小题2】Using earphones "may not be as good a way as you expect" because _______.
A.your parents know what you're doing
B.it can cause hearing problems
C.it makes your parents angry
D.most of you use them improperly
【小题3】If you want sharp hearing, you should _____.
A.have your ears specially trained
B.often wear earplugs and clean out the earwax
C.take good care of your ears
D.choose what you listen to carefully
【小题4】"WHAT???" in the last sentence is an expression showing that the speaker____.
A.has become impatientB.speaks in a loud voice
C.is slow in understandingD.asks for a lot of repetition

