There are many s between the twins. 查看更多




     My husband and I both work from home.We have four children, so the times when I am alone in the house are few and far between.Like many work-at-home moms, when I do get a chance to be by myself ,I do something, whether it’s related to my career or taking care of the household chores (家务).

     One Thursday,things really came to a head.My husband was heading out to the gym,just thinking that I had nothing to do but watch the twins.My older boys were making plans with their friends without bothering me and they were expecting me to drive them there.The twins,being young,wanted my undivided attention.Even my customers seemed to be demanding that day.They sounded not satisfied with the products and wanted to cut down the prices more.Nobody bothered to ask if I might have plans of my own.But the truth was, I seldom did have any plans for myself, and everyone knew it. I always put their needs before my own.They took advantage of that.

    The next day,when the kids were at school, I headed for the movie theater—alone.I’d never been to the movies alone before.Would I look pitiful going to the theater by myself? Was I being silly by seeing a movie when so much work awaited me at home? I forced myself to take back these thoughts.And then I walked into the theater with my head held high and enjoyed every minute of the movie.For a couple of hours, I was nobody’s wife or mother.I was just myself.

    From that point on,I decided that Fridays would be mine,at least for a couple of hours.Some Fridays, I head for the beach with a good book.Other Fridays, I go shopping.I really look forward to my Fridays after a long week of caring for my family.

    By forcing myself to slow down and put the needs of my family out of my mind, I feel closer to myself.I’m not completely responsible for caring for my family.I don’t need to do it all myself. I just need to remember to spare some time to be with myself.

56.The underlined words“few and far between”mean     .

  A. rare    B. much    C. busy    D. hard

57. What does the writer do when she is alone at home before?

  A.She will do what she likes.

  B.She will go to see a film.

  C.She will fill that time with much work.

  D.She allows herself to have a good rest.

58.How did the writer feel before she entered the cinema?

  A.Relaxed.    B.A little excited.

  C.Hopeful.    D.A little worried.

59.What is the biggest benefit that the writer got from her decision?

  A.She has her husband share the housework.

  B.She no longer overloads herself too much.

  C.She has the time to develop her own hobbies.

  D.She learns to put her own needs in the first place.



  My husband and I both work from home.We have four children, so the times when 1 am alone in the house are few and far between.Like many work-at-home moms, when I do get a chance to be by myself I do something, whether it's related to my career or taking care of the household chores.But the chance is little.

  One Thursday, things really came to a head.My husband was heading out to the gym, just thinking that I had nothing to do but watch the twins.My older boys were making plans with their friends without bothering me and they were expecting me to drive them there.The twins, being young, wanted my undivided attention.Even my customers seemed to be demanding that day.They sounded not satisfied with the products and wanted to cut down the prices more.Nobody bothered to ask if I might have plans of my own.But the truth was, I seldom did have any plans for myself, and everyone knew it.I always put their needs before my own.They took advantage of that.

  The next day, when the kids were at school, 1 headed for the movie theater-alone.I'd never been to the movies alone before.Would I look pitiful going to the theater by myself? Was I being silly by seeing a movie when so much work awaited me at home? I forced myself to take back these thoughts.And then 1 walked into the theater with my head held high and enjoyed every minute of the movie.For a couple of hours, I was nobody's wife or mother.1 was just myself.

  From that point on, I decided that Fridays would be mine, at least for a couple of hours.Some Fridays.I head for the beach with a good book.Other Fridays.I go shopping.I really look forward to my Fridays after a long week of caring for my family.

  By forcing myself to slow down and put the needs of my family out of my mind, I feel closer to myself.1'm not completely responsible for caring for my family.I don't need to do it all myself.I just need to remember to spare some time to be with myself.


The underlined words “few and far between” mean _________.

[  ]










What does the writer do when she is alone at home?

[  ]


She will do what she likes.


She will go to see a film.


She will fill that time with much work.


She allows herself to have a good rest.


How did the writer feel before she entered the cinema?

[  ]




A little excited.




A little worried.


What is the biggest benefit that the writer got from her decision?

[  ]


She has her husband share the housework.


She no longer overloads herself too much.


She has the time to develop her own hobbies.


She learns to put her own needs in the first place.



1. The workbook that follows the Student’s Book is i__________ to help you review the words, phrases and grammars you have learned.

2. V__________ are in great need in the coming Olympic Games, for they can help foreign athletes to get to the stadiums, record the results of the games and so on.

3. The company spent a lot of money ________(推销,宣传)their products on TV.

4. I was ______(僵住)at the sight of the frightening scene.

5. He worked so hard that e_________ he made himself ill.

6. Pompeii , a wealthy _________(商业的) city ,existed almost 2000 years ago.

7. There are many s_________ between the twins.

8. The student who was cheating in the exam ________(恐慌) when hearing the coming steps.

9. He practices reading English every morning and now his p________ has improved a lot.

10. My mum will have the fence p_______ white before Christmas.





1. I want to tell you ______________(亲自), “Sorry, I have hurt you.”

2. The word “not” are ____________(发言) differently in the UK and the USA.

3. The road signs were very ___________(令人迷惑的) and we ended up getting lost.

4. There are a lot of _____________(相似点) between the twins.

5. Do you dare to walk in a ___________(空无一人的) street at night?

6. In our school, not only the teachers but also the students have free a_______ to the library.

7. We suggest r__________ the present chairman with a younger and more energetic person.

8. With the climate becoming worse and worse, people g_______realize the importance of protecting forests.

9. There’s an e____amount of information on the Internet. That’s why many people like surfing the Internet.

10. This article is so complicated that readers can not make s_________ of it.



第II卷 (共六部分,总分50分)


五、单词拼写 (根据首字母或中文提示,用单词的适当形式填空)(每小题1分,共10分)

1. I want to tell you ______________(亲自), “Sorry, I have hurt you.”

2. The word “not” are ____________(发言) differently in the UK and the USA.

3. The road signs were very ___________(令人迷惑的) and we ended up getting lost.

4. There are a lot of _____________(相似点) between the twins.

5. Do you dare to walk in a ___________(空无一人的) street at night?

6. In our school, not only the teachers but also the students have free a_______ to the library.

7. We suggest r__________ the present chairman with a younger and more energetic person.

8. With the climate becoming worse and worse, people g_______realize the importance of protecting forests.

9. There’s an e____amount of information on the Internet. That’s why many people like surfing the Internet.

10. This article is so complicated that readers can not make s_________ of it.

