He practises reading English every morning and now his p has improved a lot. 查看更多



Fill in the blanks with the CORRECT form of the word.


1. Benjamin Franklin discovered that l_________ is actually electrcity by his kite experiment.

2.Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Proveince in s_________ China.

3.We decided to make a v_________ down the Yellow River to the sea.

4.It is because his v_________ is not big enough that he can’t express himself well in English.

5.www.expo2010.cn is the o_________ website of the 2010 Expo in Shanghai China.

6.Now the weather is becoming colder _________. (逐渐的)

7. He practises speaking English every day so he speaks _________ (流利的) English.

8. When you are facing an earthquake, the first thing you have to do is to stay _________. (镇定的)

9. It rains _________ (经常性的) these days, which makes him very upset.

10. From his strong _________ (口音) we can easily tell he is from London.



Fill in the blanks with the CORRECT form of the word.

Benjamin Franklin discovered that l_________ is actually electrcity by his kite experiment.

Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Proveince in s_________ China.

We decided to make a v_________ down the Yellow River to the sea.

It is because his v_________ is not big enough that he can’t express himself well in English.

www.expo2010.cn is the o_________ website of the 2010 Expo in Shanghai China.

Now the weather is becoming colder _________. (逐渐的)

He practises speaking English every day so he speaks _________ (流利的) English.

When you are facing an earthquake, the first thing you have to do is to stay _________. (镇定的)

It rains _________ (经常性的) these days, which makes him very upset.

From his strong _________ (口音) we can easily tell he is from London.


Fill in the blanks with the CORRECT form of the word.
【小题1】 Benjamin Franklin discovered that l_________ is actually electrcity by his kite experiment.
【小题2】Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Proveince in s_________ China.
【小题3】We decided to make a v_________ down the Yellow River to the sea.
【小题4】It is because his v_________ is not big enough that he can’t express himself well in English.
【小题5】www.expo2010.cn is the o_________ website of the 2010 Expo in Shanghai China.
【小题6】Now the weather is becoming colder _________. (逐渐的)
【小题7】 He practises speaking English every day so he speaks _________ (流利的) English.
【小题8】 When you are facing an earthquake, the first thing you have to do is to stay _________. (镇定的)
【小题9】 It rains _________ (经常性的) these days, which makes him very upset.
【小题10】 From his strong _________ (口音) we can easily tell he is from London.


______ his poor handwriting, he practises writing Chinese characters with a Chinese writing brush every day.



C.To improve





1.To everyone`s _______________ (satisfy), he was admitted into Beijing University.

2.John had an ________________ (enjoy) time when he was in the village.

3.She is a strong and _________________ (depend) woman who needs no help from others.

4.The job isn`t ____________ (challenge) enough for me . I want to do something more difficult.

5.He practises playing football everyday in ____________ (prepare) for the coming examination.

6.Mother`s ________________ (encourage) drove him to write better poems.

7.What are you going to do after _________________  (graduate)?

8.He has been teaching for twenty years.He is an ________________ (experience) teacher.

9.Excuse me ,where is the ______________ (enter) to the exhibition hall?

10.He gave me some _________________  (explain)of what he had seen .


