55.A.if B.when C.but D.and 查看更多



If you look up the word “create” in the dictionary , you will find it means “to bring into being, to cause something each of us does daily to exist”.

       We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First, this includes an awareness of our surroundings.It means using all of our senses to become aware of our world.This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture(质地), as well as taste, when we plan a meal.Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.

       A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things.There is nothing new under the sun. The creativity is remaking or recombining(重组) the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.

       A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to ask for them to achieve some new results.To think up a new idea is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.

       These three parts of creativity are included in all the great works of geniuses, but they are also included in many of our day-to-day activities.(257 words)

Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to the passage?

A. To prepare for a meal.

B. To arrange the furniture in a special way.

C. To buy some books from a bookstore.

D. To “write” a letter with the computer.

“There is nothing new under the sun” really implies that _________.

       A. a new thing can only be created at the basis of earlier things  

       B. a new thing is only a tale

       C. we can seldom create new things            

       D. we can hardly see really new things in the world

What is the relationship between a new thought and its being put into practice?

       A. It’s more difficult to create a new thought than to put it into practice.

       B. To find a new thought will clearly lead to the production of a new thing.

       C. A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.

       D. One may come up with a new thought, but may not put it into practice.

The best title for this passage is__________.

       A. How to Develop One’s Creativity          

       B. What Is Creativity

       C. The Importance of Creativity          

       D. Creativity, a Not Faraway Thing


A Tchaikovsky concerto(协奏曲)is what made Romel Joseph fall in love with the violin.

He learned how to play in Haiti, where he was born, but a Fulbright scholarship brought him to the United States, and he finally earned a master’s degree, reports CBS News reporter Katie Couric. Music had changed his life. He wanted to do the same for the children of Haiti.

Joseph built a school in Port-au-Prince nearly 20 years ago. He was on the third floor when suddenly “It was like boom boom boom and everything just opened,” Joseph said. “And the next thing I knew I was on the ground.”

Blind since birth, Joseph tried to feel his way out, but was pinned(夹)beneath heavy concrete(混凝土). He remained trapped for 18 hours. He prays that his new wife, seven months pregnant(怀孕的), will be found.

He is now being treated at Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital for two injured legs and an arm.

Joseph wonders if he’ll ever play the violin again. He can feel sensation(知觉)in his fingertips. He said, “If you were to give me a violin and if I didn’t have to fold the fingers, I would be able to play.”

Joseph’s daughter Victoria spent three terrifying days unsure of her father’s fate. For her, having him home is the sweetest music.

“Can you imagine your dad not being able to play the violin?” Couric asked.

“No, I can’t,” Victoria Joseph said. “But I will love him all the same if he can’t.”

Romel doesn’t know how many of his 300 students died in the quake. As he waits for news about his wife, Romel Joseph is already planning a return to Haiti to rebuild the school and continue teaching there.

“We can save two children, 20, 200, 300, 500 through education and music, and these children will make a difference,” Romel Joseph said.

54.Romel began to like music ________.

A. because he was blind since birth

B. after he had listened to a famous piece of music

C. when he got a scholarship to study in America

D. since he was born in Haiti

55.From what Romel said in Paragraph 6, we can infer that he was ________.

A. upset        B. fearful          C. excited          D. optimistic

56.To Victoria, the best thing is ________.

A. to see her father recover from the injury quickly

B. to listen to her father playing the sweetest music

C. to play the violin as well as her father

D. to be sure that her father could play the violin

57.Why does Romel want to go back to Haiti?

A. To save his students from the earthquake.

B. To change the life of children by teaching music.

C. To find out how seriously his school was damaged.

D. To look for his wife who is pregnant.

58.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Music education: keep your creativity alive

B. A great blind musician and his students

C. Haiti earthquake: a story of a music teacher

D. How did some Haiti earthquake victims survive


Once there were two men, who lived in the same hospital room. One man’s bed was next to the room's only window. ___36__, the other man, since his illness was more  ___37__, had to spend all his time in bed. When the man in the bed by the window could  ___38__ up, he would tell his roommate all the things he could see ___39__ the window. He said the window ___40___ a park with a lovely ___41__. Ducks played on the __42___ while children sailed their model boats. Old trees grew and beautiful flowers were in bloom. What a fine ___43__! The man in the other bed would be  ___44__ by the beautiful colors of the world outside.
Days and weeks passed.
One morning, the day nurse found the man by the window had ___45__ peacefully in his sleep. She called the hospital attendants to take the body ___46__. As everything was done, the other man asked if he could be  ___47__ next to the window.  The nurse said OK and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him ___48__.
Slowly and painfully, he tried to take his _49___ look at the world outside. He thought he would be ___50__ to see it by himself. But to his surprise, he saw nothing but a white ___51__. The man asked the nurse ____52   his roommate ___53__  to him and said there were wonderful things outside this window. The nurse told him his roommate was blind and could not even ___54__  the wall.
She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to ___55__  you. He only hoped you could live in a colorful world and got better quickly. "
36. A. Unluckily      B. Happily        C. Surprisingly   D. Angrily
37. A. common       B. occasional      C. serious        D. light
38. A. stand          B. sit            C. jump         D. wake
39. A. across         B. above          C. behind       D. Outside
40. A. built          B. stood          C. faced         D. placed
41. A. hill           B. lake            C. house        D. tower
42. A. sand          B. grass           C. water         D. tree
43. A. look          B. sight            C. form         D. view
44. A. impressed     B. moved          C. reminded    D. disappointed
45. A. missed        B. died            C. come        D. passed
46. A. up           B. away           C. off           D. on
47. A. moved        B. forced          C. brought       D. lifted
48. A. alike          B. alone          C. aloud         D. alive
49. A. single         B. last            C. first          D. only
50. A. pleased        B. excited         C. crazy         D. sad
51. A. wall           B. picture         C. river        D. Window
52. A. when          B. why         C. how          D. Where
53. A. led           B. got            C. lied          D. left
54. A. hear          B. touch          C. see          D. describe
55. A. please        B. encourage       C. control       D. Advice



When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood stream. If the danger continues, it will defend itself, or it will run away as fast as possible.

Something like this also happens to people. When we are excited, angry, scared or aroused by other emotions, our bodies go through many physical changes, all of which make us more alert and ready to react. We, too, get ready to defend ourselves or run.Human beings, however, have a problem that animals never face. If we give way to our feelings and let them take over, we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger ― or hit somebody - and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told somebody you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut? It isn’t always wise to express your feelings freely.

Does this mean that it’s smarter always to hide our feelings? No! If you keep the feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays tense. Physical illnesses can develop, and you can feel disturbed badly inside.It can actual1y be bad for your health.

Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside don’t just go away. It’s as if you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them, but before long you’d smell them. And if you opened the cupboard, chances are that you’d see little fruit flies hovering all over them. They’d be rotten.

You can try to treat emotions as if they were bananas in the cupboard. You can hide them and you can pretend they don’t exist, but they’ll still be around. And at last you’ll have to deal with them, just like those bananas.

72. By taking a cat as an example, the author wants to show us that         .

A. animals can’t control their feelings

B. people can’t control their feelings

C. people’s physical reactions are like those of animals in a way

D. our bodies go through many physical changes in certain situations

73. It’s mentioned in the passage that human beings get into trouble because        .

A. we are not as alert as animals

B. we sometimes can’t control our feelings

C. we always do something wrong to other people[来源:ZXXK]

D. we don’t pay attention to our physical changes

74. The author wants to tell us in the last two paragraphs that        .

A. we won’t be able to completely get away from our feelings .

B. we should treat emotions like bananas in a cupboard

C. feelings will gradually disappear when we hold them in

D. it’s good for our health to keep pleasant feelings

75. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Frightened Cats and Human Beings        

B. Feelings and Bananas

C. Deal with Feelings Wisely                

D. Express Feelings Freely





About a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel. I didn’t want to carry too much money with me, so I asked the desk clerk to put a hundred- dollar bill in the safe for me.

 The next morning, however, the clerk said he knew nothing about my money. I didn’t have any proof that I had given the man the money. There was nothing I could do but go to the nearest lawyer.

  The lawyer advised me to return to the hotel with him and give another hundred-dollar bill to the clerk. This I did. An hour later, I went back to the desk and asked for my money. Since I had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the second hundred-dollar bill, the clerk could not say he knew nothing about it.

Another hour later, I put the second part of the lawyer’s plan into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the hotel. I asked for the hundred-dollar bill once again, and when the clerk insisted he had already given it to me, I denied(否认)it. The lawyer said to him, “I saw this gentleman give you a hundred dollars. If you don’t hand it over immediately, I’ll be forced to call the police.”

 The clerk realized he had been tricked, so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill.

 “I don’t know how to thank you enough for getting my money back,” I said to the lawyer. And what you suppose he answered?

  He said, “Oh, don’t thank me. That will be a hundred dollars, please.”

60. The man went to a Detroit hotel one day to___________.

A. get his money back                      B. put a hundred-dollar bill in the safe

C. ask to be a desk clerk             D. stay for the night

61. The hotel clerk at last returned the first hundred-dollar bill to the man because _________.

A. he knew the lawyer’s plan very well  

B. he found the lawyer tricking him

C. he didn’t want to get into trouble with the police  

D. he wanted to give the man a surprise

62. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The man didn’t get his 200 dollars back.

B. The lawyer was happy that the man got both his bills back.

C. The lawyer asked for 100 dollars.

D. The man thanked the lawyer by paying him some money.

63.The man was _______.

A. wise             B. foolish          C. happy           D. sad

