22.Only those knew well could be let in. A.who B.he C.that D.what 查看更多



Only those ____knew well could be let in.







Only those ________ knew well could be let ________.

[  ]

A.who; in

B.he; in

C.that; into

D./; out


Only those ________ knew well could be let in.

[  ]







  “My work is done.” Those words were some of the last penned by George Eastman.He included them in his suicide note.They mark an ignoble end to a noble life, the leave taking of a truly great man.The same words could now be said for the company he left behind.Actually, the Eastman Kodak Company is through.It has been mismanaged financially, technologically and competitively.For 20 years, its leaders have foolishly spent down the patrimony of a century's prosperity.One of America's bedrock brands is about to disappear, the Kodak moment has passed.

  But George Eastman is not how he died, and the Eastman Kodak Company is not how it is being killed.Though the ends be needless and premature, they must not be allowed to overshadow the greatness that came before.Few companies have done so much good for so many people, or defined and lifted so profoundly the spirit of a nation and perhaps the world.It is impossible to understand the 20th Century without recognizing the role of the Eastman Kodak Company.

  Kodak served mankind through entertainment, science, national defense and the stockpiling of family memories.Kodak took us to the top of Mount Suribachi and to the Sea of Tranquility.It introduced us to the merry old Land of Oz and to stars from Charlie Chaplin to John Wayne, and Elizabeth Taylor to Tom Hanks.It showed us the shot that killed President Kennedy, and his brother bleeding out on a kitchen floor, and a fallen Martin Luther King Jr.on the hard balcony of a Memphis motel.When that sailor kissed the nurse, and when the spy planes saw missiles in Cuba, Kodak was the eyes of a nation.From the deck of the Missouri to the grandeur of Monument Valley, Kodak took us there.Virtually every significant image of the 20th Century is a gift to posterity from the Eastman Kodak Company.

  In an era of easy digital photography, when we can take a picture of anything at any time, we cannot imagine what life was like before George Eastman brought photography to people.Yes, there were photographers, and for relatively large sums of money they would take stilted pictures in studios and formal settings.But most people couldn't afford photographs, and so all they had to remember distant loved ones, or earlier times of their lives, was memory.Children could not know what their parents had looked like as young people, grandparents far away might never learn what their grandchildren looked like.Eastman Kodak allowed memory to move from the uncertainty of recollection, to the permanence of a photograph.But it wasn't just people whose features were savable; it was events, the sacred and precious times that families cherish.The Kodak moment, was humanity's moment.

  And it wasn't just people whose features were savable; it was events, the precious times that familes cherish.Kodak let the fleeting moments of birthdays and weddings, picnics and parties, be preserved and saved.It allowed for the creation of the most egalitarian art form.Lovers could take one another's pictures, children were photographed walking out the door on the first day of school, the person releasing the shutter decided what was worth recording, and hundreds of millions of such decisions were made.And for centuries to come, those long dead will smile and dance and communicate to their unborn progeny.Family history will be not only names on paper, but smiles on faces.

  The cash flow not just provided thousands of people with job, but also allowed the company's founder to engage in some of the most generous philanthropy in America's history.Not just in Kodak's home city of Rochester, New York, but in Tuskegee and London, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.He bankrolled two historically black colleges, fixed the teeth of Europe's poor, and quietly did good wherever he could.While doing good, Kodak did very well.Over all the years, all the Kodakers over all the years are essential parts of that monumental legacy.They prospered a great company, but they – with that company – blessed the world.

  That is what we should remember about the Eastman Kodak Company.

  Like its founder, we should remember how it lived, not how it died.

  History will forget the small men who have scuttled this company.

  But history will never forget Kodak.


According to the passage, which of the following is to blame for the fall of Kodak?

[  ]


The invention of easy digital photography


The poor management of the company


The early death of George Eastman


The quick rise of its business competitors


It can be learnt from the passage that George Eastman ________.

[  ]


died a natural death of old age.


happened to be on the spot when President Kennedy was shot dead.


set up his company in the capital of the US before setting up its branches all over the world.


was not only interested in commercial profits, but also in the improvement of other people's lives.


Before George Eastman brought photography to people, ________.

[  ]


no photos has ever been taken of people or events


photos were very expensive and mostly taken indoors


painting was the only way for people to keep a record of their ancestors.


grandparents never knew what their grandchildren looked like.


The person releasing the shutter(Paragraph 5)was the one ________.

[  ]


who took the photograph


who wanted to have a photo taken


whose decisions shaped the Eastman Kodak Company


whose smiles could long be seen by their children


What is the writer's attitude towards the Eastman Kodak Company?

[  ]










Which do you think is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Great Contributions of Kodak


Unforgettable moments of Kodak


Kodak Is Dead


History of Eastman Kodak Company


Have you seen the film Star Wars? If you have, you’ll know what an energy–gun is, and a light–sword too. The gigantic space ship in Star Wars can destroy a whole planet in a second or two, and it does so. Fortunately, it isn’t our planet; it belongs to a distant system, far out in space.

The great empty spaces of the universe are no problem in star Wars. The fighters know how to fold space over, like a sheet of paper, so that very distant stars are brought close together; they call it “hyperspace”. This means, of course, that their ships don’t have to creep along at the speed of light. If they did that, they would take years, even centuries, to reach the battlefield. Hyperspace allows them to travel as “supralight” speed and get there in a couple of hours. It’s good clean fun (健康无害的娱乐) though.

We certainly don’t know all about physics yet, but we do have the work of Albert Einstein. He asked us to believe that nothing could travel faster than light through an empty space --- but don’t let that miserable idea spoil the film for you, even though all our observations up to now have shown that Einstein was dead right --- forget it. Sit back and watch those energy–shells blow up the hated enemy. The Star Wars princess is extremely beautiful.

The more we “discover”, the more we must admire Einstein. He knew it all before us --- by about 1910 in fact. We observe certain very high speed particles (微粒), and they behave exactly as Einstein predicted they would. We can give them a speed almost equal to light, but they never quite reach light speed. He predicted that a very fast–moving object, as it flashed by a stationary observer(静止的参照物), would seem to have much greater weight than usual. And that, too, was proved correct.

So far as scientific theory or evidence is concerned, there is no such thing as hyperspace, no such speed as supralight. Space is as we know it, and light speed is the highest possible speed. “But,” say the story-writers, “that’s only true at present. We don’t know all about physics yet. Who knows --- who knows if there isn’t another set of facts just waiting to be discovered; another universe perhaps, just round the corner?”

Einstein seems to have been prepared for that too. In his theories he emphasized the word “relative”. Everything --- speed, weight, time, etc. --- is relative to something else. Nothing, by itself is real or absolute. So if there is another universe somewhere, we shall only know about it relative to ourselves. So far there’s no sign of it. But for the future, well, who knows?

51.What is the purpose of science – fiction stories and films?

They point out the way ahead, and scientists are grateful.

They encourage us in our searching for the truth.

They show us what the future universe will be like.

They are written and made to entertain us.

52.If you see Star Wars, what might spoil it for you, according to the passage?

       A.Einstein’s theories.           

B.The uncomfortable surroundings of the theatre.

       C.The ugly actress and actors.   

D.The rude audience.

53.Einstein predicted that the increase in weight          .

applies only to big things, like huge space–ships

is apparent only to the stationary observer

is a real increase       

remains even after the objective has stopped moving

54.Einstein’s theories emphasized          .

       A.everything is relative to something else         B.the universe is infinite (无限的)

       C.light speed is the highest possible speed      D.there is another universe somewhere

55.Although Einstein did not observe the behavior of high–speed objects,         .

his theories predicted they travels at light speed

his theories predicted them with great accuracy

he knew they would be discovered       

he predicted them in the year 1910

