第一节 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分.满分10分) 从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.21.-Gina has a sweet tooth and loves meat more than anything else. -No wonder she is weight so fast. A.putting B.losing C.gaining D.balancing 查看更多



Three years ago my aunt had a garden. At that time she grows peas, beans and carrots and all
kind of things. One Saturday last spring, she worked real hard, planting vegetables all day. So
after the work she found she had lost her wedding ring. She went to look for it in the garden.
She became sad and sadder as she realized it was probably gone forever. Though that summer
there were less sunny days than as usual, she had rich harvest. One day, she dug her carrots
up and then took it into the kitchen. To her great surprise, she discovered that one of the
carrots was dressing her ring.




A  In 1968, H. Wayne Huizenga teamed with a partner to create a nationwide company for waste collection, a business traditionally made up of small, local companies. The new company, Waste Management, Inc., became the foundation of his fortune.

B  While attending Harvard University in 1975, Bill Gates teamed with Paul Allen to develop a version of the BASIC programming language for the Altair 8800, the first personal computer. They licensed the software to the manufacturer of the Altair and formed Microsoft ( originally Micro-soft ) to develop versions of BASIC for other computer companies. Gates decided to drop out ( 退学 ) of Harvard in his junior year to devote his time to Microsoft.

C  In 1963, Ted Turner took over his family billboard-advertising business. In 1970 he bought a failing UHF(ultrahigh frequency) television station in Atlanta, Georgia, and by 1975 Turner had transformed it into the first “superstation”—WTBS, by transmitting ( 传送 ) low-cost sports and entertainment programs via satellite to cable systems throughout the country.

D  In 1986, Oprah Winfrey formed Harpo Productions to produce her own show and other projects. With distribution rights(销售权)to her shows, Winfrey used profits to expand her business activities. By 1998 Winfrey was worth $675 million.

E  Microsoft founder Bill Gates planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune, largely to the cause of global health. Having already the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $ 24 billion to address global health issues, Gates said that eventually his entire fortune would be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids.”

F  Amazon. com founder Jeff Bezos grew interested in online retailing(零售业) in 1994 while working as a business analyst in New York City. After researching the success of different mail-order companies Bezos decided that books were the perfect product to see via the Internet. That year he left New York to establish his new company in Seattle, chosen for its being near to major book wholesalers and the advanced high-tech industry. In July 1995 Amazon. com developed its Web site, and has since expanded to offer many other retail products in addition to books.

(  )56. You run a billboard advertising business you inherited(继承) from your father, and you are looking to expand in new directions. What do you do?

(  ) 57. You are a successful talk-show host, and have just achieved national recognition(认可). You want more control over your show, and a greater share of its profits. What do you do?

(  )58. You are still in college, but together with a friend you have established a software company that deals with major corporations. What do you do?

(  )59. You are a successful business analyst, and come to think that the mail-order business model could be adapted to online book sales. What do you do?

(  )60. You own several highly profitable waste-collection routes. The government has recently issued the Solid Waste Disposal Act, increasing standards of hygiene(卫生)in waste disposal. What do you do?














Three years ago my aunt had a garden. At that time she grows peas, beans and carrots and all

kind of things. One Saturday last spring, she worked real hard, planting vegetables all day. So

after the work she found she had lost her wedding ring. She went to look for it in the garden.

She became sad and sadder as she realized it was probably gone forever. Though that summer

there were less sunny days than as usual, she had rich harvest. One day, she dug her carrots

up and then took it into the kitchen. To her great surprise, she discovered that one of the

carrots was dressing her ring.


第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


A  In 1968, H. Wayne Huizenga teamed with a partner to create a nationwide company for waste collection, a business traditionally made up of small, local companies. The new company, Waste Management, Inc., became the foundation of his fortune.

B  While attending Harvard University in 1975, Bill Gates teamed with Paul Allen to develop a version of the BASIC programming language for the Altair 8800, the first personal computer. They licensed the software to the manufacturer of the Altair and formed Microsoft ( originally Micro-soft ) to develop versions of BASIC for other computer companies. Gates decided to drop out ( 退学 ) of Harvard in his junior year to devote his time to Microsoft.

C  In 1963, Ted Turner took over his family billboard-advertising business. In 1970 he bought a failing UHF(ultrahigh frequency) television station in Atlanta, Georgia, and by 1975 Turner had transformed it into the first “superstation”—WTBS, by transmitting ( 传送 ) low-cost sports and entertainment programs via satellite to cable systems throughout the country.

D  In 1986, Oprah Winfrey formed Harpo Productions to produce her own show and other projects. With distribution rights(销售权) to her shows, Winfrey used profits to expand her business activities. By 1998 Winfrey was worth $675 million.

E  Microsoft founder Bill Gates planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune, largely to the cause of global health. Having already the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $ 24 billion to address global health issues, Gates said that eventually his entire fortune would be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids.”

F  Amazon. com founder Jeff Bezos grew interested in online retailing(零售业) in 1994 while working as a business analyst in New York City. After researching the success of different mail-order companies Bezos decided that books were the perfect product to see via the Internet. That year he left New York to establish his new company in Seattle, chosen for its being near to major book wholesalers and the advanced high-tech industry. In July 1995 Amazon. com developed its Web site, and has since expanded to offer many other retail products in addition to books.

(   )56. You run a billboard advertising business you inherited(继承) from your father, and you are looking to expand in new directions. What do you do?

(   ) 57. You are a successful talk-show host, and have just achieved national recognition(认可). You want more control over your show, and a greater share of its profits. What do you do?

(   )58. You are still in college, but together with a friend you have established a software company that deals with major corporations. What do you do?

(   )59. You are a successful business analyst, and come to think that the mail-order business model could be adapted to online book sales. What do you do?

(   )60. You own several highly profitable waste-collection routes. The government has recently issued the Solid Waste Disposal Act, increasing standards of hygiene(卫生)in waste disposal. What do you do?


第二卷(非选择题 共35分)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分).
第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give  ______ .    76.____
However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction      and s_____         77.____
to your goal.On your way to success, you must keep your direction.It is just like a lamp,
g        you in darkness and                78.____
helping you ______(克服)difficulties on your way.Otherwise, you           79.___
will easily get lost or hesitate to go       (向前).Direction means          80.______
objective, you can get nowhere        an aim in life.You can                81.__   
try to write your aim on paper and make some p       to achieve              82.______
it.In this way, you will know _______ to arrange your time and to             83._____
spend time properly.And you should have a   (信念)that you             84.______
are sure to succeed as l       as you keep your direction.                        85.___

