第二节完型填空(共20小题:每小题l分.满分20分) It’s Saturday morning.Tony’s sitting at the kitchen table. 36 with a piece of bread.He’s not even 37 .Is he ill? No.but he does have a 38 .He has nothing to do because the Internet is down. When he 39 up this morning.Tony was feeling 40 .He jumped out of bed full of plans for the weekend 41 .It would be a weekend like any other---a great weekend.But that was 42 he turned on his computer and 43 he was unable to go online.Having no Internet changes everything. Every weekend.Tony 44 goes online to email friends.read the 45 to keep up with what`s happening in the world and 46 a few online chess games with his cousin Helen to finish the weekend off.The perfect weekend---online! Just as Tony is 47 how he can possibly have a normal weekend without the Internet.his mum walks into the 48 .“Cheer up.Tony.Don’t 49 the Internet any more.OK? Tony makes no 50 but sighs.“Go and play chess with Helen! Tony's mum 51 . “Oh.yes! Helen lives just around the 52 .We can meet and play chess face to face for a 53 Maybe this weekend won't be so bad. Tony 54 .as he walks to the phone.There is 55 without the Internet after all. 36.A.cutting B.playing C.eating D.thinking 37.A.hungry B.angry C.tired D.sleepy 38.A.fear B.problem C.business D.thing 39.A.rose B.rang C.looked D.woke 40.A.great B.disappointed C.unhappy D.worried 41.A.also B.above C.ahead D.ago 42.A.after B.before C.until D.when 43.A.thought B.guessed C.decided D.found 44.A.usually B.nearly C.especially D.already 45.A.letters B.news C.reports D.contents 46.A.guess B.take C.play D.make 47.A.proving B.wondering C.realizing D.remembering 48.A.living.room B.hall C.kitchen D.study 49.A.talk about B.care about C.think about D.look about 50.A.answer B.progress C.movement D.choice 51.A.requests B.replies C.tells D.suggests 52.A.edge B.distance C.comer D.end 53.A.chat B.time C.lesson D.change 54.A.continues B.smiles C.reads D.watches 55.A.change B.task C.weekend D.1ife 查看更多



I remembered vividly that the first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were  no girls in the school) 36 expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long came a tall ordinary-looking man of about 40. He said shyly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”
His 37 had a surprising tone of respect, almost 38 he were addressing the Supreme Court(最高法院) 39 a group of youngsters. He wrote his 40 on the blackboard – Wilmer T. Stone 41 sat on the front of his desk.  “Gentlemen,” he began, “we are now this term- your last –to continue your study of 42.I know we shall 43 learning with and 44 one another. We are going to learn something about journalism and 45 to get out your weekly school paper.46 we are going to try to feel the 47 of good literature. 48 some of us will really get 49 in reading and writing. A man who reads lives many lives. A man who 50, walks the earth with blindfold. If I had to put all my 51 into a single word, it would be: browse(广泛阅读).”
Mr. Stone went on like that, 52 in a friendly and understanding tone. The 53of the class came 54 soon.
And we boys had to leave the classroom 55 an unexpected feeling of excitement.
36.A.waiting      B.looking       C.asking       D.calling
37.A.spirit          B.voice        C.appearance    D.attitude


38.A.as            B.as if         C.after          D.if

39.A.besides       B.except       C.instead         D.instead of
40.A.address       B.telephone     C.name         D.word
41.A.then               B.but          C.so             D.only
42.A.maths        B.chemistry     C.English        D.physics
43.A.begin        B.enjoy        C.practice       D.suggest
44.A.among       B.for          C.from         D.of
45.A.why         B.how         C.when         D.where
46.A.Really        B.Especially    C.Possibly      D.Truly
47.A.joy           B.sorrow             C.anger        D.excitement
48.A.But         B.Then           C.Maybe         D.Surely
49.A.interesting    B.interested     C.moving       D.moved
50.A.does         B.doesn’t       C.must          D.needn’t
51.A.praise       B.trust               C.advice         D.promise
52.A.speaking     B.spoke          C.telling        D.told
53.A.beginning     B.end          C.middle            D.time
54.A.again          B.just            C.too much     D.much too
55.A.on          B.of            C.with          D.at


Every April, Tim Reilly writes a birthday card for his son Matthew and leaves it on the kitchen table. And every year, after a few days, he reluctantly (不情愿地) removes it   36   and puts it on top of the   37   that have accumulated since Matthew' s disappearance.
His bedroom   38   as it was when Matthew, aged 30, walked   39   of the family home. On top of the cupboard is a yellowing copy of the Radio Times pitifully  40   the day when he disappeared.
Matthew was living at his parents' house when he left to  41   his daily walk. He was a good - looking artist who,   42   from feeling the pressure that came with his unsteady, highly competitive career, had no  43   to walk out on his life, family and friends and  44   return.
"The day he left was the same as any other,"   45   Tim, speaking quietly. "He didn't say goodbye but that wasn't  46  . He went for a walk every day. " The police started an investigation seeking for him or, worse, his body, but nothing   47   up. At first Tim   48  . Matthew to return after a couple of days, but as the weeks turned into months, and then years, Tim' s optimism has sometimes become weaker although his  49   to find his son has not.
Last Sunday, Matthew would have turned 40. After his disappearance Tim used to buy  50
for Matthew' s birthday each year but  51   he decided to just write a card. Each one   52   a loving message that Tim, 86, hopes Matthew will one day read.
Tim went into Matthew' s bedroom every day to let in some air and just think about him. When his wife became ill, it was terrible. She   53   a horrible death with her last   54 :Where is Matthew?
"If I could  55   to Matthew," said Tim, "I'd just tell him to come home. It doesn't matter that he’s been away so long, I just want him to come back and I always will. "
36.A.covered    B.wrapped   C.unopened  D.untouched
37.A.flowers     B.cakes C.letters       D.others
38.A.puts  B.keeps C.appears     D.remains
39.A.out    B.away C.off    D.over
40.A.mentioned       B.marked     C.dated D.printed
41.A.go     B.take   C.spend       D.cost
42.A.except      B.besides     C.apart D.but
43.A.way  B.method     C.interest     D.reason
44.A.seldom     B.hardly      C.never D.neither
45.A.remembers       B.recites      C.reminds    D.thinks
46.A.reasonable       B.unusual     C.responsible       D.necessary
47.A.showed     B.caught      C.started      D.turned
48.A.imagined  B.expected   C.desired     D.hoped
49.A.determinationB.assumption  C.consideration    D.identification
50.A.cards B.gifts  C.clothes      D.shoes
51.A.eventually B.occasionally     C.temporarily      D.especially
52.A.reads B.says   C.consists     D.contains
53.A.escaped    B.abolished  C.suffered    D.performed
54.A.question   B.sentence    C.intention   D.problem
55.A.turn  B.speak C.shout D.write





When I come across a good article in reading newspapers,I often want to cut and keep it.But just as I am about to do so,I find the article on the   31   side is as much interesting.It may be a discussion of the way to   32   in good health,or advice about how to behave and   33  yourself in society.If I cut the front articles,the opposite one is likely to suffer   34  ,leaving one half of it or keeping the text    35    the title.Therefore,the scissors would stay before they start,    36   the cutting would be halfway done when I find out the   37    result.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,both worth your   39   .You can only take up one of them;the other has to wait or be   39   up.But you know the future is unpredictable—the changed situation may not   40   you to do what is left behind.Thus you are   41   in a difficult position and feel sad.How come nice    42  and clever ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life   43    greatly on your preference of your one choice to the other.

In fact that is what   44   is like;we are often   45   with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both  46    like a newspaper cutting.It often occurs that our attention is   47   to the thing only after we get into another.The former may be more important than the latter and this   48   a divided mind.I still remember a philosopher’s   49 :“When one door shuts,another opens in life.”So a casual(不经意的)    50   may not be a bad one.

31.A.same       B.opposite       C.either              D.front

32.A.get          B.bring         C.1ead              D.keep

33.A.enjoy              B.help        C.conduct           D.dress

34.A.damage        B.destroy         C.hurt             D.injury

35.A.on           B.for            C.without           D.off

36.A.or           B.but          C.so               D.for

37.A.satisfying      B.regrettable     C.surprising          D.impossible

38.A.courage        B.patience        C.strength            D.attention

39.A.given       B.picked        C.held               D.made

40.A.persuade       B.agree        C.allow              D.tell

41.A.filled        B.struck       C.caught             D.attracted

42.A.chances        B.conditions     C.wishes          D.ways

43.A.progresses     B.goes          C.changes             D.improves

44.A.study       B.1ife           C.society              D.nature

45.A.supplied       B.connected      C.fixed              D.faced

46.A.available      B.desirable      C.considerable        D.enjoyable

47.A.turned         B.transferred    C.paid             D.drawn

48.A.gives way to   B.gives rise to   C.gets through to     D.gets close to

49.A.remarks       B.sayings        C.slogans            D.comments

50.A.behavior     B.action       C.choice             D.attitude




第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I remembered vividly that the first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were  no girls in the school) 36 expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long came a tall ordinary-looking man of about 40. He said shyly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”

His 37 had a surprising tone of respect, almost 38 he were addressing the Supreme Court(最高法院) 39 a group of youngsters. He wrote his 40 on the blackboard – Wilmer T. Stone 41 sat on the front of his desk.  “Gentlemen,” he began, “we are now this term- your last –to continue your study of 42.I know we shall 43 learning with and 44 one another. We are going to learn something about journalism and 45 to get out your weekly school paper.46 we are going to try to feel the 47 of good literature. 48 some of us will really get 49 in reading and writing. A man who reads lives many lives. A man who 50, walks the earth with blindfold. If I had to put all my 51 into a single word, it would be: browse(广泛阅读).”

Mr. Stone went on like that, 52 in a friendly and understanding tone. The 53of the class came 54 soon.

And we boys had to leave the classroom 55 an unexpected feeling of excitement.

36.A.waiting      B.looking       C.asking        D.calling

37.A.spirit           B.voice        C.appearance     D.attitude

38.A.as             B.as if          C.after           D.if

39.A.besides        B.except       C.instead          D.instead of

40.A.address        B.telephone      C.name          D.word

41.A.then                B.but           C.so              D.only

42.A.maths         B.chemistry      C.English         D.physics

43.A.begin         B.enjoy        C.practice        D.suggest

44.A.among        B.for          C.from          D.of

45.A.why          B.how          C.when          D.where

46.A.Really         B.Especially    C.Possibly       D.Truly

47.A.joy            B.sorrow              C.anger        D.excitement

48.A.But         B.Then            C.Maybe          D.Surely

49.A.interesting     B.interested      C.moving        D.moved

50.A.does           B.doesn’t       C.must           D.needn’t

51.A.praise         B.trust                C.advice          D.promise

52.A.speaking     B.spoke           C.telling         D.told

53.A.beginning     B.end           C.middle              D.time

54.A.again           B.just             C.too much      D.much too

55.A.on          B.of             C.with           D.at



第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I remembered vividly that the first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were  no girls in the school) 36 expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long came a tall ordinary-looking man of about 40. He said shyly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”

His 37 had a surprising tone of respect, almost 38 he were addressing the Supreme Court(最高法院) 39 a group of youngsters. He wrote his 40 on the blackboard – Wilmer T. Stone 41 sat on the front of his desk.  “Gentlemen,” he began, “we are now this term- your last –to continue your study of 42.I know we shall 43 learning with and 44 one another. We are going to learn something about journalism and 45 to get out your weekly school paper.46 we are going to try to feel the 47 of good literature. 48 some of us will really get 49 in reading and writing. A man who reads lives many lives. A man who 50, walks the earth with blindfold. If I had to put all my 51 into a single word, it would be: browse(广泛阅读).”

Mr. Stone went on like that, 52 in a friendly and understanding tone. The 53of the class came 54 soon.

And we boys had to leave the classroom 55 an unexpected feeling of excitement.

36.A.waiting      B.looking       C.asking        D.calling

37.A.spirit           B.voice        C.appearance     D.attitude


