第一节单词拼写 71.Mencius is one of the greatest p in China. 72.About 800 historical r have been submerged. 73.Unfortunately.some old temples d from the l8th century were destroyed in a big fire. 74.France.s on the River Seine.belongs to continental Europe. 75.The worst hurricane disaster of all time o on the 8th September l900. 76.I still need some to prove it. 77.It’s high time we took effective to improve our working conditions. 78.He is always to me about what has happened to him.and I'm tired of it. 79.China Daily is one of the most newspapers among Chinese. 80.He has lived in all his life and has never had a college education. 查看更多







Dr.Carl wight is an expert on the_________(环境)。He       76___________

speaks to our r__________,“It is clear that in the next 77___________

few years the Earth’s c________ is going to change.I’m 78__________

afraid tht this probably means that many kinds           

of animals,such as the South China tiger,are going 

to ______(消失)soon.Changes in climate are                79__________

going to certainly _________(影响) people’s lives too.  80__________

Because of g_______ warming,the sea has already          81__________

destroyed parts of Britain.It is o_______that this       82__________

_________(破坏) will become more dangerous in            83___________

the future.We have to take i_________action,or          84___________

I_________(担心)that life on Earth will get worse.”    85___________





Sixteen years ago,Charles was a college________ (教授)with  76____________

a huge________(六房)house and $2million.Today he lives      77____________

in a small d_________room where there is only               78____________

_________(二手的)furniture.There are certainly no            79______________

s______that Charles was a                                80______________

_________(百万富翁)!There is a small garden             81______________

o__________ with a few fruit trees.Charles                82______________

__________ (种植)some vegetables and flowers.             83______________

He gets his c__________and a lot of things from           84______________

c________shops.                                         85______________





In 1921,after 17 years of ______(服务)to the Emperor,    76___________

Marco returned to Italy.He was now a very w_____man.     77___________

Not long after his return,a _____(当地的)war broke out      78___________

near his town.During the war,Marco was the _____(上尉)    79___________

of a warship but was caught by the enemy and put into prison.

However,Marco was l______ enough to meet another        80_________

prisoner who enjoyed ______(听)to his stories about         81_________

China.The prisoner was an a_________ and he took         82_________

d_______ while Marco told all his stories to him.           83_________

The prisoner then wrote the stories in a book c____         84_________

The D______of the World, which became one of the        85_________

best-selling books in Europe.





Dr.Carl wight is an expert on the_________(环境)。He       76___________

speaks to our r__________,“It is clear that in the next 77___________

few years the Earth’s c________ is going to change.I’m 78__________

afraid tht this probably means that many kinds          

of animals,such as the South China tiger,are going 

to ______(消失)soon.Changes in climate are                79__________

going to certainly _________(影响) people’s lives too.  80__________

Because of g_______ warming,the sea has already          81__________

destroyed parts of Britain.It is o_______that this       82__________

_________(破坏) will become more dangerous in            83___________

the future.We have to take i_________action,or          84___________

I_________(担心)that life on Earth will get worse.”    85___________





第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文填词(共l0小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Dear Sir,

I’m a senior high school student. I was caught __    (作弊)in    76. ________

the exam and got ________(惩罚).I know I was totally wrong    77. ________

and now I f______ so ashamed. To my teachers, I was once         78 ______ 

an outstanding student. I did well ______ my school work most      79________

of time. In __________, I worked hard in the student union.         80______   

Before the exam, I had a strong d_____ to get a good              81________

mark to please my teachers. Now I regret ________ I have done,     82________

though I know the result can’t be __________(改变). Recently  83________

I’m t___________ by the disturbing problem. I just dare not tell   84________

my parents about it and I’m worried about my ________(将来).  85________

What should I do?



