hungry I am, t never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread. A. Whatever B. whoever C. Wherever D. However 查看更多



_______hungry I am,I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.







A tall figure appeared from the dark door of the tent. It was a smoking young man about twenty three or four. He had an almost black face, though smooth. His moustache was black with curled points. There was an unusual force in his face, and in his daring rolling eyes. cef

  Rebecca still stood hesitating like a swimmer about to make his dive, hardly knowing whether to return or move forward.

         "Hi, my beauty, what can I do for you?" said he, approaching. Realizing that she was quite at a loss, the man spoke in a gentle voice, "Never mind. I am Mr. Thackeray. Have you come to see me or my mother?"

  This scene differed greatly from what Rebecca had expected. She had dreamed of an aged and dignified(威严的) face. She told herself to be calm and answered "I came to see your mother, sir."

  "I am afraid you cannot see her-she is ill in bed," replied the representative of the house; for this was Mr. Alee Thackeray, the only son of the noble family. "What is the business you wish to see her about?"

  "It isn't business-it is-I can hardly say what!"


  "Oh no. Why, sir, if I tell you, it will seem..."

  Rebecca's sense of a certain ridicule(奚落,讥笑) was now so obvious and strong that, despite her general discomfort at being here, her rosy lips curved(弯曲) towards a smile, much to the attraction of the young man.

  "It is so foolish", she murmured. "I fear I can't tell you!"

  "Never mind; I like foolish things. Try again, my dear," said he kindly.

  "Mother told me to come," Rebecca continued; "and, indeed, I was in the mind to do so myself. But I did not expect it would turn out like this. I came…sir, I came to tell you that we are of the same family as you."

  "Ho Ho! Poor relations?"



  "No. Thackeray."

  "Ay, ay; I mean Thackeray."

  "Our names are worn away to Durbeyfield; but we have several proofs that we are Thackeray. The local scholars hold the view that we are, and...and we have an old seal and a silver spoon marked with the same castle as yours. So mother said we ought to make ourselves known to you, as we've lost our horse by a bad accident. We can hardly make a living."

    "It’s very kind of your mother, I'm sure." Alec looked at Rebecca as he spoke, in a way that made her uneasy. "And so, my pretty girl, you've come on a friendly visit to us, as relations?"

  "I suppose I have," looking less confident and uncomfortable again.

"Well, there's no harm in it. I mean it doesn’t hurt to come and make yourself known to me. Where do you live? What are you?" …

1.While meeting with Alec, Rebecca feels _______during the whole course.

A. nervous and uneasy

B. excited and hopeful

C. amazed and comfortable

D. pleased but embarrassed.

2.Which of the following is suitable to describe Rebecca’s impression of Alec?

A. unfriendly and ta lkative

B. forceful and daring

C. gentle and reliable

D. older than expected

3.What is Rebecca’s real purpose of making this visit?

A. To see Alec himself.

B. To see Alec's mother.

C. To confirm that they are of the same family.

D. To make known their relationship and seek help.

4.From the passage, we can conclude that Alec appears quite friendly to Rebecca largely because __________.

A. Rebecca is his distant relation

B. Rebecca looks polite to him

C. Rebecca is a pretty girl

D. Rebecca looks ridiculous



  I'm middle school student of sixteen. I have a                                     53.    
weight problem. Some boys often make fun of me and were                      54.    
unfriendly to me. They call me “Meat Ball”, which make             55.    
me feel unhappily. I am now worried about my weight.                   56.    
Although I am a bit of too fat, I feel quite well. I                                    57.    
enjoy my meal. I love eating meat very much.                                             58.    
But I like sweet food, too. Now I am getting fatter and fatter. In             59.    
the past two months, I have put on 5 kilos. I've got worried              60.    
about this, but I don't know to lose weight quickly.                                     61.    
Who can tell me the way of lose weight?                                                       62.    


What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an optimist (乐观者), a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer grays (灰色) and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love green, you are strong-minded and determined (意志坚定的). You wish to succeed and want other people to see you are successful. At least this is what psychologists (心理学家) tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference (爱好), and the effect (影响) that colors have on human beings. They tell us that we don't choose our favorite color as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

   A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful (开心的) and more comfortable (舒服的) than a dark green one, and a red dress rings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing (压抑). Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark gray.

   Remember, then, that if you feel low, you can always brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or a few colorful things. Remember also that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike. And don't forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.

1.According to this passage, _________.

  A. one can choose his color preference  

  B. one is born with his color preference

  C. one's color preference is changeable

  D. one has to choose his favorite color as soon as he can see clearly

2.We would pay attention to colors because _______.

  A. colors do have effect on our moods(情绪)

  B. colors may have effect on our work and study

  C. light and bright colors make people happy

  D. you can know your friends better by the colors they like or dislike

3. The main idea of this passage is ________.

  A. one's color preference shows one's character

  B. you can brighten your life with wonderful colors

  C. psychologists have been studying the meaning of color preference

  D. one's color preference has something to do with his character and colors have effects on human beings

4. "I am feeling black" means ______.

  A. I am feeling well             B. I am very happy   

   C. I am excited                    D. I am depressed



1. I ______ live this lifestyle ______ a good wife.
2. I have to ______ _______ they are free of sickness. 
3. I am always _______ ______ ______ to get to the office.
4. Usually, it's _______ ______ ______ I can't find anywhere to sit.

