-When did you last hear Jay? -He phoned me this morning.and we agreed a time and place to meet. A .of, to B. about, with C. from, with D. from, on 查看更多



-When did you last hear ________ Jay?
-He phoned me this morning,and we agreed ________ a time and place to meet.
[     ]
A.of; to  
B.about; with
C.from; with  
D.from; on


—When did you last hear     Jay?

—He phoned me this morning,and we agreed     a time and place to meet.

A .of, to                    B. about, with    C. from, with           D. from, on


—When did you last hear    Jay??

—He phoned me this morning,and we agreed  a time and place to meet.

A.of;to      B.about;with?      C.from;with       D.from;on


