(一)单词拼写(共10 小题.每小题1分.满分10分) 根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词.在答题卡上指定区域上写出对应单词的正确形式.每空只写一词. 66. He was to know what was happening in the office. 67. There is much work to do, so we’ll have to (分) it between us. 68. His nose ran , he coughed, and his was a little up. 69. The man in a football team will play if one of the other players is ill. 70. It’s no use what you have done. 71. The acceptance of new members is controlled. 72. When building cost more. the price of houses increases. 73. Leave your key with a in case you lock yourself out one day. 74. The idea started in Stand lake and has throughout the country. 75. It’s cold today, Please put another on the bed. 查看更多



单词拼写(共10 小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


66. He was       (好奇)  to know what was happening in the office.

67. There is much work to do, so we’ll have to      (分) it between us.

68. His nose ran , he coughed, and his      (体温) was a little up.

69. The      (第十二) man in a football team will play if one of the other players is ill.

70. It’s no use    (后悔) what you have done.

71. The acceptance of new members is   (严格) controlled.

72. When building     (材料) cost more. the price of houses increases.

73. Leave your key with a     (邻居) in case you lock yourself out one day.

74. The idea started in Standlake and has      (传开) throughout the country.

75. It’s cold today, Please put another     (毯子) on the bed.




66.People with a poor memory often f        things.

67.Spring is a s         when trees turn green and flowers open.

68.Don’t always d          on others.You should learn to rely on yourself.

69.George was born on June 1,so Children’s Day is also his b        .

70.With no adults around,it’s d        for children to swim in the river.

71.He caught a high f        .His body temperature was as high as 40℃.

72.There are only five minutes left.We’ll have to walk q         to get there on time.

73.He is always happy and never w        about anything.

74.They offered me a ticket for the concert,and I a         it with delight.

75.The photos will r         me of the days when we were together.


: 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1. A ______________  diet should be a diet that will keep you fit and energetic.

2.You must ask for p___________ if you want to leave early.

3. It is good m____________ to give your seat to an old man on the bus.

4. It was really u_______________ that he fell off the truck without being hurt at all .

5. The fans c________ up when they saw the famous singer get on the stage.  

6. The first ________ (场景) of the play was almost over when they got to the theatre.

7. Although my eyes are covered, I can feel something soft ___________(漂浮) around me

8. The girl was _____________(满意) with the present that her father gave her for her birthday.

9.If the pain continues, ____________(咨询) your doctor.

10._______________(逐渐地), the children began to understand what their father said was right.



  根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或首字母提示,在句子右边的横线上,写出空缺处的完全形式。        (注意:每空只写一词)

After the basketball match,many boys were    (口渴)to death.    

England is    (分开)from France by the Channel.         

Tom and Jane have     (相似)tastes in music.           

The police     (成功)in rescuing the miners trapped in the coal mine.  

She’s good at    (打字),so she works as a secretary.          

There are two beautiful     (塔)on the mountain.           

So many     (士兵)helped the local people in the earthquake.    

Of the three toys this one is the     (便宜).               

    (逐渐)we got used to the way the teacher taught us.       

The applicants waited       (耐心)for the final decision of the company.




66.Spring has come,and the trees are thick with green ______(叶子).

67.Andorra is a small mountain ______(共和国) between France and Spain.

68.I consider it ______(不可能) to believe a single word you say.

69.He turned on the television set hanging from the ______(天花板).

70.We were talking on the phone when,_______(突然),the line went dead.

71.One of my favourite sayings is “Understand all and ______(宽恕)all.”

72.A man I ______(认出) as his father sat with a newspaper on his knees.

73.Technical progress would put our firm in ______(拥有) of the home market.

74._______(赢得) the support of the majority requires time,energy and devotion.

75.Xi’an International ______(展览) Center has attracted many business people.

