32.The witness false information to the court when questioned. 查看更多



1. It was for this reason ________ (他定居) in the small mountain village. (settle)
2. The problem is ______(谁来接替) my job while I am away. (take)
3. As was reported, the taxi driver as well as the three boys crossing the street _______ (应该承担责任)
   the traffic accident last night. (blame)
4.Victor apologized for ________ (未能告诉我) the change of the plan. (inform)
5. It was strongly suggested that the injured passenger _______ (动手术) as soon as possible. (operate)
6. Probably the problem _________ (已经被解决) by the time you come next time. (deal)
7. The witness ________ (被指控) offering false information to the court when questioned. (accuse)
8. Mary ________ (无法忍受被取笑) like that before the whole class, so she went home angrily. (bear, laugh)
9. When you made the decision, you _______ (本该顾及) the interests of most members. (allow)
10. ________ (由于身边没有其他人), I had to do the task all on my own. (being, hand)


第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,满分40分)



71.If it were not for the fact _________ (她没有时间), I would ask her to lend me a hand. (have)

72.Clever as he is, Mr Smith is not good at ________ (把自己的观点讲清楚) to his pupils. (get)

73.— Did you enjoy your picnic last Sunday?

— Oh, no. We couldn’t have picked __________________ (更糟的日子) for it — it rained nonstop. (bad)

74.It has been agreed that we’ll have to finish the work, ______________________ (无论要花多长时间). (take)

75.The building of the new road is reported _____________________________ (耽搁) for a couple of weeks by bad weather. (hold)

76.The young man, who ______________________________ (本不该驾驶) his car so fast, was to blame for the accident. (ought)

77.They’ve come to realize that ________________________________ (很有价值) to keep their original language. (value)

78.With all eyes ________________________________ (注视着他), Jack felt so embarrassed that he was at a loss for words. (focus)

79.All of a sudden the door opened and ________________________________ (走进了) a troop of children in all sorts of fancy dresses. (come)

80.The police offered a big reward to the witness __________________________ (向他们提供了) the names of those involved in the crime. (supply)



1.The relatives of the victims in the earthquake asked for £43 million from the seven experts

                  (被指控) failing to give enough warning about the disaster.     (accuse)

2.It was on the day before the press conference                                    (他们安排作家) to meet a number of readers.                                    (arrange)

3.                       (系牢安全带) or your next sleep will be the last one.   (keep)

4.Sometimes you are too proud because you do not want your parents               (赞同) what you do as if you were an underdog.                                    (approve)

5.All my efforts                    (非常集中于) the hard task that I wasn’t able to spare any time for other jobs.                                                 (concentrate)

6.The online research-based study demands that a report of at least 300 words              

         (要完成) by each student, or they shall not get the credit.            (accomplish)

7.Angry fans argue that seldom                   (球队获胜) a match so far and that they can hardly tolerate their awful performance any more.                            (win)

8.                    (这部电影吸引我的是) was not the poor story plot but the amazing vision effect on 3-D screens.                                       (attract)

9.                  (背弃) on the food safety rules, the greedy merchants should add “gutter oil” to people's food, which dirties China's food reality.                      (turn)

10.You cannot be too careful, because the more enthusiastic the stranger appears,             

 (越有可能) he is to take you in.                                              (likely)





The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last, in the end everything __________ __________ all right.


You’d better take the keys __________ __________ I’m out.


What has caused the police to stop __________ __________ the witness?


The farmers nearby __________ the residents __________ fresh vegetables last year.


Others believe that they were __________ __________ with a mummy’s curse, as a punishment for those who enter the resting place of the dead.




            (使我高兴), my son passed the examination. (delight)

New Zealand                (由……组成) two large islands: North Island and South Island. (consist)

            (建于 1910年), the museum is almost 100 years old. (build)

John               (被指控) committing a crime yesterday. (accuse)

Mr Johnson demanded that the problem              (讨论) at the meeting. (discuss)

Hardly             (他到达) at his office when he realized he had left his report at home.(arrive)

If I              (听了我老师的建议), I would have passed the exam.(take)

Please don’t hurry me. I           (将已完成) my homework by the time you are ready.(finish)

            (全神贯注于他的工作), Jim simply forgot food and sleep.(absorb)

The plan             (约翰提出的) last week has been approved.(put)

