4.There will be a v of events in Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 查看更多



Three-Dimensional (3D) movies have been becoming more and more popular in recent years.It seems 3D TV sets may be going into family households in the near future.While new digital 3D technology has made the experience more comfortable for many, for some with eye problems, long 3D viewing may result in an aching head, doctors say.

       "There are a lot of people walking around with very minor eye problems, which under normal situations, the brain deals with naturally," said Dr Michael Rosenberg, an ophthalmologist (眼科医师) in Chicago.He said in a 3D movie, these people face a completely new sensory experience."That translates into greater mental effort, making it easier to get a headache," Rosenberg told Reuters.

       In normal vision, each eye sees things at a slightly different angle."When that gets processed in the brain, that creates the perception (感觉) of depth," said Dr Deborah Friedman, an ophthalmologist in New York.The images people see in three dimensions in the movies are not calibrated (校准的) in the same way that their eyes and brain are."If your eyes are a little off to begin with, then it's really throwing a whole degree of effort that your brain now needs

to exert (竭尽全力)," he said.                    

       Dr John Hagan, a Kansas City ophthalmologist, said some people who do not have normal depth perception cannot see in 3D at all.He said people with eye muscle problems, in which the eyes are not pointed at the same object, have trouble processing 3D images.

       Rock Heineman, a spokesman for RealD, a provider of 3D equipment to theaters, said headaches and nausea were the main reasons 3D technology never took off

       Heineman said older 3D technology used two film projectors(放映机), one that projected a left-eye image and one that projected a right-eye image.Three-D glasses would allow viewers to see a different image in each eye.

       "People often complained of headaches and it was really because the projectors weren’t lined up," Heineman said.

       Now his company has developed a new single digital projector, which switches between the left and the right-eye image 144 times a second, to help overcome some of the old problems.

       "By going to a single digital projector, those problems were solved," he said.Friedman said he thinks most people will do fine with 3D movies and with 3D TVs, but Rosenberg said people may quickly tire of the novelty (新鲜事物)."I suspect there will be a lot of people who say it's sort of neat, but it's not really comfortable," he said.

The text is mainly about ____.

       A.the reasons why people like 3D movies

       B.how to improve 3D technology

       C.the development of 3D technology in recent years

       D.causes of headaches and nausea when people watch 3D movies

The underlined phrase "took off" could be replaced by "______".

       A.became popular             

       B.flew in the sky

       C.left hurriedly              

       D.removed one's clothes

This article implies that _____.

       A.people do not like new things like 3D movies

       B.3D TVs will completely take the place of old TV sets

       C.3D technology is the most important technology ever

       D.those with eye muscle problems should not watch 3D movies

We can learn from what Rosenberg said in the last paragraph that

       A.a single digital projector could solve all the problems with 3D technology

       B.people will gradually become comfortable with 3D movies and TVs

       C.the appeal of 3D movies and "TVs may fade

       D.most people will actually enjoy the 3D experience


Three-Dimensional (3D) movies have been becoming more and more popular in recent years.It seems 3D TV sets may be going into family households in the near future.While new digital 3D technology has made the experience more comfortable for many, for some with eye problems, long 3D viewing may result in an aching head, doctors say.

"There are a lot of people walking around with very minor eye problems, which under normal situations, the brain deals with naturally," said Dr Michael Rosenberg, an ophthalmologist (眼科医师) in Chicago.He said in a 3D movie, these people face a completely new sensory experience."That translates into greater mental effort, making it easier to get a headache," Rosenberg told Reuters.
In normal vision, each eye sees things at a slightly different angle."When that gets processed in the brain, that creates the perception (感觉) of depth," said Dr Deborah Friedman, an ophthalmologist in New York.The images people see in three dimensions in the movies are not calibrated (校准的) in the same way that their eyes and brain are."If your eyes are a little off to begin with, then it's really throwing a whole degree of effort that your brain now needs
to exert (竭尽全力)," he said.                    
Dr John Hagan, a Kansas City ophthalmologist, said some people who do not have normal depth perception cannot see in 3D at all.He said people with eye muscle problems, in which the eyes are not pointed at the same object, have trouble processing 3D images.
Rock Heineman, a spokesman for RealD, a provider of 3D equipment to theaters, said headaches and nausea were the main reasons 3D technology never took off
Heineman said older 3D technology used two film projectors(放映机), one that projected a left-eye image and one that projected a right-eye image.Three-D glasses would allow viewers to see a different image in each eye.
"People often complained of headaches and it was really because the projectors weren’t lined up," Heineman said.
Now his company has developed a new single digital projector, which switches between the left and the right-eye image 144 times a second, to help overcome some of the old problems.
"By going to a single digital projector, those problems were solved," he said.Friedman said he thinks most people will do fine with 3D movies and with 3D TVs, but Rosenberg said people may quickly tire of the novelty (新鲜事物)."I suspect there will be a lot of people who say it's sort of neat, but it's not really comfortable," he said.
【小题1】The text is mainly about ____.

A.the reasons why people like 3D movies
B.how to improve 3D technology
C.the development of 3D technology in recent years
D.causes of headaches and nausea when people watch 3D movies
【小题2】The underlined phrase "took off" could be replaced by "______".
A.became popular
B.flew in the sky
C.left hurriedly
D.removed one's clothes
【小题3】This article implies that _____.
A.people do not like new things like 3D movies
B.3D TVs will completely take the place of old TV sets
C.3D technology is the most important technology ever
D.those with eye muscle problems should not watch 3D movies
【小题4】We can learn from what Rosenberg said in the last paragraph that
A.a single digital projector could solve all the problems with 3D technology
B.people will gradually become comfortable with 3D movies and TVs
C.the appeal of 3D movies and "TVs may fade
D.most people will actually enjoy the 3D experience


I have been a student at Bentley College in Waltham for some time now, so I have a lot of experience and know how things work at Bentley. As a freshman(新生)at Bentley College you will be living in the Tree Dorms, Slade Hall or Miller Hall. I would highly suggest that you choose to live in the Tree Dorms because this is where most fresh-men are going to be living. There will be a lot of activities going on in the building and you will meet lots of people. Slade Hall is next to the parking lot and not far from the Tree Dorms, so that would be your second choice. As Miller Hall is small and far away, it would be my last choice for freshmen housing. If Bentley offers you the chance to live with second or third year students you’d better refuse their offer and live with freshmen. Living with your classmates will make the transition (过渡) into college life a lot easier.

As a freshman your classes should be easy. After freshman year your classes will become a lot more difficult, so I advise that you get down to business early in the first year. There are two very easy things you can do to increase your knowledge as a freshman. The first is to just go to class and the second is to always do your homework. I also highly advise that you do it on your own and try to stay disciplined. It is too easy to put your homework away and then get really behind and not be able to learn everything before a mid-term or final exam.

1.The author advises freshmen to live in the Tree Dorms because ___________.

A. it is across the parking lot from Slade Hall

B. it is small and quite far away from the playground

C. there are many second and third year students there

D. there are many freshmen and more activities

2.Where is Slade Hall?

A. Near Miller Hall.             B. Far from Tree Dorms.

C. Beside the car park.           D. Near the classrooms.

3.According to the author, how can freshmen improve knowledge?

A. Remember to do homework by discussing it with others.

B. Finish homework and go to class every day.

C. Try to spend more time in the library.

D. Be able to learn something before a mid-term or final exam.

4.The author writes the passage to ___________.

A. tell new students how to get used to college life

B. tell new students about their teachers and dormitory

C. show the differences between college and high school

D. tell readers about some funny things at Bentley College



Perhaps you do not know your school principal (校长) well. But you might be wise to take him or her seriously. Beijing University will enroll (招收) students recommended by high school principals this year. If the students recommended pass a round of interviews by Peking University, they will have an extra 30 extra points added to their national college entrance exam scores if they apply to the university.
Beijing University said the reason behind the move was a desire to give students with comprehensive (综合的) or special abilities a chance to stand out.
However, a survey, showed 10,046 out of 14,227 people are against the measure. Some experts agree with the criticism. Liu Daoyu, former president of Wuhan University is one strong opponent(反对者). “There are so many high schools across the country. But only 39 schools are qualified to recommend students. Is it fair to the rest of the schools? Besides, most of the 39 schools are located in big cities, which is unfair to other regions,”
The reform is also unfair to other students, some say. According to Liu, in the competitive exam, one extra point can put a student ahead of a large numbers of others – never mind 30.
“Principals do not know students well. How can they guarantee the recommendation will be fair?” asked Wang Xuming, former spokesman of the Ministry of Education.
The Ministry of Education said the move is a good experiment in college admission reforms and the public should support it even if it is not yet mature (成熟的). It said Beijing University promised a series of supervision (监督) measures to avoid cheating. For example, the information of schools and principals that recommend students, and the recommended students will be put online for a week for public supervision.
【小题1】The best title of the passage could be         .

A.Beijing University Will Enroll More Students
B.Beijing University’s Reform Causes a Debate
C.People Are Against Beijing University’s Reform
D.The Government Supports Peking University’s Reform
【小题2】The following are the reasons why Liu Daoyu is against Beijing University’s reform except that          .
A.there will be a lot of cheating
B.it is unfair to the other regions
C.it is unfair to other schools
D.30 points cause a huge gap among students
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that          .
A.the Ministry of Education supports the reform
B.the reform has started to work in college admissions
C.all the recommended students will be accepted
D.no more than 70% of the people are against the reform
【小题4】If a student passes the interview by Beijing University, he or she         .
A.can also apply to other universities
B.will be admitted into Beijing University
C.will have comprehensive and special abilities
D.needn’t accept the public supervision


Three-Dimensional (3D) movies have been becoming more and more popular in recent years.It seems 3D TV sets may be going into family households in the near future.While new digital 3D technology has made the experience more comfortable for many, for some with eye problems, long 3D viewing may result in an aching head, doctors say.

         "There are a lot of people walking around with very minor eye problems, which under normal situations, the brain deals with naturally," said Dr Michael Rosenberg, an ophthalmologist (眼科医师) in Chicago.He said in a 3D movie, these people face a completely new sensory experience."That translates into greater mental effort, making it easier to get a headache," Rosenberg told Reuters.

         In normal vision, each eye sees things at a slightly different angle."When that gets processed in the brain, that creates the perception (感觉) of depth," said Dr Deborah Friedman, an ophthalmologist in New York.The images people see in three dimensions in the movies are not calibrated (校准的) in the same way that their eyes and brain are."If your eyes are a little off to begin with, then it's really throwing a whole degree of effort that your brain now needs

to exert (竭尽全力)," he said.                    

         Dr John Hagan, a Kansas City ophthalmologist, said some people who do not have normal depth perception cannot see in 3D at all.He said people with eye muscle problems, in which the eyes are not pointed at the same object, have trouble processing 3D images.

         Rock Heineman, a spokesman for RealD, a provider of 3D equipment to theaters, said headaches and nausea were the main reasons 3D technology never took off

         Heineman said older 3D technology used two film projectors(放映机), one that projected a left-eye image and one that projected a right-eye image.Three-D glasses would allow viewers to see a different image in each eye.

         "People often complained of headaches and it was really because the projectors weren’t lined up," Heineman said.

         Now his company has developed a new single digital projector, which switches between the left and the right-eye image 144 times a second, to help overcome some of the old problems.

         "By going to a single digital projector, those problems were solved," he said.Friedman said he thinks most people will do fine with 3D movies and with 3D TVs, but Rosenberg said people may quickly tire of the novelty (新鲜事物)."I suspect there will be a lot of people who say it's sort of neat, but it's not really comfortable," he said.

1.The text is mainly about ____.

         A.the reasons why people like 3D movies

         B.how to improve 3D technology

         C.the development of 3D technology in recent years

         D.causes of headaches and nausea when people watch 3D movies

2.The underlined phrase "took off" could be replaced by "______".

         A.became popular             

         B.flew in the sky

         C.left hurriedly              

         D.removed one's clothes

3.This article implies that _____.

         A.people do not like new things like 3D movies

         B.3D TVs will completely take the place of old TV sets

         C.3D technology is the most important technology ever

         D.those with eye muscle problems should not watch 3D movies

4.We can learn from what Rosenberg said in the last paragraph that

         A.a single digital projector could solve all the problems with 3D technology

         B.people will gradually become comfortable with 3D movies and TVs

         C.the appeal of 3D movies and "TVs may fade

         D.most people will actually enjoy the 3D experience


