24.---Next Monday is my birthday. ---Is that so? ---Thank you. A.I don’t believe so. B.I’m so glad. C.What present do you need? D.Many happy returns of the day! 查看更多



---Next Monday is my birthday.           ---Is that so? ____                ---Thank you.

A.I don’t believe so.B.I’m so glad.
C.What present do you need?D.Many happy returns of the day!


—Next Monday is my birthday.

—Is that so? ________

—Thank you.

[  ]

A.I don't believe so.

B.What presents do you need?

C.I m so glad.

D.Many happy returns of the day!


-Next Monday is my birthday.

-Is that so?________

-Thank you.

[  ]

A.I don’t believe so.

B.I’m so glad.

C.What presents do you need?

D.Many happy returns of the day!



—Next Monday is my birthday.

       —Is that so?

       —Thank you.

       A.I don’t believe so.                             B.I’m so glad.

       C.What presents do you need?                 D.Many happy returns of the day.


On the night of my birthday, I went with my mom to the nearest drug store to buy vitamins. Even though it was my birthday, I was feeling   11  and a bit lonely. Maybe I missed my dad who died four years ago, I just wanted him to be beside me that day.

On my way to the drug store, I was crying. When I arrived there, I cleaned my   12   up from the tears and tried to   13  when I ordered the vitamins my mom wanted to buy. While I was waiting, I looked around the building and I   14  sight of a beggar next to the door. She was with her son, a cute little boy. They were sitting on the street. Although it was in winter at the moment and I still felt   15   with my coat, I noticed that the child was just wearing an old T-shirt. I felt sorry for them. When I   16   for my vitamins, I glanced at them and had an idea. “Why don’t I contribute some of my smaller clothes to them? Today is my   17 .” I thought to myself. I had to   18  something with someone else that day. Yeah, I   19  that I had to do that. I went home in a hurry and I felt so excited as I looked for some of my smaller   20 .

At home, I told my mom my   21  and told her my idea. My mom   22  with me. I found a few clothes and went back to the drug store. When I got there, I didn’t hand the clothing over myself. I wanted it to be a   23 , so I asked someone to hand the clothes over, then I left. As I left, I   24  someone saying “thank you!” and I hoped it was for me.

On the road, my heart was full of   25  and warmth. I felt glad that I could share something on my birthday and that was a big gift for me.

1.                A.happy          B. sad           C. glad D. delighted


2.                A.hand           B. cheek         C. head    D. shoulder


3.                A.smile          B. ask           C. run D. cry


4.                A.put            B. caught         C. kept D. held


5.                A.warm          B. cloudy         C. cold D. hot


6.                A.paid           B. answered      C. accounted    D. applied


7.                A.Sunday         B. holiday        C. Monday D. birthday


8.                A.share          B. discuss        C. support  D. send


9.                A.expected       B. managed       C. failed   D. decided


10.               A. clothes        B. books         C. medicine D. caps


11.               A. experience     B. practice       C. experiment   D. discovery


12.               A. discussed      B. agreed        C. argued   D. debated


13.               A. secret         B. wonder        C. news D. pride


14.               A. touched       B. heard         C. smelt D. felt


15.               A. sadness       B. happiness      C. coldness  D. worry



