29.I badminton quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since last month. A.will have played B.have played C.played D.play 查看更多



I cry easily. I cried when a boy in the film suffered from an incurable disease. I cried when an athlete broke a world record.

 One night my wife and I were going to dinner at a friend ' s.As we went towards the house, I noticed a car pulling out from the sidewalk.Just ahead, another car was waiting to back into the parking space.But before he could do so a yellow car came up from behind and sneaked into the space.

While my wife went ahead into our friend' s house, I stepped into the street.

“Hey,” I said, “this parking space belongs to that guy.” I gestured towards the man ahead, who was looking back angrily.At that moment I was feeling pretty manly.

 “ Mind your own business!” the driver told me.

 “No,” I said.“You don' t understand.That fellow was waiting to back into this space.”

 Things quickly heated up, until finally he jumped out of the car.My God, he was extremely large.He grabbed me and shook his rock of a fist at me.I tasted blood.I was terrified.

Almost in a panic, I ran to my friend ' s front door.As a former Marine (海军) , as a man, I felt absolutely embarrassed as my wife and friends asked me what had happened.All I could say was that I had had an argument about a parking space.They were sensitive and let it go at that.

Perhaps half an hour later, the doorbell rang.For some reason I was sure that the huge man had returned for me.My blood ran cold.My hostess got up to answer it, but I stopped her.I knew I had to face up to my fear.

I opened the door.There he stood.“I came back to apologize,” he said in a low voice.“I am ashamed of myself.The Brooklyn Navy Yard where I've worked for ten years is closing.Today I got laid off.I' m not myself.I hope you’ ll accept my apology.”

 I remembered that after I closed the door, I stood there for a few minutes alone with tears in my eyes.

1.What did the author do when a yellow car drove into the parking space?

 A.He beat the driver.

 B.He blamed the driver.

 C.He asked the driver to apologize.

 D.He ran to his friend' s house for help.

2.What do we know about the yellow car' s driver?

 A.He was rude and liked fighting.

 B.He was famous for his bad temper.

 C.He lost his job and felt terrible that day.

 D.He tried to get the author' s parking space.

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

 A.I became quite calm.

 B.I felt extremely frightened.

 C.I couldn't move with cold.

 D.I was too angry to say anything.

4.What kind of person is the author?

 A.Direct and serious.           B.Humorous and open - minded.

 C.Honest and ambitious.         D.Warm - hearted and understanding



It must have been after two o’clock in the morning when the last guest took his leave. __36__ we had enjoyed their stay, my wife and I were quite __37__ to shut the door on them. We __38__ all the dirty dishes and glasses __39__ they were, and after opening a few windows to let some __40__ air in and the smell of food out, we climbed into bed and fell asleep.
I couldn’t have been asleep for more than half an hour __41__ I awoke with a strong smell of smoke. __42__ half asleep, I stepped into the living-room, and there, __43__ heavy clouds of smoke, I saw one of the curtains was on fire. I should have __44__ the windows then without delay, __45_ instead I tried to beat out the fire with a folded newspaper. When this __46__, I hurried into the kitchen to __47__ a bucket of water. At the same time, I shouted to Barbara, who __48__ phoned to summon (请求) the fire brigade (消防队) __49__ coming to help me. We had to work at top speed __50__ buckets of water from the kitchen to __51__ the fire, fanned by the wind from the windows, from __52__. We were unable to put out the fire, but we managed to __53__ it under control until the arrival of the firemen. __54­­­__, they arrived in no time, and they had little difficulty __55_ the fire stop burning.



I am a German by birth and descent. My name is Schmidt. But by education I am quite as much an Englishman as a 'Deutscher', and by affection much more the former. My life has been spent pretty equally between the two countries, and I flatter myself I speak both languages without any foreign accent.

I count England my headquarters now: it is “home” to me. But a few years ago I was resident in Germany, only going over to London now and then on business. I will not mention the town where I lived. It is unnecessary to do so, and in the peculiar experience I am about to relate I think real names of people and places are just as well, or better avoided.

I was connected with a large and important firm of engineers. I had been bred up to the profession, and was credited with a certain amount of “talent”; and I was considered—and, with all modesty, I think I deserved the opinion—steady and reliable, so that I had already attained a fair position in the house, and was looked upon as a “rising man”. But I was still young, and not quite so wise as I thought myself. I came close once to making a great mess of a certain affair. It is this story which I am going to tell.

Our house went in largely for patents—rather too largely, some thought. But the head partner's son was a bit of a genius in his way, and his father was growing old, and let Herr Wilhelm - Moritz we will call the family name—do pretty much as he chose. And on the whole Herr Wilhelm did well. He was cautious, and he had the benefit of the still greater caution and larger experience of Herr Gerhardt, the second partner in the firm.

Patents and the laws which regulate them are strange things to have to do with. No one who has not had personal experience of the complications that arise could believe how far these spread and how involved they become. Great acuteness as well as caution is called for if you would guide your patent bark safely to port—and perhaps more than anything, a power of holding your tongue. I was no chatterbox, nor, when on a mission of importance, did I go about looking as if I were bursting with secrets, which is, in my opinion, almost as dangerous as revealing them. No one, to meet me on the journeys which it often fell to my lot to undertake, would have guessed that I had anything on my mind but an easy-going young fellow's natural interest in his surroundings, though many a time I have stayed awake through a whole night of railway travel if at all doubtful about my fellow-passengers, or not dared to go to sleep in a hotel without a ready-loaded gun by my pillow. For now and then - though not through me - our secrets did ooze out. And if, as has happened, they were secrets connected with Government orders or contracts, there was, or but for the exertion of the greatest energy and tact on the part of my superiors, there would have been, to put it plainly, the devil to pay.

1. The writer preferred to be called ________.

A. a German                         B. an Englishman

C. both a German and an Englishman      D. neither a German nor an Englishman

2.Which of the following words cannot be used to describe the writer?

A. Talented         B. Modest       C. Reliable             D. Wise

3.The head of the company where the writer works is ________.

A. Schmidt          B. Moritz       C. Wilhelm’s father        D. Gerhardt

4. The writer often stayed awake on the train or kept a ready-loaded gun in the hotel, because  ________.

A. some people sometimes let out the secrets of his company

B. the writer occasionally didn’t keep the secrets of his company

C. patents and the laws are strange things to have to do with

D. the secrets were connected with Government orders or contracts




When I was a little girl, my father loved to play the game of “catch the ball” with me. I wasn’t good at it 21  he didn’t mind at all. He was always telling me to 22  my eyes on the ball; otherwise I would not be able to 23  it when he threw it to me.
As I got older, we didn’t play the game as 24  as before. If I had a   25  , I would go to my father and   26   his advice. He would try to make a joke and say, “Keep your eyes on the ball.” We would both laugh   27   that advice was not usually able to   28   the problem, but he would just try to make me   29  .
My father became   30   in 1995 when I was 23. There were not any more conversations, as he was   31   from a terrible disease. He couldn’t   32  ; he could only move his   33   without making a sound, which was sometimes   34   to understand. I seemed to be   35   good at reading his lips after a while, even better than the nurses that were   36   him.
During one of our last   37   I was telling him about a difficulty I was   38  . Once again, I could read his lips. “Keep your eyes on the ball,” he said. We both smiled. That was the last time I saw my father   39   he passed away.
Sometimes now, all those years later when I get into a   40   situation, I just tell myself, “Keep your eyes on the ball.”

A.andB.but C.so D.or
A.keep B.leave C.find D.hold
A.watch B.feel C.move D.catch
A.quickB.much C.manyD.little
A.surprise B.wound C.dangerD.problem
A.pay for B.send for C.look for D.ask for
A.because B.unlessC.ifD.when
A.settleB.produce C.drop D.realize
A.worryB.smile C.studyD.talk
A.adviceB.ill C.busy D.wealthy
A.recoveringB.thinking C.suffering D.preventing
A.lips B.face C.handsD.eyes
A.interestingB.boring C.easyD.hard
A.quite B.nearly C.hardlyD.still
A.waiting forB.thinking aboutC.caring forD.worrying about
A.impressionsB.experiencesC.games D.conversations
A.looking throughB.going throughC.coming upD.getting along
A.before B.afterC.until D.as
A.shockingB.puzzlingC.frightening D.troubling


In 2004,I was 22 years old and had just come back to Brazil after 14 months in England,holding my Cambridge Proficiency certificate.After nervously  21  a short training course,I began to give classes to my 12 students,all of them older than I was. I  22  hard to remain clam in class and  23  they wouldn't find out how unconfident I felt most of the time.I was quite _24_,actually,until the end of  25  and the night of the final oral test.
The test was going to start at 7 pm,and at 6:50, I_ 26  myself in the teachers bathroom to  27  all the test questions again.I really wanted to learn the 28  by heart so no one would think I was an inexperienced tester.The  29  is,I actually locked myself in the bathroom.I  30  couldn't get out!The bell rang at 7 pm and I could hear the noise in the halls  31  the students went to their rooms.I tried hard to 32  the bathroom door,but failed.
I heard the cleaning lady’s voice and asked for help as  33  as I could, However, she wasn't exactly a thoughtful person, and started  34 :“Diana’s locked in the bathroom!”Shame had fallen upon me!  35  , the course director, the secretary and some teachers were outside the bathroom trying to get me out, and,  36  ,my students gathered outside too, happily saying things like“Aren’t we  37 ! No test today!”All I could do was 38  , and my entire  39  was waiting for me outside, naughty smiles on their faces.“ 40 !Teacher.”They said,“We know you are human too!”
They all passed their test.True to the Brazilian style, we all went out for a beer afterwards, and laughed the whole thing off.

A.the classB.the courseC.the dayD.the year
A.rewriteB.answerC.go overD.put forward
A.At firstB.Soon enoughC.In the endD.Right now
A.to my amazementB.to my delightC.to my surpriseD.to my horror
A.SorryB.CongratulationsC.Don’t be angryD.Don’t worry

