34.Some aspects of the job of an airhostess be boring, and airhostesses often work at inconvenient hours. A.may; can B.have to; may C.ought to; must D.can; have to 查看更多




A. Don’t be afraid of risks.

B. Find ways to solve problems.

C. Learn from successful people.

D. Don’t give up easily.

E. Know the meaning of success.

F. Enjoy facing your failure.

1.Look around---who has the success that you envision(想象)for yourself? What are they doing? How do they approach a successful life? Become their students. Ask them for advice. Spend time around them, if you can. Learn from them. They will bring you much useful experience.

2.You cannot have success if you don’t know what it means to you. Set clear goals and be realistic. Your standards should be specific or else you will spend your entire time chasing after a vague goal. For example, you want to be good at your job. However, this is not a specific goal. Instead, specify this goal as: “My goal is to only be late for work five times per year, at the most.” This is a specific goal that when achieved, give you a sense of satisfaction and completion, making you feel successful and confident.

3.Successful people think big and act big. It can be scary to do, but if you don’t, then how will you ever be successful? Don’t wait for opportunities. Dig them out. Successful people make big investments (in their careers, in their business, in their education) and all investments involve some degree of risk. Study your risks, and be brave.

4.People who are successful like solving problems and answering questions. No matter where you are or what you are doing, look around and try to think of ways you can find, for example, what are people struggling with or complaining about? How can you make life easier for them in an effective way? Can you redesign or reorganize some aspects of the situation so that things can run more smoothly?

5.You should learn to persist. It is also the key factor to success. When asked about his 10,000 failed attempts to develop a storage battery, the prolific(多产的)American inventor Thomas Edison replied: “I have not failed; I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. So, if your first attempt didn’t work, don’t quit and don’t give up.”




A. Don’t be afraid of risks.
B. Find ways to solve problems.
C. Learn from successful people.
D. Don’t give up easily.
E. Know the meaning of success.
F. Enjoy facing your failure.
【小题1】Look around---who has the success that you envision(想象)for yourself? What are they doing? How do they approach a successful life? Become their students. Ask them for advice. Spend time around them, if you can. Learn from them. They will bring you much useful experience.
【小题2】You cannot have success if you don’t know what it means to you. Set clear goals and be realistic. Your standards should be specific or else you will spend your entire time chasing after a vague goal. For example, you want to be good at your job. However, this is not a specific goal. Instead, specify this goal as: “My goal is to only be late for work five times per year, at the most.” This is a specific goal that when achieved, give you a sense of satisfaction and completion, making you feel successful and confident.
【小题3】Successful people think big and act big. It can be scary to do, but if you don’t, then how will you ever be successful? Don’t wait for opportunities. Dig them out. Successful people make big investments (in their careers, in their business, in their education) and all investments involve some degree of risk. Study your risks, and be brave.
【小题4】People who are successful like solving problems and answering questions. No matter where you are or what you are doing, look around and try to think of ways you can find, for example, what are people struggling with or complaining about? How can you make life easier for them in an effective way? Can you redesign or reorganize some aspects of the situation so that things can run more smoothly?
【小题5】You should learn to persist. It is also the key factor to success. When asked about his 10,000 failed attempts to develop a storage battery, the prolific(多产的)American inventor Thomas Edison replied: “I have not failed; I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. So, if your first attempt didn’t work, don’t quit and don’t give up.”


Many people believe that English is an easy language.Indeed, the author of a popular book on the history of English says that English “… has a grammar of great  1 ”. But if you have read the  2  articles in this series, it will be clear that I have a  3 opinion. My intention  4, not always so seriously, that English is in fact full of difficulties to the non-native speakers.The biggest book of English grammar contains 1800 pages and 5   3 kilos, which doesn’t necessarily prove that English grammar is  6 , but it  7 , undoubtedly, show that there is a lot of  8 !

So is English easy or not? Actually, English can be said to be difficult 9  we can point to many other languages that are  10.But English, like every language, is a hugely complex system  11  many aspects(方面).It may be that some aspects of the language system are easier in English but  12  aspects are more difficult.For example, English spelling is more difficult than German spelling, but on the other hand adjectives are easier to use in English because they do not 13  their endings as they do in  14

And it seems that some languages are easier at the beginning but get 15  harder,    16  for other languages the opposite is true.I remember struggling terribly in my first few years of learning German to  17  terms with the interaction of articles(冠词), case(格)and word order.However, once I had mastered this aspect of grammar,  18 else seemed very difficult in learning German.  19 I have the feeling that English gets more and more difficult  20  the learner advances.

1. A. difficulty               B. complexity            C. simplicity              D. difference

2. A. first few                B. few first                C. a few first          D. first a few

3. A. similar                   B. complex                C. public               D. different

4. A. has been to show   B. has been shown    C. has shown            D. shows

5. A. is weighed             B. are weighed           C. weighs                  D. weigh

6. A. easy                      B. difficult                 C. useful                   D. useless

7. A. did                        B. does                      C. has                       D. have

8. A. it                          B. them                     C. that                      D. those

9. A. only if                   B. if only                   C. even if                  D. as if

10. A. more difficult       B. more complex        C. easier                    D. closer

11. A.consisted of        B.being consisted of    C. consists of            D. consisting of

12. A. another                B. the other                C. others                   D. other

13. A. change                B. learn                     C. use                       D. spell

14. A. Germany          B. German             C. German language   D. the Germans

15. A. eventually            B. progressively         C. previously             D. finally

16. A. when                   B.as                           C. while                    D. since

17. A. come to               B. come up                C. come through        D. come into

18. A. anything              B. something             C. everything             D. nothing

19. A. On the other hand B.On the contrary      C. On average            D. On the whole

20. A. farther                 B. the farther             C. further             D. the further


A. Don't be afraid of risks.
B. Find ways to solve problems.
C. Learn from successful people.
D. Don't give up easily.
E. Know the meaning of success. Enjoy facing your failure.
1. (     )
     You cannot have success if you don't know what it means to you. Set clear goals and be realistic. Your
standards should be specific or else you will spend your entire time chasing after a vague goal. For example,
you want to be good at your job. However, this is not a specific goal. Instead, specify this goal as: "My goal
is to only be late for work five times per year, at the most." This is a specific goal that when achieved, give
you a sense of satisfaction and completion, making you feel successful and confident.
2. (     )
      Look around-who has the success that you envision (想象) for yourself? What are they doing? How do
they approach a successful life? Become their students. Ask them for advice. Spend time around them, if you
can. Learn from them. They will bring you much useful experience.
3. (     )
     Successful people think big and act big. It can be scary to do, but if you don't, then how will you ever be
successful? Don't wait for opportunities. Dig them out. Successful people make big investments (in their
careers, in their business, in their education) and all investments involve some degree of risk. Study your
risks, and be brave.
4. (     )
     People who are successful like solving problems and answering questions. No matter where you are or
what you are doing, look around and try to think of ways you can find, for example, what are people
struggling with or complaining about? How can you make life easier for them in an effective way? Can you
redesign or reorganize some aspects of the situation so that things can run more smoothly?
5. (     )
     You should learn to persist. It is also the key factor to success. When asked about his 10,000 failed
attempts to develop a storage battery, the prolific (多产的) American inventor Thomas Edison replied: "I
have not failed; I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. So, if your first attempt didn't work, don't
quit and don't give up."


US college students are burdened, with credit card (信用卡)debt, according to a study published Tuesday, and the problem can be serious-ranging from more drop-outs, to future employment problems and even self-murder. The study, by Georgetown University sociologist (社会学家) Robert Manning, blamed credit card issuers for actively targeting students and colleges for allowing them to do so. "The unrestricted selling of credit cards in universities or colleges is so aggressive that it now forms a greater threat than alcohol or sexual diseases," Manning told a news conference in Washington. "If we do not quickly deal with this serious problem, the matter will continue to get worse, with social consequences far more tragic (悲剧的) than mere dollars and cents. "

Based on hundreds of face-to-face interviews and surveys with students, Manning concluded both the number with credit card debt and their indebtedness had been "underreported" in previous studies-which failed to reflect the "survival strategies" many used to deal with their debts. These included the use of federal student loans to pay off credit cards, effectively shifting the debt, appealing to parents for loans, reducing course work hours to increase time at paid jobs, or even dropping out altogether to work full time.

"Official drop-out rates include growing numbers of students who are unable to cope with the stress of their debts and / or part time jobs for servicing their credit cards, " the study said. "Students credit card debts are examined during the employment process and may be an important factor in evaluating future employees," it noted. O’Donnell and Manning agreed students should bear some responsibility for reckless use of credit, but said credit card companies also had to be held responsible for making it so easy for them to get into debt. Manning said one of the most troublesome aspects of the student credit card issue was "the seduction (诱惑) of college and university officials by the credit card industry".

Sociologist Robert Manning's study shows that     .

   A. the number of American college students using credit cards on campus is increasing

   B. more and more American college students meet with credit card debt problems

   C. more and more American colleges encourage students to use credit cards to make profits

   D. credit card issuers will run into debt for encouraging college students to use credit cards

The author's feeling towards college students with credit card debts is __.

   A. discouraged and negative                 B. pitiful and critical

   C. indifferent and disapproving              D. negative and doubtful

The author implies all of following should be responsible for this problem EXCEPT      .

   A. credit card issuers                                  B. college authorities

   C. parents of the students                      D. students themselves

The word "reckless" in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by        .

A. inconsiderate       B. frequent               C. careful                     D. regular

