25.On the top of the mountain we saw that the scenery Was very and We simply couldn't tear ourselves away. ( ) A.eye-catching B.mind-reading C.heart-attacking D.interest-attracting 查看更多



On the top of the mountain we saw that the scenery was very _________ and we simply couldn’t tear ourselves away.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


On the top of the mountain we saw that the scenery was very _________ and we simply couldn’t tear ourselves away.

A.eye-catching          B.mind-reading

C.heart-attacking        D.interest-attracting


On the top of the mountain we saw that the scenery was very _________ and we simply couldn’t tear ourselves away.




  Last month we finally got a chance to have a trip to E’mei Mountain, which we   1  (long)to do for ages.It was there   2   I was amazed by the most beautiful scenery I had ever seen!

  The weather didn’t seem to welcome us when we got to West   3  (China)Chengdu city-it was quite wet and cold.On the coach heading to the mountain, I couldn’t help   4  (feel)disappointed.“What a bad day!”I said to myself when looking out of the window,“We may not be able to see a lot in the mountain.And   5   a pity it will be if we miss the sunrise next morning!”

  The guide denied the possibility of a sunny day.“Actually, seldom   6   we have bright sunshine here, especially in winter.”he said.

  Very early the next morning, amazingly, we got completely satisfied in a totally   7  (expect)way.On the way up the mountain, we found everything was becoming white-it was snowing!We screamed.Arriving at the top of the mountain, we found   8   in a white world that only existed in fairy tales.  9   could help describe what we saw.We were jumping, screaming, taking   10  (photo), trying to fill our eyes with everything we could see, because we knew that this was the first time to see such beauty of the nature, and probably, the only time in our lives.


Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that fits the context

       Last month we finally got a chance to have a trip to E’mei Mountain, __1___ we had longed to do for ages.It was there ___2___ I was amazed by the most beautiful scenery I had ever seen!

       The weather didn’t seem to welcome us when we got to West China’s Chengdu city --- it was quite wet and cold. On the coach heading to the mountain, I couldn’t help feeling disappointed. “What a bad day!” I said to myself when looking out of the window, “We may not be able to see a lot in the mountain.And __3___ a pity it will be if we miss the sunrise next morning!”

       The guide denied the possibility of a sunny day.“Actually, seldom ___4___ we have bright sunshine here, especially in winter.” he said.

       Very early the next morning, amazingly, we got completely satisfied in a totally unexpected way.On the way up the mountain, we found everything was becoming white --- it was snowing! We screamed. Arriving at the top of the mountain, we found ___5___ in a white world that only existed in fairy tales.___6___ could help describe what we saw.We were jumping, screaming, taking photos, trying to fill our eyes __7_____ everything we could see, because we knew that this was the ___8____ time to see such beauty of the nature, and probably, the only time in our lives.

