37.The young man stood at the school gate.book . 查看更多



It was the time when the telegraph was the fastest method of long-distance communication. A young man  36 for a job as a Morse Code(摩尔斯电码)operator.
Having answered an ad in the newspaper, he went to the office address that was  37 .When he arrived, he entered a large, busy   38  filled with noise and clatter, including the sound of the telegraph in the background. A   39  on the wall told job applicants to fill out a form and wait until they were   40  to enter the inner office. The young man filled out his form and sat down with the seven  41 applicants in the waiting area.   42 a few minutes, the young man stood up suddenly,   43   the room to the door of the inner office, and walked right in.   44  the other applicants came alive, wondering what was   45   . They whispered among themselves that they hadn’t been told to come yet and thought that the young man made a   46   and wouldn’t be accepted.
  47 , when the employer went out of the office with the young man, he said to the other applicants , “Gentlemen, thank you very much for coming, but the   48   has just been filled .”
The other applicants began   49   and one of them   50   , “Wait a minute, I don’t understand. He was the   51  to come in, and we never even got a chance to be   52   . Yet he got the job. That’s not fair!”
The employer said, “I’m sorry, but   53   you’ve been sitting here, the telegraph has been  54 the following message in Morse Code: If you understand this message, then come right in. The job is yours.  55  of you heard it or understood it. This young man did. The job is his.”
36. A. allowed               B. applied              C. cared                           D. stood
37. A. listed                     B. proved                C. named                         D. formed
38. A. market                 B. school                 C. office                            D. clinic
39. A. letter                    B. book                    C. mirror                          D. sign
40. A. persuaded             B. refused              C. forced                          D. ordered
41. A. another                B. other                  C. others                          D. else
42. A. Since                     B. Before                C. After                            D. For
43. A. tied                        B. left                      C. crossed                       D. cleaned
44. A. Surprisingly         B. Strangely           C. Regularly           D. Naturally
45. A. going on               B. going for            C. set aside                     D. set up
46. A. difference            B. mistake              C. decision                     D. point
47. A. Therefore            B. However            C. Otherwise                  D. Moreover
48. A. job                         B. room                   C. seat                              D. gap
49. A. working                B. cheering            C. complaining               D. hesitating
50. A. spoke aloud         B. carried out       C. asked for                     D. told of
51. A .first                       B. best                    C. worse                          D. last
52. A. checked                B. interviewed      C. informed                     D. invited
53. A. at times               B. all the time       C. ahead of time            D. at one time
54. A. ticking out           B. knocking out     C. pointing out               D. showing out
55. A. Some                     B. None                   C. Any                                D. Each


完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It was the time when the telegraph was the fastest method of long-distance communication. A young man  36  for a job as a Morse Code(摩尔斯电码)operator.

Having answered an ad in the newspaper, he went to the office address that was  37  .When he arrived, he entered a large, busy   38   filled with noise and clatter, including the sound of the telegraph in the background. A   39   on the wall told job applicants to fill out a form and wait until they were   40   to enter the inner office. The young man filled out his form and sat down with the seven  41  applicants in the waiting area.   42  a few minutes, the young man stood up suddenly,   43    the room to the door of the inner office, and walked right in.   44   the other applicants came alive, wondering what was   45   . They whispered among themselves that they hadn’t been told to come yet and thought that the young man made a   46   and wouldn’t be accepted.

   47  , when the employer went out of the office with the young man, he said to the other applicants , “Gentlemen, thank you very much for coming, but the   48   has just been filled .”

The other applicants began   49   and one of them   50   , “Wait a minute, I don’t understand. He was the   51   to come in, and we never even got a chance to be   52   . Yet he got the job. That’s not fair!”

The employer said, “I’m sorry, but   53   you’ve been sitting here, the telegraph has been  54  the following message in Morse Code: If you understand this message, then come right in. The job is yours.  55  of you heard it or understood it. This young man did. The job is his.”

36. A. allowed                B. applied               C. cared                            D. stood

37. A. listed                      B. proved                 C. named                          D. formed

38. A. market                  B. school                  C. office                             D. clinic

39. A. letter                     B. book                     C. mirror                           D. sign

40. A. persuaded             B. refused               C. forced                           D. ordered

41. A. another                 B. other                   C. others                           D. else

42. A. Since                      B. Before                 C. After                             D. For

43. A. tied                         B. left                       C. crossed                        D. cleaned

44. A. Surprisingly          B. Strangely            C. Regularly            D. Naturally

45. A. going on                B. going for             C. set aside                      D. set up

46. A. difference             B. mistake               C. decision                      D. point

47. A. Therefore             B. However             C. Otherwise                   D. Moreover

48. A. job                          B. room                    C. seat                               D. gap

49. A. working                 B. cheering             C. complaining                D. hesitating

50. A. spoke aloud          B. carried out        C. asked for                      D. told of

51. A .first                        B. best                     C. worse                           D. last

52. A. checked                 B. interviewed       C. informed                      D. invited

53. A. at times                B. all the time        C. ahead of time             D. at one time

54. A. ticking out            B. knocking out      C. pointing out                D. showing out

55. A. Some                      B. None                    C. Any                                D. Each


第三部分  写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节  单词拼写(共10题;每小题1分。满分l0分)



66.I worked as a________ (秘书)in a trading company last year.

67. Unfortunately Tiuanic________ (沉没)in a violent storm at sea on her first voyate.

68.He came here________ (特意) to say hello to you.

69.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will attract________ (政府)and people from across the world.

70.The young man stood there, ________ (假装)that nothing had happened.

71. High-rise buildings can be seen almost everywhere in________ (现代)cities.

72.A tibetan girl was finally saved after she was________ (掩埋)in the ruins for 54 hours.

73.They kept the romance alive in their      (婚姻)for 35 years.

74.The________ (外国)guests were motored from the airfield to the restaurant.

75.People used to have many Chinese________ (白菜)in store for winter.





1.I worked as a       (秘书)in a trading company last year.

2.Unfortunately Tiuanic      (沉没)in a violent storm at sea on her first voyate.

3.He came here      (特意) to say hello to you.

4.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will attract      (政府)and people from across the world.

5.The young man stood there,      (假装)that nothing had happened.

6.High-rise buildings can be seen almost everywhere in      (现代)cities.

7.A tibetan girl was finally saved after she was       (掩埋)in the ruins for 54 hours.

8.They kept the romance alive in their      (婚姻)for 35 years.

9.The      (外国)guests were motored from the airfield to the restaurant.

10.People used to have many Chinese      (白菜)in store for winter.



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It is a very interesting story that I heard.

A young man longing to    36   the beautiful daughter of a farm-owner came one day to the    37   to make the proposal(求婚)

       The farm-owner looked at him   38  , saying, “All right . Let’s go to my pasture (牧场)I’ll   39   three bulls one by one . If you can catch any one’s    40  ,you’re qualified to marry my daughter.”

       Then they came together to the pasture . The young man stood waiting    41   , for the first bull to appear. A few minutes later the cattle shed (牛栏) opened and a bull rushed out  42 him . It was the largest and ugliest bull he had ever seen. He thought may be the   43   one would be better, so he stepped aside to let it   44   the pasture to the back gate of the shed.

       A.The shed   45   again and the second bull came rushing in. It was not only very big but also unusually   46  . It stood with its hoofs (蹄子) kicking and its throat muttering (咕噜)“How terrible it is ! The next cannot be as   47   as this .” He was so scared that he hurried to

  48   behind the railings (栏杆). It rushed away to the back gate.

Soon afterwards, the shed opened for the third bull to come out .   49   it , the young man

  51   type of a bull for him. When it rushed toward him he was ready to   52  . With a jump he stretched his hands to catch its tail but   53   ——it simply had no tail at all .

       It goes without saying that the young man   54   to marry the farmer’s beautiful daughter. He had been given   55  , but they had all gone in a flash.

36.A.meet               B.know               C.date                 D.marry

37.A.farm               B.village             C.town               D.country

38.A.up and down    B.here and there  C.again and again       D.little by little

39.A.set out            B.give out           C.let out             D.take out

40.A.head                B.leg                  C.body               D.take out

41.A.anxiously         B.sadly               C.happily            D.patiently

42.A.from               B.over                C.upon               D.toward

43.A.last                 B.next                C.other               D.another

44.A.cross               B.pass                 C.leave               D.enter

45.A.closed             B.locked             C.opened            D.turned

46.A.fierce                     B.gentle              C.lovely              D.cruel

47.A.exciting           B.surprising        C.frightening       D.amazing

48.A.fall                 B.sit                   C.wait                D.hide

49.A.Looking at       B.Seeing             C.Watching         D.Observing

50.A.size                 B.length              C.weight             D.number

51.A.just                 B.very                C.only                D.quite

52.A.act                  B.behave             C.run                  D.perform

53.A.in astonishment       B.in anger    C.in trouble         D.in vain

54.A.tried               B.decided           C.failed                     D.managed

55.A.luck                B.chances            C.bulls                D.time

