31.I have kept the photo I can see it every day for 20 years. A.where B.when C.which D.that 查看更多



【小题1】 ______________(明显地) this key is the wrong one. It didn’t work.
【小题2】It is ____________ (不礼貌) to keep silent when asked.
【小题3】He did all he could to rescue the ______(溺水的) boy, and his effort was not in vain.
【小题4】It is a long ________ (距离)from New York to Hongkong.
【小题5】 What a surprise! It is his ________(九十) birthday.
【小题6】I have kept the photos where I can see it every day as they always __________(使……想起)me of my university days in London.
【小题7】We should know our own strengths and________(弱点) and think what could be done about them.
【小题8】 The school was   ____   (包围)   by green trees
【小题9】Her parents don’t   ____  (允许)her to go out alone at night.
【小题10】 We have established socialist  ____  (制度)


I decided not to bring in home any other things with the words Made in China on a dark Monday, two days after last Christmas, though I still keep some in my house.

  At work my boss, Mr. White, points out that I am ___36__ myself if I think I have been __37_____ Chinese products, in spite of the obvious facts in daily life.

  “Chinese ___38___ are everywhere,” he says, “You can’t avoid those, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible.”

   That is the __39____, which I have been considering for months, since I have kept the American car with the Chinese ___40__ in it. This week I was __41___ again of the difficulty of avoiding China when I bought earrings from a local artist. I was feeling pleased with myself ___42_____ I got home and noticed the gift box made in China.

  My boss continues, “You know what you are doing? You are ___43__ your dependence on China, not __44___ it,” he says, “You are just cheating yourself.”

   The boss, a frequent complainer, doesn’t slow down when I ___45___ to stop him to ___46___ that I am writing a __47____ of stories on the boycott for the business magazine.

   “Maybe you can ___48____ it a year without Chinese products, ___49_____ sooner or later you will even ___50___ Chinese dishes,” the nice boss says, “There is no getting around it.”

   I ____51____ at him as he turns to leave, quite ___52____.

   “Thanks for your support,” I say to his ___53____.

   The year is nearly half over. I can ___54_____without them. ___55___, it is a little inconvenient to live without a DVD player, a DV camera or a printer made in China. But a better question might be: How hard could it be to live without Made in China with the whole family?

A. fooling        B. persuading      C. beating         D. enjoying

A. keeping        B. accepting      C. avoiding         D. admitting

A. advertising     B. items          C. materials        D. business

A. story          B. plan           C. suggestion       D. point

A. parts          B. engines         C. wheels          D. goods

A. asked         B. reminded        C. troubled         D. puzzled

A. as            B. when           C. since            D. until

A. delaying       B. losing          C. catching          D. lacking

A. escaping       B. obeying         C. objecting         D. hating

A. mean          B. manage         C. try               D. intend

A. describe        B. suggest         C. declare            D. state

A. copy          B. book            C. set               D. series

A. do            B. get             C. make             D. have

A. but           B. or              C. and               D. for

A. wash          B. break           C. serve             D. enjoy

A. laugh          B. glance          C. nod              D. stare

A. annoyed        B. surprised        C. delighted          D. satisfied

A. honor          B. back            C. kindness          D. face

A. work           B. rescue          C. survive            D. stay

A. Finally         B. Honestly         C. Generally          D. Directly


I have kept the photo        I can see it easily, as it reminds me of my happy childhood in the countryside.

    A.in which         B.when             C.where            D.that



第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,共30分)
I decided not to bring in home any other things with the words Made in China on a dark Monday,two days after last Christmas,though I still keep some in my house.
At work my boss,Mr. White,points out that I am  36  myself if I think I have been  37  Chinese products,in spite of the obvious facts in daily life.
“Chinese  38  are everywhere,”he says,“You can’t avoid those,no matter how hard you
try It is impossible.”
That is the  39 ,which I have been considering for months,since I have kept the American car with the Chinese  40 in it.This week I was   41  again of the difficulty of avoiding China when I bought earrings from a local artist.I was feeling pleased with myself  42  I got home and noticed the flee gift box made in China.
My boss continues,“You know what you are doing? You are   43  your dependence on China,not   44   it,”he says,“You are just cheating yourself.”
The boss,a frequent complainer,doesn’t slow down when I   45  to stop him to   46
that I am writing a   47  of stories On the Boycott for the business magazine.
“Maybe you can  48  it year without Chinese products,  49  sooner or later you will even  50  Chinese dishes,”the nice boss says,“There is no getting around it”
I   51  at him as he turns to leave,quite  52 .
“Thanks for your support,”I say to his   53  .
The year is nearly half over.I can   54  without them.  55 ,it is a little inconvenient to live without a DVD player,a DV camera or a printer made in China.But a better question might be:How hard could it be to live without Made in China with the whole family ?
36.A.fooling                      B.persuading          C.beating           D.enjoying
37. A.keeping                   B.accepting            C.avoiding         D.refusing
38.A.advertisements               B.items                  C.materials    D.businesses
39.A.story                         B.plan                   C.suggestion       D.point
40.A.parts                         B.engines               C.wheels            D.goods
41.A.asked                           B.reminded            C.troubled          D.puzzled
42. A.as                            B.when                  C.since               D.until
43. A.delaying                  B.losing                 C.catching          D.1acking
44.A.escaping                    B.obeying              C.objecting         D.hating
45. A.mean                       B.manage               C.try                  D.intend
46.A.describe                     B.suggest               C.declare            D.state
47. A.copy                        B.book                  C.set                  D.series
48.A.do                             B.get                     C.make              D.have
49.A.but                            B.or                      C.and                 D.for
50. A.wash                       B.break                  C.serve              D.enjoy
51. A.laugh                       B.glance                C.nod                D.stare
52.A.annoyed                    B.surprised             C.delighted         D.satisfied
53. A.honour                    B.back                   C.kindness          D.face
54.A.work                         B.rescue                 C.survive           D.stay
55.A.Finally                      B.Honestly             C.Generally        D.Directly













Personally speaking, (要点二:你认为最重要的品质)______________________________


The reasons are as follows.


To begin with, _____________________________________________________________




Besides, __________________________________________________________________



From then on, I have kept the following in my minds: (要点五:感悟)_______________



