22.-Do you know when the man she is looking forward to ? -This evening, I think. A.coming B.will come C.has come D.come 查看更多



I ______ for Beijing in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane ______?

A.leaves, takes off                        B.is leaving, is taking off

C.am leaving, takes off                     D.leave, is taking off



—I hear Robert has gone to Harvard University for his master?s degree.

—Oh,how nice!Do you know when he   ?

A.was leaving            B.left

C.had left             D.has left


— Jim has gone to Britain to see a modern art exhibition.

— Oh, really? Do you know when he       ?

A. leaves   B. will leave       C. was leaving   D. left



Do you know when Mr Brown_______ ?  When he_______ , please let me know.

A. will come; will come                 B. comes; is coming

C. is coming; comes                 D. comes; will come



第五部分:单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


61. The b_______ of Dr Sun Yet sen is in Zhongshan, not far away from Guangzhou.

62. The girl only eats vegetables and fruit in order to keep s_______.

63. Do you know when India gained______________ (独立) from Britain?

64. Yao Ming is a very strong and_______________(精力充沛的) basketball player.

65. Children are always             (好奇的)about everything.

66. My vocabulary is so ________( 有限 ) that I can’t explain the word.

67. She has _________( 原谅 ) me for what I said to her yesterday.

68. The store has more _________( 顾客 ) than it can take care of.

69. Last week a typhoon hit the area __________( 猛烈地 ), causing great damage.

70. Wood _________ ( 漂浮 ) on water, but a stone will sink.


