27. high level meeting is being held in New York on climate change. A.不填; the B.A;不填 C.The; a D.A; the 查看更多



Chinese President Hu Jintao met Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Saturday in Moscow __36___views on the development of the strategic relations of cooperation and partnership between China and Russia. President Hu is in Moscow for celebrations marking the 65th__37_of the victory of the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany.
In recent years, China and Russia __38_ their strategic relations of cooperation and partnership __39__ enhanced mutual political trust and ___40__cooperation in all sectors.
The two countries __41_have had close interaction and coordination in __42__international and regional affairs.
Last year, the Chinese-Russian strategic ___43_of cooperation and partnership made important headway with activities __44_ the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties and the "Year of___45_Russian Language" in China.
__46__the beginning of this year, the partnership has maintained comprehensive and___47__growth__48_a high level.
President Hu's participation in the celebrations___49 a major event in China-Russia relations and symbolizes the spirit of bilateral(双边的)strategic cooperation,___50__China's Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping at a press briefing Wednesday."We believe Hu's visit will boost China-Russia strategic trust for__51_development of the bilateral strategic relations of cooperation and partnership," he said. This is__52_ time President Hu _ 53_ Russia's Victory Day celebrations.__54__ May 2005, President Hu attended in Moscow ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War. Five years __55__since that time .
36. A . to communicate      B . to exchange           C . changing                  D . talked 
37. A . celebration            B. meeting                 C . congratulation      D. anniversary
38. A . strengthened        B. have strengthened     C. are strengthening    D .strenghths
39. A . with                       B . for                      C . among                 D . between 
40. A. fruitful                    B . richer                   C . fruits                    D . badly
41. A . too                         B either                     C . as well as             D . also 
42. A . doing with                 B . treating  to          C . dealing with          D . making up
43. A . relating                  B. relations                C . related                  D . relative
44. A. remarks                   B. signs                     C. marking                 D. symbol
45. A.  /                          B . a                         C. the                        D. this
46. A. Until                       B. After                     C . Since                    D . As long as
47. A . quick                        B. fast                       C. rapid                     D . swift
48. A. by                          B. at                               C . to                         D. for
49. A . is                           B. are                        C. have been                D. had been
50. A. said                        B. says                       C. spoken                   D. talks
51. A . farther                    B. far                          C. furthest                  D. further
52. A. two                        B. the last                  C. the second              D. a more
53. A. joined                       B. took part in              C. participates in          D. attends
54. A. On                          B. By                        C. In                         D. At
55. A..passed                     B. has been passed           C. Past                        D. have past



第II卷 (两部分, 共35分)




US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will visit China's largest lake next week on a trip that will highlight global environmental challenges.

Paulson will hold talks in Beijing with President Hu Jintao that will focus on the Strategic(战略)Economic Dialogue, high-level discussions launched last year in an effort to deal with economic tensions between the US and China.

"This trip is part of an ongoing process to strengthen our strategic economic relationship to address long-term issues such as working with China to rebalance its growth and increase the flexibility(弹性) of its currency(货币) and also to deal with short-term issues as they arise." Paulson said Tuesday in announcing the trip.

Paulson will begin the trip with a visit July 30 to Qinghai Lake, the largest lake in the country and an example of some of the environmental challenges facing China as it struggles to deal with pollution.

"The only way to make progress on climate change is to engage all the large economies, developed and developing, to work toward embracing cleaner technology and reducing giving off gas." Paulson said. "What's happening with the environment in the middle of China not only affects the local climate and economy but also the global climate and economy."

Paulson will meet on July 31 in Beijing with Hu and Vice Premier Wu Yi, who is leading the Chinese side in the strategic dialogue talks.

The administration is coming under pressure from Congress to show results from these discussions, particularly in the area of currency values. American manufacturers think that the yuan is undervalued by as much as 40 percent, which makes Chinese products cheaper for US consumers but makes it more difficult for US products to be sold in China.

The first strategic dialogue session was held in Beijing last December with a follow-up meeting in Washington in May. The two countries have promised to meet twice a year with the next session to take place in China later this year. An exact date has not yet been announced.

The Treasury Department said in a statement announcing the trip that Paulson in his meetings with Chinese leaders would raise issues of concern to Congress as well as follow up on issues that were regarded as most important items at the May meeting of the strategic dialogue.


Henry Paulson’s trip to China


July 30

The (72) _____ place of his visit

Qinghai Lake

The (73) _____ of his visit

To hold talks in Beijing with President Hu Jintao that will focus on the Strategic Economic Dialogue, high-level discussions (74)_____last year in an effort to deal with economic tensions between the US and China. To (75)_____long-term issues such as working with China to rebalance its growth and increase the flexibility of its currency and also to deal with short-term issues as they arise.

The important people he will visit

(76)_____Hu Jintao and Vice Premier Wu Yi

The (77)_____for his visit

Under pressure from (78)_____

Which session is to be held next time?

The(79)_____session is to take place in China later this year.

What is to be talked about with Hu Jintao?

Issues of (80)_____to Congress.




Tell our story, make your mark
Havering is one of London’s largest towns. It is a place of contrasts, from the shopping and nightlife of Romford to the cultural quarter of Hornchurch; from the industrial Thames riverside in Rainham to the ambitious regeneration(复兴) project in Harold Hill. The London Borough of Havering has a great story to tell, and we’re looking for the right people to tell it.
Campaigns and Marketing Manager
A creative strategist(战略家) is needed to plan and deliver campaigns that change behaviour across the town and form Havering’s reputation beyond its borders.
Media Manager
An experienced professional is required, who fully understands how the news media works and works well under pressure. You will manage a team of three, as well as our media message.
Communications Business Manager
As a senior member of the communications team, you will be part salesperson and part business strategist, with wide-ranging power to increase our commercial potential as much as possible and save taxpayers’ money.
Senior Media Officers
Two experienced persons are needed to turn the stories that we talk about into the stories that everyone is talking about.
Community Newspaper Journalist (12month contract at the beginning)
Our community newspaper, Living, is being expanded as an energetic publication once every two weeks. We need an editor and a journalist or writer who produces brilliant copy, even against the tightest deadlines.
Pay & grading award are yet to be decided for all posts.
Full details are available on our website. For an informal conversation about these positions, please contact Mark Leech, Head of Communications, by calling 01708 434373.
Any disabled applicants, meeting the necessary standards set out in the profile(简介) for a job, will be guaranteed an interview.
Please apply online via the Council's website at www.havering.gov.uk or contact the Recruitment Team at 01708 433039.
Closing date for completed applications is Friday, 18th April 2008.
Interviews will be scheduled for the week beginning 28th April 2008.
【小题1】Havering is in need of high-level personnel ________.

A.to tell storiesB.to make it known
C.to understand how news media worksD.to plan and deliver campaigns
【小题2】The underlined word “contrasts” in the first paragraph means_______. 
【小题3】_________ has to be a salesperson, drawing business plans at the same time.
A.Community Newspaper Journalist
B.Senior Media Officers
C.Campaigns and Marketing Manager
D.Communications Business Manager
【小题4】We can learn from the passage that _________.
A.disabled applicants will be guaranteed an interview
B.all the applicants will be interviewed on 28th April 2008
C.applicants should hand in the application forms before 18th April 2008
D.applicants can talk with Mark Leech about the position on the website


第II卷 (两部分, 共35分)




US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will visit China's largest lake next week on a trip that will highlight global environmental challenges.

Paulson will hold talks in Beijing with President Hu Jintao that will focus on the Strategic(战略)Economic Dialogue, high-level discussions launched last year in an effort to deal with economic tensions between the US and China.

"This trip is part of an ongoing process to strengthen our strategic economic relationship to address long-term issues such as working with China to rebalance its growth and increase the flexibility(弹性) of its currency(货币) and also to deal with short-term issues as they arise." Paulson said Tuesday in announcing the trip.

Paulson will begin the trip with a visit July 30 to Qinghai Lake, the largest lake in the country and an example of some of the environmental challenges facing China as it struggles to deal with pollution.

"The only way to make progress on climate change is to engage all the large economies, developed and developing, to work toward embracing cleaner technology and reducing giving off gas." Paulson said. "What's happening with the environment in the middle of China not only affects the local climate and economy but also the global climate and economy."

Paulson will meet on July 31 in Beijing with Hu and Vice Premier Wu Yi, who is leading the Chinese side in the strategic dialogue talks.

The administration is coming under pressure from Congress to show results from these discussions, particularly in the area of currency values. American manufacturers think that the yuan is undervalued by as much as 40 percent, which makes Chinese products cheaper for US consumers but makes it more difficult for US products to be sold in China.

The first strategic dialogue session was held in Beijing last December with a follow-up meeting in Washington in May. The two countries have promised to meet twice a year with the next session to take place in China later this year. An exact date has not yet been announced.

The Treasury Department said in a statement announcing the trip that Paulson in his meetings with Chinese leaders would raise issues of concern to Congress as well as follow up on issues that were regarded as most important items at the May meeting of the strategic dialogue.

Henry Paulson’s trip to China


July 30

The (72) _____ place of his visit

Qinghai Lake

The (73) _____ of his visit

To hold talks in Beijing with President Hu Jintao that will focus on the Strategic Economic Dialogue, high-level discussions (74)_____last year in an effort to deal with economic tensions between the US and China. To (75)_____long-term issues such as working with China to rebalance its growth and increase the flexibility of its currency and also to deal with short-term issues as they arise.

The important people he will visit

(76)_____Hu Jintao and Vice Premier Wu Yi

The (77)_____for his visit

Under pressure from (78)_____

Which session is to be held next time?

The(79)_____session is to take place in China later this year.

What is to be talked about with Hu Jintao?

Issues of (80)_____to Congress.




Chinese President Hu Jintao met Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Saturday in Moscow __36___views on the development of the strategic relations of cooperation and partnership between China and Russia. President Hu is in Moscow for celebrations marking the 65th__37_of the victory of the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany.

    In recent years, China and Russia __38_ their strategic relations of cooperation and partnership __39__ enhanced mutual political trust and ___40__cooperation in all sectors.

The two countries __41_have had close interaction and coordination in __42__international and regional affairs.

    Last year, the Chinese-Russian strategic ___43_of cooperation and partnership made important headway with activities __44_ the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties and the "Year of___45_Russian Language" in China.

    __46__the beginning of this year, the partnership has maintained comprehensive and___47__growth__48_a high level.

    President Hu's participation in the celebrations___49 a major event in China-Russia relations and symbolizes the spirit of bilateral(双边的)strategic cooperation,___50__China's Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping at a press briefing Wednesday."We believe Hu's visit will boost China-Russia strategic trust for__51_development of the bilateral strategic relations of cooperation and partnership," he said. This is__52_ time President Hu _ 53_ Russia's Victory Day celebrations.__54__ May 2005, President Hu attended in Moscow ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War. Five years __55__since that time .

36. A . to communicate       B . to exchange            C . changing                    D . talked 

37. A . celebration             B. meeting                  C . congratulation       D. anniversary

38. A . strengthened         B. have strengthened     C. are strengthening     D .strenghths

39. A . with                       B . for                       C . among                 D . between 

40. A. fruitful                     B . richer                    C . fruits                     D . badly

41. A . too                          B either                      C . as well as              D . also 

42. A . doing with                   B . treating  to           C . dealing with           D . making up

43. A . relating                   B. relations                C . related                   D . relative

44. A. remarks                    B. signs                      C. marking                  D. symbol

45. A.  /                           B . a                          C. the                         D. this

46. A. Until                       B. After                      C . Since                     D . As long as

47. A . quick                          B. fast                       C. rapid                      D . swift

48. A. by                           B. at                                C . to                          D. for

49. A . is                            B. are                         C. have been               D. had been

50. A. said                         B. says                       C. spoken                    D. talks

51. A . farther                     B. far                          C. furthest                   D. further

52. A. two                        B. the last                   C. the second               D. a more

53. A. joined                      B. took part in              C. participates in          D. attends

54. A. On                           B. By                        C. In                          D. At

55. A..passed                      B. has been passed            C. Past                        D. have past

