59.According to the author, the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later is that . A.they feel angry about the regained weight B.they don’t care about the regained weight C.they feel optimistic about future plans on weight contr01 D.they think they should give up their future plans on weight control B A baby can quickly damage a new mother’s well-laid plans for getting back to prepregnancy weight and shape. The constant demands, together with the exhausting effects of interrupted sleep, can make it hard to find the time and energy to exercise or prepare healthy meals. Here are some tips for common problems new moms face: Problem:No time to cook proper meals. When you’re caring for a baby, cooking proper meals seems like a luxury. Instead you rely on convenience meals and processed foods. Solution:Try to get more support. Friends, family members, and neighbors are often delighted to help, so don’t feel you have to do everything yourself. Use the extra time to prepare some healthy meals. Follow the basic rules of cutting down on fat and increasing fruit and vegetable intake. Problem:Sugary or high-fat snacks. Tiredness can leave you feeling sleepy, run-down, and in need of an immediate help from sweets and high-fat snacks. Solution:Turn snacking to your advantage. Eat high-fiber, low-fat, low-sugar snacks; these will fill you up without adding too many calories. For an energy boost, eat a banana, which is high in potassium-a mineral essential for muscle and nerve function-or try a handful of raisins, which are high in iron but low in fat. Problem:No time Or energy to exercise. A baby is a constant demand on your time.so you’re too tired or busy to exercise. Solution:Increasing activity levels will help you obtain a net calorie loss.while toning exercises will tighten your muscles. Though you may feel too tired to do any exercise, it is worth persevering because in the long run your energy levels will increase. Involve your baby in your postnatalexercises; start by walking with the child in a carriage or sling. Swimming is another aerobic exercise that you can both enjoy by joining a mother and baby class. Many pools have childcare facilities, so you can swim a few laps on your own. Problem:Lack of sleep. The new baby interrupts your sleep, depleting your energy and leaving you tense and exhausted. Solution:Practice some relaxation techniques whenever you have a few free moments. Meditation, visualization, or yoga can help your body recover and give you more energy. 查看更多



For many years, I was convinced that my suffering was due to my size. I believed that when the weight disappeared, it would take old wounds, hurts, and rejections with it.
Many weight-conscious people also mistakenly believe that changing our bodies will fix everything. Perhaps our worst mistake is believing that being thin equals being loved being special, and being cherished. We fantasize about what it will be like when we reach the long-awaited goal. We work very hard to realize this dream. Then, at last, we find ourselves there.
But we often gain back what we have lost. Even so, we continue to believe that next time it will be different. Next time, we will keep it off. Next time, being thin will finally fulfill its promise of everlasting happiness, self-worth, and, of course, love.
It took me a long while to realize that there was something more for me to learn about beauty. Beauty standards vary with culture. In Samoa a woman is not considered attractive unless she weighs more than 200 pounds. More importantly, if it’s happiness that we want, why not put our energy there rather than on the size of our body? Why not look inside? Many of us strive hard to change our body, but in vain. We have to find a way to live comfortably inside our body and make friends with and cherish ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves, the whole world changes

  1. 1.

    The passage tries to highlight the importance of _________

    1. A.
      body size
    2. B.
      attitudes toward life
    3. C.
      culture difference
    4. D.
      different beauty standards
  2. 2.

    What does the word “everything” in paragraph 2 mean?

    1. A.
      All the problems
    2. B.
      All the properties
    3. C.
      The whole world
    4. D.
      The absolute truth
  3. 3.

    What can be inferred about the author?

    1. A.
      The author is a Samoan
    2. B.
      The author succeeded in losing weight
    3. C.
      The author has been troubled by her/ his weight
    4. D.
      The author probably got wounded in wars or accidents
  4. 4.

    According to the author, what is the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later?

    1. A.
      They feel angry about the regained weight
    2. B.
      They are indifferent to the regained weight
    3. C.
      They feel optimistic about future plans on weight control
    4. D.
      They think they should give up their future plans on weight control


For many years, I was sure that my suffering was because of my size. I believed that when the weight disappeared, it would take old wounds, hurts, and rejections with it.
Many obese(overweight)people also mistakenly believe that changing our bodies will fix everything. Perhaps our worst mistake is believing that being thin means being loved, being special, and being cherished. We imagine what it will be like when we reach the long-awaited goal. We work very hard to realize this dream. Then, at last, we find ourselves there.
But we often gain back what we have lost. Even so, we continue to believe that next time it will be different. Next time, we will keep it off. Next time, being thin will finally realize its promise of happiness, and of course, love.
It took me a long while to know that there was something more for me to learn about beauty. Beauty standards are different with culture. In Somoa a woman is not considered attractive unless she weighs more than 200 pounds. More importantly, if it’s happiness that we want, why not put our energy there rather than on the size of our body? Why not look inside? Many of us try hard to change our body, but with no result. We have to find a way to live comfortably inside our body and make friends with and cherish ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves,  the whole world changes.
【小题1】The passage tries to tell us the importance of ______.

A.body size
B.attitudes toward life
C.culture difference
D.different beauty standards
【小题2】What does the underlined word “everything” (paragraph 2) mean?
A.All the problems.B.All the bodies.
C.The whole world.D.The truth.
【小题3】What can be inferred about the author?
A.The author is a Samoan.
B.The author succeeded in losing weight.
C.The author has been troubled by her/his weight.
D.The author probably got wounded in wars or accidents.
【小题4】According to the author, what is the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later?
A.They feel angry about the regained weight.
B.They don’t care about the regained weight.
C.They feel optimistic(乐观的)about future plans on weight control.
D.They think they should give up their future plans on weight control.


For many years, I was sure that my suffering was because of my size. I believed that when the weight disappeared, it would take old wounds, hurts, and rejections with it.

Many obese(overweight)people also mistakenly believe that changing our bodies will fix everything. Perhaps our worst mistake is believing that being thin means being loved, being special, and being cherished. We imagine what it will be like when we reach the long-awaited goal. We work very hard to realize this dream. Then, at last, we find ourselves there.

But we often gain back what we have lost. Even so, we continue to believe that next time it will be different. Next time, we will keep it off. Next time, being thin will finally realize its promise of happiness, and of course, love.

It took me a long while to know that there was something more for me to learn about beauty. Beauty standards are different with culture. In Somoa a woman is not considered attractive unless she weighs more than 200 pounds. More importantly, if it’s happiness that we want, why not put our energy there rather than on the size of our body? Why not look inside? Many of us try hard to change our body, but with no result. We have to find a way to live comfortably inside our body and make friends with and cherish ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves,  the whole world changes.

1.The passage tries to tell us the importance of ______.

A.body size

B.attitudes toward life

C.culture difference

D.different beauty standards

2.What does the underlined word “everything” (paragraph 2) mean?

A.All the problems.

B.All the bodies.

C.The whole world.

D.The truth.

3.What can be inferred about the author?

A.The author is a Samoan.

B.The author succeeded in losing weight.

C.The author has been troubled by her/his weight.

D.The author probably got wounded in wars or accidents.

4.According to the author, what is the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later?

A.They feel angry about the regained weight.

B.They don’t care about the regained weight.

C.They feel optimistic(乐观的)about future plans on weight control.

D.They think they should give up their future plans on weight control.



For many years, I was sure that my suffering was because of my size. I believed that when the weight disappeared, it would take old wounds, hurts, and rejections with it.
Many obese(overweight)people also mistakenly believe that changing our bodies will fix everything. Perhaps our worst mistake is believing that being thin means being loved, being special, and being cherished. We imagine what it will be like when we reach the long-awaited goal. We work very hard to realize this dream. Then, at last, we find ourselves there.
But we often gain back what we have lost. Even so, we continue to believe that next time it will be different. Next time, we will keep it off. Next time, being thin will finally realize its promise of happiness, and of course, love.
It took me a long while to know that there was something more for me to learn about beauty. Beauty standards are different with culture. In Somoa a woman is not considered attractive unless she weighs more than 200 pounds. More importantly, if it’s happiness that we want, why not put our energy there rather than on the size of our body? Why not look inside? Many of us try hard to change our body, but with no result. We have to find a way to live comfortably inside our body and make friends with and cherish ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves,  the whole world changes.

  1. 1.

    The passage tries to tell us the importance of ______.

    1. A.
      body size
    2. B.
      attitudes toward life
    3. C.
      culture difference
    4. D.
      different beauty standards
  2. 2.

    What does the underlined word “everything” (paragraph 2) mean?

    1. A.
      All the problems.
    2. B.
      All the bodies.
    3. C.
      The whole world.
    4. D.
      The truth.
  3. 3.

    What can be inferred about the author?

    1. A.
      The author is a Samoan.
    2. B.
      The author succeeded in losing weight.
    3. C.
      The author has been troubled by her/his weight.
    4. D.
      The author probably got wounded in wars or accidents.
  4. 4.

    According to the author, what is the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later?

    1. A.
      They feel angry about the regained weight.
    2. B.
      They don’t care about the regained weight.
    3. C.
      They feel optimistic(乐观的)about future plans on weight control.
    4. D.
      They think they should give up their future plans on weight control.


For many years, I was convinced that my suffering was due to my size. I believed that when the weight disappeared, it would take old wounds, hurts, and rejections with it.

Many weight-conscious people also mistakenly believe that changing our bodies will fix everything. Perhaps our worst mistake is believing that being thin equals being loved being special, and being cherished. We fantasize about what it will be like when we reach the long-awaited goal. We work very hard to realize this dream. Then, at last, we find ourselves there.

But we often gain back what we have lost. Even so, we continue to believe that next time it will be different. Next time, we will keep it off. Next time, being thin will finally fulfill its promise of everlasting happiness, self-worth, and, of course, love.

It took me a long while to realize that there was something more for me to learn about beauty. Beauty standards vary with culture. In Samoa a woman is not considered attractive unless she weighs more than 200 pounds. More importantly, if it’s happiness that we want, why not put our energy there rather than on the size of our body? Why not look inside? Many of us strive hard to change our body, but in vain. We have to find a way to live comfortably inside our body and make friends with and cherish ourselves. When we change our attitudes toward ourselves, the whole world changes.

The passage tries to highlight the importance of _________.

       A.body size         B.attitudes toward life

       C.culture difference           D.different beauty standards

What does the word “everything” in paragraph 2 mean?

       A.All the problems.           B.All the properties.

       C.The whole world.           D.The absolute truth.

What can be inferred about the author?

       A.The author is a Samoan.

       B.The author succeeded in losing weight.

       C.The author has been troubled by her/ his weight.

       D.The author probably got wounded in wars or accidents.

According to the author, what is the common view of those who have lost some weight first and gained it back later?

       A.They feel angry about the regained weight.

       B.They are indifferent to the regained weight.

       C.They feel optimistic about future plans on weight control.

       D.They think they should give up their future plans on weight control.

