33.--- How about the performance? --- Wonderful. Well, you know, this performance is being help to raise money for the social . A.benefit B.profits C.interests D.welfare 查看更多



—How about the book you are reading?

—Good indeed. It ________many problems we have come across in our study.







--- How about the debate held in your class?

--- ______

A.Why ask?                             B.Sounds great!

C.It was really hot!                        D.I am really looking forward to it.



第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)



Gordon—G     Betty—B

G: Beety, we haven’t been out for over a month .Let’s go (76)s     this evening.

B: Fine,Gordon Where would you like to go ? To see a film or to watch a play?

G: A modern (77)t     is on this week. Let’s go and watch it ,shall we?

B: The newspaper said it was the (78)l     interesting play of the year.

G: How about the film World Without Thieves? That should be (79)e     .

B: We’ve already seen it. Don’t you (80)r     .

G: Then let’s go to the (81)o     cinema.The film Not One Less is being (82)s     .

B: Good.What time does it (83)s     .

G: 15 minutes ago. We just (84)m     it.

B: Well, will you please go back together with me to get my (85)d     camera and then go to the pack?

G: That’s good idea.                                  



—How about the result?

—Well, it remains _______whether we’ve got enough support.

A. seen                       B. to be seen          C. seeing                 D. to see



When was the last time you were late and expected someone to understand? How about the time you left your dishes on the table for someone else to clean up? Or perhaps you left the lid on the peanut butter jar loose, and the person after you opened the jar to find it dry and not fresh.

  Often, we are eager to ignore our own faults. But we have higher standards when it comes to our expectations of someone else who has the same expectations. We need to as equally understand the weaknesses of others and excuse them just as we excuse ourselves.

  Two of my strengths are punctuality(准时) and organization. I like to meet deadlines when they are due and keep the space around my computer neat and orderly. But sometimes things happen, and I slip from being perfect. When this happens, I show myself mercy and lower the standard for myself. However, if someone else makes a mess around my computer, I might not show them as much mercy as I show myself. If it can happen to me, then I should be willing to realize that it can happen to someone else as well.

  I am not suggesting that we should not work on improving our faults, or that it should be right to be late or leave a mess behind us. Although we should always be working towards self-improvement, we shouldn’t have a double standard that says we are excused from our own mistakes but we cannot excuse someone else. If we are not 100-percent perfect, we shouldn’t expect others to be.

  Mercy shows an understanding heart. If we are blind to our own faults, we will not be very merciful towards others. Showing a little mercy goes a long way when life’s little mistakes take place. When the tables are turned, showing mercy towards someone’s shortcomings could cause us to receive some in return.

1.From the first paragraph we can learn that________________.

A. we all make a mess sometimes

B. we all need private space

C. we should accept others’ help with gratitude

D. we should not open the lid on the peanut butter jar

2.How does the author develop the third paragraph?

A. By raising questions.                                           B. By giving examples.

C. By analyzing opinions.                                         D. By showing research findings

3.The underlined part,       “When the tables are turned” in the last paragraph, can be best replaced by____________.

A. “When good luck comes”                                  B. “When benefits increase”

C. “When our mistakes happen”                           D. “When the situation is changed”

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Changing Bad Daily Habits                                  B. Excusing Our Own Faults

C. Being Merciful Toward Others                          D. Working Toward Self-improvement


