19.Look at the clouds. to be rainy for the next few days. A.looks B.happens C.promises D.suggests 查看更多



go out;shout at;insist on;do with;stay up;argue about;in change;at present;now that;as though

16.Though he was tired,he__________________arriving home before dark.

17.__________________tents are greatly needed in the earthquake areas.

18.Look at the clouds!It looks____________________it is going to rain.

19.Don’t__________________the boy;he has done nothing wrong.

20.________________we have begun the project,we should go on.

21.A clever man knows what________________different situations.

22.You are supposed to be in bed before lights________________.

23.As a senior student,you’d better not__________________too late at night.

24.I wonder what they are____________________in the room.

25.Who will be____________________of the shop when you are away?


Look at the clouds in the sky. ____, it will rain soon.


  A. Likely B. Seem C. Possible D. Probably



— Shall we go shopping now?

— Look at the clouds, I’m afraid there        be heavy rain. I guess we        stay at home.

A. will; are to                                           B. is going to; ’d better

C. will; are going to                                   D. is going to; would


— Shall we go shopping now?

— Look at the clouds, I’m afraid there        be heavy rain. I guess we        stay at home.

A. will; are to                                           B. is going to; ’d better

C. will; are going to                                   D. is going to; would


— Shall we go shopping now?
— Look at the clouds, I’m afraid there        be heavy rain. I guess we        stay at home.
[     ]
A. will; are to    
B. is going to; ’d better
C. will; are going to    
D. is going to; would

