80.Have you your lawyer about this? 查看更多



Have you _______________________ (咨询) your lawyer about this ?



1. “You did a bad job!” She ________________________(叹息).

   2. It is important to know your own ________________________ ( 缺点 ).

   3. The ____________ ( 生的) materials of this factory come from the mountain.

   4. Have you _______________________ (咨询) your lawyer about this ?

   5. Children always show ____________________________ ( 好奇心 ) about everything.

   6. She is not s___________________ enough to wear these tight trousers.

   7. His ability to improve his work is very l_______________ .

   8. Have you d____________________ everything that is important in the book ?

   9.There is no v________________________ at home for cooking;will you go to buy some?

   10. The boss demands all the assistants in his shop remember “c_______________ first”.



1.What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced d_________?

2.I still felt s_________ nervous when I was doing the speech although I practiced a lot.

3.The plane c_________, killing the 200 people aboard.

4.The boat sank in a v_________ storm at sea.

5.According to a widely accepted t_________, the universe began with a “Big Bang”.

6.Don’t do that to him any more. He has his own religious ________ (信仰).

7.It is an _________ (印象深刻的) scene. 

8.There are clouds ___________ (漂浮) in the sky, which makes it very beautiful.

9.We need to work in pleasant _________(气氛).

10.Have you _________(咨询)your lawyer about this?




1.His      (自私)makes many people dislike him.

2.The     (影子)of the big tree grew longer as the afternoon went on.

3.I must       (承认)it is more difficult than I thought it would be.

4.Every day we have a        (听写)before class.

5.The council is expected to      (采纳)the new policy at its next meeting.

6.You’ll need      (耐心)and understanding if you are going to be a teacher.

7.Her life was one of hard work and    (奉献)to her family.

8.It’s      (不幸的)that so few people seem willing to help.

9.Have you       (咨询)your lawyer about this?

10.Seeing her husband was wearing an old and     (破旧的)jacket, she was very angry.


