23.Under no circumstances will there be wage control while I am head of government. A.the, a B.the, / C.a, the D./, the 查看更多



It is required that under no circumstances ______ betray ourselves even if there are temptations like money or beauty.

   A. we will               B. should we            C. we               D. we shall



---Can I use the telephone on the table, sir?

  ---Under no circumstances           to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A. anyone is allowed                   B. nobody is allowed   

C. is anyone allowed                   D. is nobody allowed


Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents.

 A. children are allowed  B. are children allowed

 C. children will allow  D. will children allow


Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents.

A. children are allowed   B. are children allowed

C. children will allow    D. will children allow


Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents.

A. children are allowed   B. are children allowed

C. children will allow    D. will children allow

