24.It is said that the poet drowned when he fell into a river while hold of the reflection of the Moon. A.trying taking B.tried to take C.trying to take D.tried taking 查看更多



It is said that the Olympic Games ______ in London in 2012 will cover more events than any other Olympics did.

A.to be held


C.to be holding

D.will have been held



It is said that the meeting ______ for three hours. Why should I regret missing it?!

A. has been lasted    B. has been lasting  C. lasted     D. had lasted




  BEUING(Associated Press)- China has a growing middle class,a tradition of expecting education and 21 million new babies every year. 71

  While China may be the world's biggest toy maker,many of the best are exported. 72 It is said that the demand for educational toys is low.

  A US company,BabyCare,is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China. 73 People who join the company's "mother club" can get lectures and newsletters on baby and child devlopment at no extra cost,if they agree to spend 18 dollars a moth on the company's educational toys and child carebooks.

  "We want to build a seven year relationship with those people," said Matthew J.Estes,BabyCare's president." 74 " BabyCare works on a one - to - one advise parents,explain toys that are designed for children at each stage(阶段) of development to age six.

  BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo. 75

  It is a new model for China and develops a market in young children's education and health that no other companies are in.

A.It starts during pregnancy(孕期),when the anxiety and needs are highest.

B.The highest quality toys can be seen in the department stores all over China.

C.Selling educational toys should be easy.

D.It plans to have 80 stores in China within six years.

  E.Department stores here do not have enough high quality toys.

  F.It will have more stores in the United States and some other countries.

  G.BabyCare works basically together with doctors in Beijing hospitals.




1.Whenever we meet ,she _________(不理睬)me on purpose.I don’t know


2.Ask your partners to draw all the _______(窗帘)right away.

3.His_______(坚定的)expression showed that he had made up his mind to finish the task.

4.As a senior school student,in order to learn English well,you must try to enlarge your_______(词汇量).

5.The old man ______(认出)his long-lost brother at first sight.

6.In Africa,cellphones are often the only______(可信赖的)way of getting to know about one another.

7.It is said that the ______(身份)of the woman is still unclear.

8.The father______(弯腰)down and kissed his daughter goodbye.

9.To speak English______(流利),you’d better practice reading again and again.

10.With the traffic being busy,the bicycle is a very good means of______(交通运输).



.It is said that the early European playing-cards ______for entertainment and education.

A.were being designed

B.have designed

C.have been designed

D.were designed


