It was most of you to lend me money when I was in trouble. A. selfish B. generous C. relieved D. outgoing 25.Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always the same thing. A. to say B. said C. saying D. having said 查看更多



It was most           of you to lend me money when I was in trouble.






It was most          of you to lend me money when I was in trouble.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


It was most _______ of you to lend me the money when I was in trouble.

A.selfish          B.generous         C.relieved           D.outgoing


 It was most _______ of you to lend me the money when I was in trouble.

A.grateful     B.generous   C.gentle      D.guilty


Mr. Grade was born in a rich family .He was never ___36___money when he was young  .But once his father’s shop was ____37___and from then on they got in trouble .____38____he went to a famous university in the capital , his mother ___39___him a diamond necklace her mother left to her and told him to ____40___it well . The young  man took care of it . He  brought it with himself and _ 41__ planned to sell it thought he was in great need of ___42___.

         Last month his wife had a son . _____43____! The baby was ill and the doctors were going  to ______44___him . Of course they had to pay much for it . Most of his friends were ___45____and few could lend enough money to him . Finally ,he ____46__the diamond necklace to a jeweler , a friend of his father’s , with a letter in ____47___he said ,“Post it back to me ____48___you pay 3,000 dollars .Don’t bargain ,please .”

         A week later the jeweler rang him up . On the __49_____the man said , “The necklace ___50_____2,000 dollars at most .”

“Post it back to me if you do not ___51____me ,” replied the young man .

         __52______week passed . Mr. Grade received a parcel .There was a piece of _53_____in it . The jeweler wrote ,“ I can pay you only 2,800 dollars . If you sell the necklace at the price ,post the box back to me , __54_____you can open the box . I would not buy such a (n) __55_____thing ! ”

 Mr. Grade did not want to sell the necklace at a low price and opened the box and found only a note in it ,saying ,“OK . I have to give in . ”


36            A  afraid of  B  worried about  C surprised at  D  tired of

37            A  under repair  B in business   C on fire      D  in danger

38            A  Before    B  After         C  Until      D   Whether 

39            A  lent  B  showed   C threw   D  gave 

40            A  watch  B  keep    C  allow   D  feed 

41            A  never  B always  C  sometimes D  often

42            A  knowledge  B  water  C  air  D  money

43            A  Wonderful  B  Good luck  C  What a pity  D  It is a pleasure

44            A  care for   B  check over  C  attend on  D  operate on

45            A  rich     B  poor     C  bad    D  terrible   

46            A  posted    B  made     C  delivered   D  sold 

47            A  that     B  what   C  which   D  whose 

48            A  if       B   unless  C  because  D  as  

49            A  telephone  B  message   C  letter  D  television 

50            A  pays     B  charges   C   seems   D  costs  

51            A  approve of  B  ask for   C   agree with  D  pay for

52            A  Other     B  The other  C  Another    D  Some

53            A  wood    B   bread    C   cloth    D paper 

54            A  and    B  or   C   but   D  yet 

55            A  expensive  B  cheap   C   high    D  ugly  


