33. , my father used to send me to school on a bike. A.Whenever is possible B.Whenever possible C.When is it possible D.When it is possible 查看更多



How did you do it, Dad? How have you managed not to take a drink for almost 20 years? It took me almost 20 years to have the   1   to even ask my father this very personal question.

When Dad first   2   drinking, every time he got into a   3   that would have started him   4   again, the whole family was on pins and needles.For a few years we were   5   mention it for fear that the drinking would begin again.

“I had this little poem that I would recite to myself at least four to five times a day”was Dad's   6   18-year-old unasked question, “The words were a constant   7   to me that things were   8   so hard that I could not deal with them.”Dad said.Then he   9   the poem with me.The poem's   10   ,yet profound(深刻的)words immediately became   11   of my daily routine as well.

About a month after this   12   with my father, I received gift in the mail from a friend of mine.It was a book of daily saying of wisdom.One saying is   13   for each day of one year.

It has been my   14   that when I get something with days of the year on it, I naturally turn to the page that lists my own   15  

I   16   opened the book to November10 to see   17   word of wisdom this book had in store for me.I was   18   when I looked at the page, and then tears of disbelief and appreciation   19   down my face.There, on my birthday, was the exact same poem that had   20   my father for all these years! It is called the Serenity(宁静)prayer:

God, grant me

the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

the courage to change the things I can;

and the wisdom to know the difference!

1.A.change              B.courage           C.ability              D.right

2.A.gave up             B.took up            C.went on           D.carried on

3.A.way                  B.habit                C.situation           D.house

4.A.reciting              B.asking              C.smoking          D.drinking

5.A.sure                  B.uncertain          C.afraid                     D.eager

6.A.reply                 B.words              C.excuse             D.explanation

7.A.fear                   B.imagination       C.thought            D.reminder

8.A.never                B.seldom             C.always             D.ever

9.A.discussed          B.shared             C.offered            D.talked

10.A.wonderful        B.long                 C.simple             D.boring

11.A.all                    B.that                 C.any                 D.part

12.A.talk                 B.quarrel             C.trip                  D.lesson

13.A.listed               B.included           C.read                D.said

14.A.method            B.habit                C.wealth             D.message

15.A.character         B.birthday           C.qualities           D.favourites

16.A.doubtedly         B.carefully          C.happily            D.hurriedly

17.A.where              B.whether           C.what               D.how

18.A.excited            B.astonished        C.disappointed     D.frightened

19.A.hung               B.pulled              C.rolled               D.pushed

20.A.troubled           B.disturbed          C.pleased            D.helped


 A few months ago, it wasn't unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. She'd wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programs – leaving her bed for only brief breaks. Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.

  "I was starting to feel like my whole world was falling apart – kind of slipping into a depression," said Carla. "I knew that if I didn't get off the dating sites, I'd just keep going," detaching (使脱离) herself further from the outside world.

  Toebe's conclusion: She felt like she was "addicted" to the Internet. She's not alone.

  Concern about excessive Internet use isn't new. As far back as 1995, articles in medical journals and the establishment of a Pennsylvania treatment center for overusers aroused interest in the subject. But as reliance on the Web grows, there are signs that the question is getting more serious attention: Last month, a study published in CNS Spectrums claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse. The American Psychiatric Association may also consider listing Internet addiction in the next edition. And scores of online discussion boards have popped up, on which people discuss negative experiences tied to too much time on the Web.

    The new CNS Spectrums study was based on results of a nationwide telephone survey of more than 2,500 adults. Like the latest survey, this one was conducted by Stanford University researchers. About 6% of respondents reported that "their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use." About 9% attempted to conceal "nonessential Internet use," and nearly 4% reported feeling " still occupied by the Internet when offline."

  "The Internet problem is still in its early stage," said Maressa Orzack, a Harvard University professor. No single online activity is to blame for excessive use, he said. "They're online in chat rooms, checking e-mail, or writing blogs. The problem is not limited to porn (色情) or gambling websites.”

  “Excessive Internet use should be defined not by the number of hours spent online but in terms of losses.”said Maressa Orzack. "If it's a loss where you're not getting to work, and family relationships are breaking down as a result, then it's too much."

  Since the early 1990s, several clinics have been established in the U. S. to treat heavy Internet users. They include the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery and the Center for Internet Behavior.

  The website for Orzack's center lists the following among the psychological symptoms of computer addiction:

  ● Having a sense of happiness or excitement while at the computer.

  ● Longing for more and more time at the computer.

  ● Neglect of family and friends.

  ● Feeling empty, depremssed or irritable when not at the computer.

  ● Lying to employers and family about activities.

  ● Inability to stop the activity.

  ● Problems with school or job.

  Physical symptoms listed include dry eyes, backaches, skipping meals, poor personal hygiene (卫生) and sleep disturbances.

  “People who struggle with Internet overuse maybe depressed or have other mood disorders.” Orzack said. When she discusses Internet habits with her patients, they often report that being online offers a "sense of belonging, and escape, excitement and fun," she said. “Some people say relief…because they find themselves so relaxed.”

  Some parts of the Internet seem to draw people in more than others. Internet gamers spend countless hours competing in games against people from all over the world. One such game, called World of Warcraft, is cited on many sites by posters complaining of a "gaming addiction."

  Andrew Heidrich, an education network administrator from Sacramento, plays World of Warcraft for about two to four hours every other night, but that's nothing compared with the 40 to 60 hours a week he spent playing online games when he was in college. He cut back only after a full-scale family intervention (干预), in which relatives told him he'd gained weight.

  “There's this whole culture of competition that sucks people in with online gaming, ”said Heidrich, now a father of two. People do it at the expense of everything that was a constant in their lives." Heidrich now visits websites that discuss gaming addiction regularly “to remind myself to keep my love for online games in check”.

  Toebe also regularly visits a site where posters discuss Internet overuse. In August, when she first realized she had a problem, she posted a message on a Yahoo Internet addiction group with the subject line:“I have an Internet Addiction.”

  “I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work, to take care of my home, to give attention to my children,”she wrote in a message sent to the group. “I have no money or insurance to get professional help; I can't even pay my loan and face losing everything.”

  Since then, Toebe said, she has kept her promise to herself to cut back on her Internet use. "I have a boyfriend now, and I'm not interested in online dating," she said by phone last week. "It's a lot better now."

1. What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet?

 A. Her daughter's repeated complaints.

 B. Tiredness resulting from lack of sleep.

 C. The poorly managed state of her house.

 D. The high financial costs adding up.

2.What is the main idea of para4?

A. A study claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse.

B. The American Psychiatric Association plans to list Internet addiction in its edition.

C. There are heated discussions about negative experiences over internet overuse.

D. There is a growing concern towards internet addiction.

3. According to Professor Maressa Orzack, Internet use would be considered excessive if ______.

 A. it seriously affected family relationships

 B. one visited porn websites frequently

 C. too much time was spent in chat rooms

 D. people got involved in online gambling

4. According to Orzack, people who struggle with heavy dependence on    

the Internet may feel ______.

 A. discouraged   B. pressured    C. depressed    D. puzzled

5. Andrew Heidrich now visits websites that discuss online gaming addiction to _____.

 A. improve his online gaming skills

 B. control his desire for online gaming

 C. show how good he is at online gaming

 D. exchange online gaming experience

6.Which of the following best describes the tone(口吻) of the passage ?

 A. Humorous      B. Ironic       C. Objective      D. Casual



 A few months ago, it wasn't unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. She'd wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programs – leaving her bed for only brief breaks. Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.
  "I was starting to feel like my whole world was falling apart – kind of slipping into a depression," said Carla. "I knew that if I didn't get off the dating sites, I'd just keep going," detaching (使脱离) herself further from the outside world.
  Toebe's conclusion: She felt like she was "addicted" to the Internet. She's not alone.
  Concern about excessive Internet use isn't new. As far back as 1995, articles in medical journals and the establishment of a Pennsylvania treatment center for overusers aroused interest in the subject. But as reliance on the Web grows, there are signs that the question is getting more serious attention: Last month, a study published in CNS Spectrums claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse. The American Psychiatric Association may also consider listing Internet addiction in the next edition. And scores of online discussion boards have popped up, on which people discuss negative experiences tied to too much time on the Web.
The new CNS Spectrums study was based on results of a nationwide telephone survey of more than 2,500 adults. Like the latest survey, this one was conducted by Stanford University researchers. About 6% of respondents reported that "their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use." About 9% attempted to conceal "nonessential Internet use," and nearly 4% reported feeling " still occupied by the Internet when offline."
  "The Internet problem is still in its early stage," said Maressa Orzack, a Harvard University professor. No single online activity is to blame for excessive use, he said. "They're online in chat rooms, checking e-mail, or writing blogs. The problem is not limited to porn (色情) or gambling websites.”
  “Excessive Internet use should be defined not by the number of hours spent online but in terms of losses.”said Maressa Orzack. "If it's a loss where you're not getting to work, and family relationships are breaking down as a result, then it's too much."
  Since the early 1990s, several clinics have been established in the U. S. to treat heavy Internet users. They include the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery and the Center for Internet Behavior.
  The website for Orzack's center lists the following among the psychological symptoms of computer addiction:
  ● Having a sense of happiness or excitement while at the computer.
  ● Longing for more and more time at the computer.
  ● Neglect of family and friends.
  ● Feeling empty, depremssed or irritable when not at the computer.
  ● Lying to employers and family about activities.
  ● Inability to stop the activity.
  ● Problems with school or job.
  Physical symptoms listed include dry eyes, backaches, skipping meals, poor personal hygiene (卫生) and sleep disturbances.
  “People who struggle with Internet overuse maybe depressed or have other mood disorders.” Orzack said. When she discusses Internet habits with her patients, they often report that being online offers a "sense of belonging, and escape, excitement and fun," she said. “Some people say relief…because they find themselves so relaxed.”
  Some parts of the Internet seem to draw people in more than others. Internet gamers spend countless hours competing in games against people from all over the world. One such game, called World of Warcraft, is cited on many sites by posters complaining of a "gaming addiction."
  Andrew Heidrich, an education network administrator from Sacramento, plays World of Warcraft for about two to four hours every other night, but that's nothing compared with the 40 to 60 hours a week he spent playing online games when he was in college. He cut back only after a full-scale family intervention (干预), in which relatives told him he'd gained weight.
  “There's this whole culture of competition that sucks people in with online gaming, ”said Heidrich, now a father of two. People do it at the expense of everything that was a constant in their lives." Heidrich now visits websites that discuss gaming addiction regularly “to remind myself to keep my love for online games in check”.
  Toebe also regularly visits a site where posters discuss Internet overuse. In August, when she first realized she had a problem, she posted a message on a Yahoo Internet addiction group with the subject line:“I have an Internet Addiction.”
  “I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work, to take care of my home, to give attention to my children,”she wrote in a message sent to the group. “I have no money or insurance to get professional help; I can't even pay my loan and face losing everything.”
  Since then, Toebe said, she has kept her promise to herself to cut back on her Internet use. "I have a boyfriend now, and I'm not interested in online dating," she said by phone last week. "It's a lot better now."
【小题1】 What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet?

A.Her daughter's repeated complaints.
B.Tiredness resulting from lack of sleep.
C.The poorly managed state of her house.
D.The high financial costs adding up.
【小题2】What is the main idea of para4?
A.A study claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse.
B.The American Psychiatric Association plans to list Internet addiction in its edition.
C.There are heated discussions about negative experiences over internet overuse.
D.There is a growing concern towards internet addiction.
【小题3】 According to Professor Maressa Orzack, Internet use would be considered excessive if ______.
A.it seriously affected family relationships
B.one visited porn websites frequently
C.too much time was spent in chat rooms
D.people got involved in online gambling
【小题4】 According to Orzack, people who struggle with heavy dependence on    
the Internet may feel ______.
【小题5】 Andrew Heidrich now visits websites that discuss online gaming addiction to _____.
A.improve his online gaming skills
B.control his desire for online gaming
C.show how good he is at online gaming
D.exchange online gaming experience
【小题6】Which of the following best describes the tone(口吻) of the passage ?


 A few months ago, it wasn't unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. She'd wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programs – leaving her bed for only brief breaks. Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.

  "I was starting to feel like my whole world was falling apart – kind of slipping into a depression," said Carla. "I knew that if I didn't get off the dating sites, I'd just keep going," detaching (使脱离) herself further from the outside world.

  Toebe's conclusion: She felt like she was "addicted" to the Internet. She's not alone.

  Concern about excessive Internet use isn't new. As far back as 1995, articles in medical journals and the establishment of a Pennsylvania treatment center for overusers aroused interest in the subject. But as reliance on the Web grows, there are signs that the question is getting more serious attention: Last month, a study published in CNS Spectrums claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse. The American Psychiatric Association may also consider listing Internet addiction in the next edition. And scores of online discussion boards have popped up, on which people discuss negative experiences tied to too much time on the Web.

    The new CNS Spectrums study was based on results of a nationwide telephone survey of more than 2,500 adults. Like the latest survey, this one was conducted by Stanford University researchers. About 6% of respondents reported that "their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use." About 9% attempted to conceal "nonessential Internet use," and nearly 4% reported feeling " still occupied by the Internet when offline."

  "The Internet problem is still in its early stage," said Maressa Orzack, a Harvard University professor. No single online activity is to blame for excessive use, he said. "They're online in chat rooms, checking e-mail, or writing blogs. The problem is not limited to porn (色情) or gambling websites.”

  “Excessive Internet use should be defined not by the number of hours spent online but in terms of losses.”said Maressa Orzack. "If it's a loss where you're not getting to work, and family relationships are breaking down as a result, then it's too much."

  Since the early 1990s, several clinics have been established in the U. S. to treat heavy Internet users. They include the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery and the Center for Internet Behavior.

  The website for Orzack's center lists the following among the psychological symptoms of computer addiction:

  ● Having a sense of happiness or excitement while at the computer.

  ● Longing for more and more time at the computer.

  ● Neglect of family and friends.

  ● Feeling empty, depremssed or irritable when not at the computer.

  ● Lying to employers and family about activities.

  ● Inability to stop the activity.

  ● Problems with school or job.

  Physical symptoms listed include dry eyes, backaches, skipping meals, poor personal hygiene (卫生) and sleep disturbances.

  “People who struggle with Internet overuse maybe depressed or have other mood disorders.” Orzack said. When she discusses Internet habits with her patients, they often report that being online offers a "sense of belonging, and escape, excitement and fun," she said. “Some people say relief…because they find themselves so relaxed.”

  Some parts of the Internet seem to draw people in more than others. Internet gamers spend countless hours competing in games against people from all over the world. One such game, called World of Warcraft, is cited on many sites by posters complaining of a "gaming addiction."

  Andrew Heidrich, an education network administrator from Sacramento, plays World of Warcraft for about two to four hours every other night, but that's nothing compared with the 40 to 60 hours a week he spent playing online games when he was in college. He cut back only after a full-scale family intervention (干预), in which relatives told him he'd gained weight.

  “There's this whole culture of competition that sucks people in with online gaming, ”said Heidrich, now a father of two. People do it at the expense of everything that was a constant in their lives." Heidrich now visits websites that discuss gaming addiction regularly “to remind myself to keep my love for online games in check”.

  Toebe also regularly visits a site where posters discuss Internet overuse. In August, when she first realized she had a problem, she posted a message on a Yahoo Internet addiction group with the subject line:“I have an Internet Addiction.”

  “I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work, to take care of my home, to give attention to my children,”she wrote in a message sent to the group. “I have no money or insurance to get professional help; I can't even pay my loan and face losing everything.”

  Since then, Toebe said, she has kept her promise to herself to cut back on her Internet use. "I have a boyfriend now, and I'm not interested in online dating," she said by phone last week. "It's a lot better now."

What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet?

 A. Her daughter's repeated complaints.

 B. Tiredness resulting from lack of sleep.

 C. The poorly managed state of her house.

 D. The high financial costs adding up.

What is the main idea of para4?

A. A study claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse.

B. The American Psychiatric Association plans to list Internet addiction in its edition.

C. There are heated discussions about negative experiences over internet overuse.

D. There is a growing concern towards internet addiction.

According to Professor Maressa Orzack, Internet use would be considered excessive if ______.

 A. it seriously affected family relationships

 B. one visited porn websites frequently

 C. too much time was spent in chat rooms

 D. people got involved in online gambling

According to Orzack, people who struggle with heavy dependence on    

the Internet may feel ______.

 A. discouraged   B. pressured    C. depressed    D. puzzled

Andrew Heidrich now visits websites that discuss online gaming addiction to _____.

 A. improve his online gaming skills

 B. control his desire for online gaming

 C. show how good he is at online gaming

 D. exchange online gaming experience

Which of the following best describes the tone(口吻) of the passage ?

 A. Humorous      B. Ironic       C. Objective      D. Casual


My heart sank when the man at the immigration counter gestured to the back room. I was born and raised in America, and this was Miami, where I live, but they weren’t quite ready to let me in yet.

  “Please wait in here, Ms. Abujaber,” the immigration officer said. My husband, with his very American last name, accompanied me. He was getting used to this. The same thing had happened recently in Canada when I’d flown to Montreal to speak at a book event. That time they held me for 45 minutes. Today we were returning from a literary festival in Jamaica, and I was shocked that I was being sent “in back” once again.

  The officer behind the counter called me up and said, “Miss, your name looks like the name of someone who’s on our wanted list. We’re going to have to check you out with Washington.”

  “How long will it take?”

  “Hard to say…a few minutes,” he said, “We’ll call you when we’re ready for you.” After an hour, Washington still hadn’t decided anything about me.

“Isn’t this computerized?” I asked at the counter, “Can’t you just look me up?”

“Just a few more minutes,” they assured me.

  After an hour and a half, I pulled my cell phone out to call the friends I was supposed to meet that evening. An officer rushed over. “No phones!” he said, “For all we know you could be calling a terrorist cell and giving them information.”

  “I’m just a university professor,” I said. My voice came out in a squeak.

  “Of course you are. And we take people like you out of here in leg irons every day.”

  I put my phone away.

  My husband and I were getting hungry and tired. Whole families had been brought into the waiting room, and the place was packed with excitable children, exhausted parents, and even a flight attendant.

  I wanted to scream, to jump on a chair and shout: “I’m an American citizen; a novelist; I probably teach English literature to your children.”

After two hours in detention (扣押), I was approached by one of the officers. “You’re free to go,” he said. No explanation or apologies. For a moment, neither of us moved. We were still in shock. Then we leaped to our feet.

  “Oh, one more thing,” he handed me a tattered photocopy with an address on it, “If you aren’t happy with your treatment, you can write to this agency.”

  “Will they respond?” I asked.

  “I don’t knowI don’t know of anyone who’s ever written to them before.” Then he added,” By the way, this will probably keep happening each time you travel internationally.”

  “What can I do to keep it from happening again?”

  He smiled the empty smile we’d seen all day, “Absolutely nothing.”

  After telling several friends about our ordeal, probably the most frequent advice I’ve heard in response is to change my name. Twenty years ago, my own graduate school writing professor advised me to write under a pen name so that publishers wouldn’t stick me in what he called “the ethnic ghetto”a separate, secondary shelf in the bookstore. But a name is an integral part of anyone’s personal and professional identityjust like the town you’re born in and the place where you’re raised.

  Like my father, I’ll keep the name, but my airport experience has given me a whole new perspective on what diversity and tolerance are supposed to mean. I had no idea that being an American would ever be this hard.

1.The author was held at the airport because ______.

A. she and her husband returned from Jamaica

B. her name was similar to a terrorist’s

C. she had been held in Montreal

D. she had spoken at a book event

2.She was not allowed to call her friends because ______.

A. her identity hadn’t been confirmed yet

B. she had been held for only one hour and a half

C. there were other families in the waiting room

D. she couldn’t use her own cell phone

3.We learn from the passage that the author would ______ to prevent similar experience from happening again.

A. write to the agency?????????? B. change her name??

C. avoid traveling abroad??????? D. do nothing

4.Her experiences indicate that there still exists ______ in the US.

A. hatred???????????????????? B. discrimination?????

C. tolerance?????????????????? D. diversity

5.The author sounds ______ in the last paragraph.

A. impatient?? B. bitter???????? C. worried??????????? D. ironic (具有讽刺意味的)


