35.Experts have warned that China will face a serious mismatch between population and social needs it soon relaxes its one-child rule. A.unless B.if C.when D.because 查看更多




   Health experts have warned for many years that cigarette-smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other medical problems. And officials say disease caused directly by smoking kill at least three hundred and twenty thousand Americans each year. But smokers still find it rather difficult to stop .The tobacco industry says 40 million Americans continue to smoke cigarette . The American Cancer Society wants to change this. Every year the group organizes a national Non-smoking Day in order to get people to give up cigarette.

On the Non-smoking Day the organization is asking all smokers to stop smoking at least for 24 hours .The Cancer Society hopes this will lead many people to give up smoking completely .On that day the Cancer society officers will give telephone call advice on how to stop smoking. Some others also can call a special telephone to hear recorder messages by doctors. Some factories will offer their workers candy or chewing gum to help them to keep from smoking. Some companies are offering special presents and low prizes to people who sign an agreement to stop smoking. And Americans who don’t smoke are being asked to help just one person who is smoking during the 24-hour campaign.


1.How many Americans die from smoking each year ? ﹙不超过4个单词﹚


2.Who set the Non-smoking Day ? ﹙不超过4个单词﹚


3.What is the purpose of the Non-smoking Day ?﹙不超过7个单词﹚





. Experts have warned ______ of the health risks caused by passive smoking.

A. at a time           B. at one time       C. for some time   D. for the time



United States President George W. Bush is expected to issue a directive in the next few weeks. It will give the US Air Force a green light for the development of space weapons, US media reported last week.
This would potentially start a new global arms race, some experts have warned.
To keep that from happening, last Wednesday the White House explained that it was not considering putting weapons in space. It said it was making a shift in US space policy to allow for protection of satellites.
But some defense analysts and arms control advocates argue that the policy will pave the way for the US to put both defensive and offensive  weapons in space.
“No one should be fooled,” said Theresa Hitchens, an American weapons expert.
The US is now restricted by a 1996 directive  signed by President Bill Clinton. Plans for space weapons were vetoed by the Clinton cabinet. The directive emphasized the peaceful use of space , in agreement with almost unanimous global opinion.
The US military has placed importance on space and has sent up numberous satellites for troop communications and to provide intelligence and data to guide bombs to their targets.
The US Air Force wants to develop space- based weapons that could strike targets anywhere in the world within 90 minutes of receiving the order to open fire.
These new weapons under development cover a wide range. They include hunter- killer satellites and orbiting weapons. And they use lasers, radio waves, or even dense metal tubes, known as “ Rods from God”, dropped from space to do the damage.
There are many barriers to the setting up of this kind of program, experts say.
First is the coast. It is estimated that the budget may be US $220 billion to US $ 1 trillion .
The technical difficulties of developing reliable space weapons are also a problem.
And, the program will draw strong criticism from around the world. Experts worry about starting a space arms race.
【小题1】Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.US Military Plans
B.The Global Arms Race
C.A Comparison between Two Presidents
D.President George W. Bush and the World Peace
【小题2】According to this passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.President George W. Bush supports space weapon development.
B.The space weapon program will threaten world peace
C.Clinton government was poorer than Bush government.
D.The US space weapon project is very expensive.
【小题3】After reading this passage, it can be inferred that “___________ “.
A.George W. Bush’s directive to be issued will be against global opinions
B.The White House is right in explaining that US new space policy aims to protect satellites
C.US government has little difficulty in developing new space weapons
D.President George W. Bush and Bill Clinton share a lot in common
【小题4】The author’s attitude towards the coming space weapon development is _______.


XI'AN - China's conservation work for the endangered crested ibis(朱鹮)is facing new challenges, including an increasing mortality rate due to inbreeding, and the conflict between the need to expand natural habitats and local communities' economic interests, bird experts have warned.
The crested ibis, once widespread in Japan, China, Russia and the Korean Peninsula, almost became extinct in the first half of the 20th century.
Before 1981, when seven crested ibis were accidentally found in Yangxian county, in Northwest China's Shaanxi province, academics thought the species had been extinct in China for almost 17 years.
Due to the huge effort put into species protection since 1981, the number of crested ibis in China has risen to an estimated 1,617, including 997 in the wild, the State Forestry Administration said at a meeting on crested ibis protection in Xi'an on Monday.
However, although the ibis population exceeds 1,000, the birds are still not free from the threat of extinction, said Fang Shengguo, director of the State Conservation Center for Gene Resources of Endangered Wildlife at Zhejiang University.
“Ornithologists used inbreeding in the early stages of protection so that numbers of the precious birds could increase quickly, but that method had consequences,” Fang said.
"Studies have proved that as a result of inbreeding, crested ibis have the lowest genetic diversity of all endangered birds," Fang said.
"It means a high mortality rate and more physical defects for hatched chicks."
“The government should collect genetic information from all crested ibis and establish a genetic database as soon as possible, then design a scientific mating plan for the species,” Fang said.
So far, about 90 percent of crested ibis live in Shaanxi province, and fewer than 140 ibis live in three zoos in other parts of the country, including Beijing Zoo, according to Liu Dongping, an assistant researcher at the National Bird Banding Center of China, which is affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Forestry.
The bird has lost the ability to migrate, he said, adding that if an unexpected natural disaster occurred in Shaanxi province or an infectious disease spread through the area, the ibis population could be greatly reduced.
Experts also warned that the increased population of ibis, whether in the wild or in captivity, requires a larger and more varied natural habitat.
Rampant hunting, the massive loss of habitat caused by deforestation and the overuse of pesticides, which killed aquatic insects on which the ibis feed, are believed to be the main reasons for the sharp reduction in the ibis population before 1981.
So, in 1983, a State-level natural reserve was set up in Shaanxi province to protect the bird. But the struggle for living space between human and animal has never stopped, said Lu Baozhong, deputy director of the Shaanxi Crested Ibis Conservation Station.
"For example, ibis often look for loaches in farmers' rice fields. Sometimes their claws trample the rice seedlings. In another case, villagers discovered some land with abundant mineral resources which happened to be a habitat for ibis," said Lu, who has devoted 30 years to ibis protection.
A long-term win-win solution for ibis and local communities needs to be developed, one that would provide ecological compensation for local residents, Lu said.
【小题1】. What’s the best title for the passage?

A.The Rare Bird in ChinaB.New Problems for the Crested Ibis
C.The Way to Save the Crested IbisD.The Reason for the Crested Ibis’s Extinction
【小题2】  Which of the following statement is TRUE ?
A.The crested ibis is a native of China.
B.Before 1981, the crested ibis was extinct in China.
C.The crested ibis is now free from the threat of extinction.
D.Most of the crested ibis are in Shaanxi province.
【小题3】. Why did the experts adopt the way of inbreeding to protect the crested ibis?
A.To increase the mortality rate.
B.To increase the number of the crested ibis.
C.To get more physical defects for hatched chicks
D.To have the lowest diversity of the endangered bird.
【小题4】. What may be the reason for the reduction in the population of the crested ibis before 1981?
A.inbreedingB.economic development
C.over huntingD.sandstorm
【小题5】. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Due to our great efforts, the crested ibis lives in the wild well.
B.Scientists will choose a better habitat for the crested ibis.
C.The problems of the crested ibis have not been solved now.
D.The government has established a genetic database of the crested ibis.


United States President George W. Bush is expected to issue a directive in the next few weeks. It will give the US Air Force a green light for the development of space weapons, US media reported last week.

This would potentially start a new global arms race, some experts have warned.

To keep that from happening, last Wednesday the White House explained that it was not considering putting weapons in space. It said it was making a shift in US space policy to allow for protection of satellites.

But some defense analysts and arms control advocates argue that the policy will pave the way for the US to put both defensive and offensive  weapons in space.

“No one should be fooled,” said Theresa Hitchens, an American weapons expert.

The US is now restricted by a 1996 directive  signed by President Bill Clinton. Plans for space weapons were vetoed by the Clinton cabinet. The directive emphasized the peaceful use of space , in agreement with almost unanimous global opinion.

The US military has placed importance on space and has sent up numberous satellites for troop communications and to provide intelligence and data to guide bombs to their targets.

The US Air Force wants to develop space- based weapons that could strike targets anywhere in the world within 90 minutes of receiving the order to open fire.

These new weapons under development cover a wide range. They include hunter- killer satellites and orbiting weapons. And they use lasers, radio waves, or even dense metal tubes, known as “ Rods from God”, dropped from space to do the damage.

There are many barriers to the setting up of this kind of program, experts say.

First is the coast. It is estimated that the budget may be US $220 billion to US $ 1 trillion .

The technical difficulties of developing reliable space weapons are also a problem.

And, the program will draw strong criticism from around the world. Experts worry about starting a space arms race.

1.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.US Military Plans

B.The Global Arms Race

C.A Comparison between Two Presidents

D.President George W. Bush and the World Peace

2.According to this passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.President George W. Bush supports space weapon development.

B.The space weapon program will threaten world peace

C.Clinton government was poorer than Bush government.

D.The US space weapon project is very expensive.

3.After reading this passage, it can be inferred that “___________ “.

A.George W. Bush’s directive to be issued will be against global opinions

B.The White House is right in explaining that US new space policy aims to protect satellites

C.US government has little difficulty in developing new space weapons

D.President George W. Bush and Bill Clinton share a lot in common

4.The author’s attitude towards the coming space weapon development is _______.






