29.The latest mobile phones have features such as games, music and an electronic calendar that will you about appointments and important dates. A.inform B.warn C.remind D.advise 查看更多



A child-like robot, Wakamaru, developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan and combining the roles of nurse, companion and security guard, will soon be in the market to look after the growing number of old people with no one to look after them.

  Cameras implanted under the “ eyebrows” of the robot enable it to “see’’ as it moves around in a house. The images can be sent to the latest mobile telephones, which can show the pictures. Wakamaru speaks with either the voice of a boy or a girl. It is also designed to provide companionship, greeting its “ papa”, when he comes home. Based on a vocabulary of around 10 000 words, it is the first household robot which is able to hold simple conversations. It can not only speak, but also understand answers and react accordingly. It will ask“ Are you all right?” if its owner does not move for some time. If the answer is no, or there is no answer, it will telephone preset numbers, send images and work as a speakerphone. It can recognize up to 10 faces. It can be set to remind forgetful people when it is time to take medicine, eat and sleep.

  However, like most robots, it cannot climb stairs. Mitsubishi developed Wakamaru from robots which have already been made to go around nuclear power facilities(设施). “ Looking at the ageing of society and the falling birth rate we decided that this could work as a business. We want to offer it as a product that helps society,’’ said the project chief. The developers plan to sell the robot from April next year at between 5,000 and 6,000 pound.

  The life expectancy of Japanese women has shot up to almost 85, the highest in the world. At the same time, extended families are being replaced by nuclear families. This has left many Japanese anxious about their elderly parents. Therefore, the technology has gained nation-wide publicity in Japan.

Which of the following is TRUE about Wakamaru?

It is used in some nuclear power facilities.

It can speak but cannot understand answers.

It can go up and down the stairs easily.

It can recognize as many as 10 people.

The passage is written with the purpose to ______.

      A. introduce a new product  

B solve the aging problems.

     C. tell people how to use the robot 

     D show the rapid development of technology

What can be inferred from the passage ?

      A. The robot can dial proper numbers for help

      B. The robot is likely to have a promising market.

      C. The robot enables the Japanese to live longer

      D. Many elderly Japanese are anxious about their future



  What comes as a shock to many Westerners may be the unfriendly way that some Chinese treat waiters and waitresses in restaurants and bars. Over the last few years,as many in Beijing have made fortunes,I and many of my foreign friends have noticed a downturn in the treatment of those who work all hours and often live in terrible conditions to bring us our food,guard our homes and sell us clothes.It's not the common citizens,but the young nouveau riches(暴发户) Chinese in Beijing who are mostly guilty of this both social and human misbehavior.

  It is not unusual to see and hear these people,especially the young women among their ranks,speaking rudely to the waiters and waitresses,as they sit there in the misguided belief that the latest mobile phone,a new car and designer clothes give them the right to talk to people like dirt.In one recent incident(事件) in an expensive restaurant near where I live ,I overheard the table next to me,two guys and a girl,tell the waitress "You really are stupid ",because she had brought them two glasses instead of three.They all burst into loud laughter as the young girl ran away to fetch another.In anther incident I saw a waitress reduced to tears as four well-dressed girls criticized everything from her accent to her looks.

  Lately I have noticed that this rather unpleasant aspect of the nouveau riches has been taken up by many of their foreign peers(同类人).So I ask Beijing's bright young things to set a good example,and treat all people with equal respect.And I urge foreigners to follow the good examples of their Chinese language teachers and textbooks while adding some of the pleasantries of their own cultures,so that cultural interpenetration(相互渗透) has a positive influence and not a negative one.

  Here I'd like to leave you with the words from Confucius:"What you do not wish for yourself, do not "do to others."

  64.The writer has noticed that less respect is shown to _______ in Beijing in recent years.

   A.common citizens          B.waiters and the like

   C.young nouveau riches      D.some foreigners

  65.The two incidents mentioned in Paragraph 2 are used to show ______.

   A.waiters and waitresses can make excusable mistakes

   B.waitresses are usually too shy to be laughed at

   C.some Beijingers are too particular about restaurant service

   D.what's being talked about is not rare

  66.The young Beijingers are asked to set a good example in order to ______

   A.have good influence over foreigners

   B.leave a good impression on foreigners

   C.educate younger Chinese

   D.develop traditional Chinese culture

  67.The origial title of the article is most likely to be _______.

   A.One Dark Side of the Bright Chinese Capital

   B.Beijing's Young Nouveau Riches,Watch Out

   C.Dno't Throw Away Good Manners,Please

   D.People Like Waiters Live at Bottom of Society



  What comes as a shock to many Westerners may be the unfriendly way that some Chinese treat waiters and waitresses in restaurants and bars. Over the last few years,as many in Beijing have made fortunes,I and many of my foreign friends have noticed a downturn in the treatment of those who work all hours and often live in terrible conditions to bring us our food,guard our homes and sell us clothes.It's not the common citizens,but the young nouveau riches(暴发户) Chinese in Beijing who are mostly guilty of this both social and human misbehavior.
  It is not unusual to see and hear these people,especially the young women among their ranks,speaking rudely to the waiters and waitresses,as they sit there in the misguided belief that the latest mobile phone,a new car and designer clothes give them the right to talk to people like dirt.In one recent incident(事件) in an expensive restaurant near where I live ,I overheard the table next to me,two guys and a girl,tell the waitress "You really are stupid ",because she had brought them two glasses instead of three.They all burst into loud laughter as the young girl ran away to fetch another.In anther incident I saw a waitress reduced to tears as four well-dressed girls criticized everything from her accent to her looks.
  Lately I have noticed that this rather unpleasant aspect of the nouveau riches has been taken up by many of their foreign peers(同类人).So I ask Beijing's bright young things to set a good example,and treat all people with equal respect.And I urge foreigners to follow the good examples of their Chinese language teachers and textbooks while adding some of the pleasantries of their own cultures,so that cultural interpenetration(相互渗透) has a positive influence and not a negative one.
  Here I'd like to leave you with the words from Confucius:"What you do not wish for yourself, do not "do to others."
  64.The writer has noticed that less respect is shown to _______ in Beijing in recent years.
   A.common citizens          B.waiters and the like
   C.young nouveau riches      D.some foreigners
  65.The two incidents mentioned in Paragraph 2 are used to show ______.
   A.waiters and waitresses can make excusable mistakes
   B.waitresses are usually too shy to be laughed at
   C.some Beijingers are too particular about restaurant service
   D.what's being talked about is not rare
  66.The young Beijingers are asked to set a good example in order to ______
   A.have good influence over foreigners
   B.leave a good impression on foreigners
   C.educate younger Chinese
   D.develop traditional Chinese culture
  67.The origial title of the article is most likely to be _______.
   A.One Dark Side of the Bright Chinese Capital
   B.Beijing's Young Nouveau Riches,Watch Out
   C.Dno't Throw Away Good Manners,Please
   D.People Like Waiters Live at Bottom of Society



A child-like robot, Wakamaru, developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan and combining the roles of nurse, companion and security guard, will soon be in the market to look after the growing number of old people with no one to look after them.

  Cameras implanted under the “ eyebrows” of the robot enable it to “see’’ as it moves around in a house. The images can be sent to the latest mobile telephones, which can show the pictures. Wakamaru speaks with either the voice of a boy or a girl. It is also designed to provide companionship, greeting its “ papa”, when he comes home. Based on a vocabulary of around 10 000 words, it is the first household robot which is able to hold simple conversations. It can not only speak, but also understand answers and react accordingly. It will ask“ Are you all right?” if its owner does not move for some time. If the answer is no, or there is no answer, it will telephone preset numbers, send images and work as a speakerphone. It can recognize up to 10 faces. It can be set to remind forgetful people when it is time to take medicine, eat and sleep.

  However, like most robots, it cannot climb stairs. Mitsubishi developed Wakamaru from robots which have already been made to go around nuclear power facilities(设施). “ Looking at the ageing of society and the falling birth rate we decided that this could work as a business. We want to offer it as a product that helps society,’’ said the project chief. The developers plan to sell the robot from April next year at between 5,000 and 6,000 pound.

  The life expectancy of Japanese women has shot up to almost 85, the highest in the world. At the same time, extended families are being replaced by nuclear families. This has left many Japanese anxious about their elderly parents. Therefore, the technology has gained nation-wide publicity in Japan.

68.Which of the following is TRUE about Wakamaru?

It is used in some nuclear power facilities.

It can speak but cannot understand answers.

It can go up and down the stairs easily.

It can recognize as many as 10 people.

69.The passage is written with the purpose to ______.

      A. introduce a new product  

B solve the aging problems.

     C. tell people how to use the robot 

     D show the rapid development of technology

70. What can be inferred from the passage ?

      A. The robot can dial proper numbers for help

      B. The robot is likely to have a promising market.

      C. The robot enables the Japanese to live longer

      D. Many elderly Japanese are anxious about their future



  What comes as a shock to many Westerners may be the unfriendly way that some Chinese treat waiters and waitresses in restaurants and bars. Over the last few years,as many in Beijing have made fortunes,I and many of my foreign friends have noticed a downturn in the treatment of those who work all hours and often live in terrible conditions to bring us our food,guard our homes and sell us clothes.It's not the common citizens,but the young nouveau riches(暴发户) Chinese in Beijing who are mostly guilty of this both social and human misbehavior.

  It is not unusual to see and hear these people,especially the young women among their ranks,speaking rudely to the waiters and waitresses,as they sit there in the misguided belief that the latest mobile phone,a new car and designer clothes give them the right to talk to people like dirt.In one recent incident(事件) in an expensive restaurant near where I live ,I overheard the table next to me,two guys and a girl,tell the waitress "You really are stupid ",because she had brought them two glasses instead of three.They all burst into loud laughter as the young girl ran away to fetch another.In anther incident I saw a waitress reduced to tears as four well-dressed girls criticized everything from her accent to her looks.

  Lately I have noticed that this rather unpleasant aspect of the nouveau riches has been taken up by many of their foreign peers(同类人).So I ask Beijing's bright young things to set a good example,and treat all people with equal respect.And I urge foreigners to follow the good examples of their Chinese language teachers and textbooks while adding some of the pleasantries of their own cultures,so that cultural interpenetration(相互渗透) has a positive influence and not a negative one.

  Here I'd like to leave you with the words from Confucius:"What you do not wish for yourself, do not "do to others."

  64.The writer has noticed that less respect is shown to _______ in Beijing in recent years.

   A.common citizens          B.waiters and the like

   C.young nouveau riches      D.some foreigners

  65.The two incidents mentioned in Paragraph 2 are used to show ______.

   A.waiters and waitresses can make excusable mistakes

   B.waitresses are usually too shy to be laughed at

   C.some Beijingers are too particular about restaurant service

   D.what's being talked about is not rare

  66.The young Beijingers are asked to set a good example in order to ______

   A.have good influence over foreigners

   B.leave a good impression on foreigners

   C.educate younger Chinese

   D.develop traditional Chinese culture

  67.The origial title of the article is most likely to be _______.

   A.One Dark Side of the Bright Chinese Capital

   B.Beijing's Young Nouveau Riches,Watch Out

   C.Dno't Throw Away Good Manners,Please

   D.People Like Waiters Live at Bottom of Society

