10.With the summer vacation a , tourism has come to life again. 查看更多



第II卷(满分 35 分)
第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分35分)
With the summer vacation coming around, many school                    76. _________
leavers feel it the great chance to enjoy themselves. Most                           77. __________
of my classmate have plans to travel, which can broaden                           78. ________
their views and add up to their life experience. There are                           79. __________
also some students would like to work as volunteers in                              80. _________
the communities. Beside, quite a few students want to learn                       81. ________
to drive, dance or cook with attending summer classes.                              82. ______
As for me, I am looking forward to spend this precious time                      83. ________
with my family before I left for my college. Hopefully, I can                           84. _________
do something in return for our parents' love and care.                                85. __________


When my daughter, Sophie, was admitted to a college we were very happy, but a little worried about becoming empty nesters. I knew I had to do something to help myself adapt, starting with the summer before she left.
Sophie had a pack of colorful T-shirts. I knew she wouldn’t wear them any more, so I decided to make a quilt out of them for her bed at college. It focused my energy, and also let me relive some memories. I tried to work on the quilt when Sophie wasn’t at home----which turned out to be often. She was very busy with her friends. Even when she was around, her door was shut more than usual. I felt a bit hurt. After all, we didn’t have much time together before she went to college, I was already missing her, and she hadn’t ever left yet.
When we arrived at the college, a wave of emotion flooded me. I tried to hold it back, but Sophie saw it in my face. She took a big red book from her bag. “I made this for you, Mom,” she said. Then I knew why she had been staying behind a closed door that summer. It was an album of photographs documenting the life of our family over the last 17 years.
I broke into tears. Some of it was sadness at having to let her go, but some of it was joy. I knew that our connection was more powerful than ever, and that we’d always be connected by the strongest of threads, the love that went into every stitch of her quilt and every photo of my album.
In Sophie’s dormitory I unfolded the quilt on her bed. For a moment she was speechless. Then she threw her arms around me. “Mom, I love you,” she said. One of her new friends was calling her outside. Sophie turned, and I let her go.
What do we learn about Sophie from the passage?

A.She did not understand how her mother felt about her leaving.
B.She had few friends, and kept to herself at home that summer.
C.She made a photo album to show her love.
D.She liked her colorful T-shirts very much.
Why did the author feel hurt, according to the second paragraph?
A.Because Sophie was not interested in what she was doing.
B.Because Sophie had little time for her.
C.Because Sophie was going to leave home for a long time.
D.Because Sophie did not help her to make the quilt.
How did the author feel when they arrived at the college?
A.She felt worried.
B.She felt nervous.
C.She was sorry to be leaving her daughter.
D.She missed her daughter very much.
Why did the author finally let her daughter go?
A.She realized that her daughter had to go to college by herself.
B.She realized that the love between them would never be cut off.
C.Sophie’s present had made her forget her sorrow.
D.Sophie’s new friends were calling her outside the dormitory.


When my daughter, Sophie, was admitted to a college we were very happy, but a little worried about becoming empty nesters. I knew I had to do something to help myself adapt, starting with the summer before she left.

Sophie had a pack of colorful T-shirts. I knew she wouldn’t wear them any more, so I decided to make a quilt out of them for her bed at college. It focused my energy, and also let me relive some memories. I tried to work on the quilt when Sophie wasn’t at home----which turned out to be often. She was very busy with her friends. Even when she was around, her door was shut more than usual. I felt a bit hurt. After all, we didn’t have much time together before she went to college, I was already missing her, and she hadn’t ever left yet.

When we arrived at the college, a wave of emotion flooded me. I tried to hold it back, but Sophie saw it in my face. She took a big red book from her bag. “I made this for you, Mom,” she said. Then I knew why she had been staying behind a closed door that summer. It was an album of photographs documenting the life of our family over the last 17 years.

I broke into tears. Some of it was sadness at having to let her go, but some of it was joy. I knew that our connection was more powerful than ever, and that we’d always be connected by the strongest of threads, the love that went into every stitch of her quilt and every photo of my album.

In Sophie’s dormitory I unfolded the quilt on her bed. For a moment she was speechless. Then she threw her arms around me. “Mom, I love you,” she said. One of her new friends was calling her outside. Sophie turned, and I let her go.


What do we learn about Sophie from the passage?

A.She did not understand how her mother felt about her leaving.

B.She had few friends, and kept to herself at home that summer.

C.She made a photo album to show her love.

D.She liked her colorful T-shirts very much.


Why did the author feel hurt, according to the second paragraph?

A.Because Sophie was not interested in what she was doing.

B.Because Sophie had little time for her.

C.Because Sophie was going to leave home for a long time.

D.Because Sophie did not help her to make the quilt.


How did the author feel when they arrived at the college?

A.She felt worried.

B.She felt nervous.

C.She was sorry to be leaving her daughter.

D.She missed her daughter very much.


Why did the author finally let her daughter go?

A.She realized that her daughter had to go to college by herself.

B.She realized that the love between them would never be cut off.

C.Sophie’s present had made her forget her sorrow.

D.Sophie’s new friends were calling her outside the dormitory.



_______, and students having returned, the school will start with ________ effort in the work that lies before it.

A.The summer vacation is over; refreshing
B.As the summer vacation over; renewed
C.The summer vacation being over; renewed
D.With the summer vacation being over; refreshing


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With the summer vacation coming around, many school    
leavers feel it the great chance to enjoy themselves. Most        
of my classmate have plans to travel, which can broaden         
their views and add up to their life experience. There are        
also some students would like to work as volunteers in           
the communities. Beside, quite a few students want to learn           
to drive, dance or cook with attending summer classes.                  
As for me, I am looking forward to spend this precious time          
with my family before I left for my college. Hopefully, I can         
do something in return for our parents' love and care.                    

