in the distance在远处,在远方 I could see the bus coming in the distance. 拓展: at a distance隔一段距离, 距离稍远一些 The picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画隔远一点看好看一些. from a distance从远方 keep a distance别靠近 keep sb. at a distance对某人保持疏远 考点例题: 我们从远处就可以看到那座山. We can see the mountain the distance. 我们能看到远处有架风车. We can see a windmill the distance. 查看更多





   The match was tied with minutes ___________ ___________.

2. 在我看来,我们应该有新的电脑了。

   In my opinion, it is about time we ___________ ___________ new computers.

3. 当他们到处转悠时,发现远处有一个人背靠树坐着。

   As they were wandering around, they noticed a man ___________ ___________ a tree

   in the distance.

4. 要增补一个新的运动项目,就必须淘汰一个当前的运动项目。

   In order for a new sport to be added, another sport must ___________ ___________.

5. 鹰队在联赛上铩羽而归,既恼火又愤愤不平。

   The Eagles went home _______ and _______ because they did not win the tournament.



96. 刘老师坐在桌旁,他的学生围着他站着。 (with + 宾语 + 分词)

97. 我3年前去过的古寺给我留下了很深刻的印象。(a……impression on + 定语从句)

98. 远处看起来有一团雾。(in the distance, a patch of)

99. 我宁愿你今天晚上呆在家里看电视。(would rather)

100. 他将为他自己所做的一切付出代价。 (pay for)

101. 我认为对人们来说低碳生活是十分有必要的。 (consider; low-carbon life)

102. 虽然我学习英语已经有几年了,但我在和英语是母语的人交流时依然有困难。(have problems doing; English native speaker)

103. 王老师不仅仅是一位教师,他总是照顾好自己的学生。 (more than + 定语从句)

104. 他的篮球事业是在多年的奋斗之后才成功的。 (career; take off)

105. 那些沉溺于电脑游戏的人不会取得成功的。(abandon oneself to + 定语从句)


1. distant adj. _____
2. at a distance _____
3. in the distance _____
4. out of distance from_____
5. keep sb. at a distance_____
6. keep one's distance from_____
7. distance yourself from ______
8. know one's distance _____
9. at/from a distance_____
10. at a distance of+ 数字_____
11. I don't know____Beijing to Shanghai.
12. What is___London?
13. I can see you________of 10 meters.
      在10 米远的地方,我能看到你.
14. It is hard to know her well because she always keeps others ____.
15. I saw something____ .


站在塔顶上,我发现自己被云雾包围着。然而我仍能看到远处的山。那迷人的景色给我留下了很深的印象。(surround;in the distance;scenery;impress)



A Little Hero
A group of Italian soldiers led by a captain were advancing slowly toward the position of the enemy. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy, cutting a branch of a tree with his knife.
"What are you doing here?" asked the captain. "Why didn’t you leave with your family?"
  "I don’t have any family," said the boy. "I’m an orphan. I used to work for the family that lived here. They’ve gone, but I stayed in order to see the fighting."
  "Have you seen any Austrians pass by here?"
  "Not within the last three days."
  "Do you think you could climb that tree and tell me whether you see anything of the Austrians in the distance?"
  In a few minutes the boy was at the top of the tree.
  "Look straight ahead," cried the captain, "and tell me what you see."
  "Two men on horseback - nothing else."
  "How far away?"
  "About a mile and a half. They’re standing still." ….
  "They’re shooting at me," said the boy. "but don’t worry. Let me tell you what’s to the left. Well, there’s a church and I think I see..."
   A third bullet passed, and the boy was seen to fall suddenly from the tree, dead.
  "Poor boy!" said the captain, covering the boy’s body with a national flag and saying, "He died like a soldier and we must bury him like a soldier."
Soon it was covered with flowers. He gave his life to his country.
学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“童年生活”讨论。听完Joe讲的故事“A Little Hero” 之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“After Listening to ‘A Little Hero’ ”,内容要点包括:
1. 以约30个词概括你听完A Little Hero的故事;
2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的童年生活,内容包括:
(1) 对自己童年生活的感受;
(2) 你的童年以及现在的生活和故事中那位小英雄的童年生活有什么不同?
(3) 作为一位高中学生,你未来的理想是什么?
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

