in the distance, settle down; look down upon; have a gift for; as far as; figure out; devote to; care for; deliver- to-; cheer up 1. They have very happily in their new home. 查看更多



The famous British inventor George Stephenson was born in 1781 and died in 1848. One of his__16__important inventions was the train.  He _17__his first train when he was forty-four years old. When he was experimenting with the __18__engine on the train, he met with __19__from the government, the newspapers and the gentlemen in the country. They said that the noise and the smoke would __20__ cows, horses and sheep, that the _21__ would burst or that the hot coals from it would __22_ their houses. At that time, __23__people believed what they said.
George Stephenson __24__the people that the train could go on small _25_, could pull carriages __26_goods and passengers and there was __27__to them. It was a very __28__ matter for him to __29__ them believe. However, after _30_, he was able to do it; and the first train that __31__by Stephenson himself __32_ what he had said.
The first day _33_the people along the way _34_the noises of the train __35__ and saw it running quickly to them, they ran back home as quickly as they could and closed their doors tightly, for they thought it a genius(妖怪).They did not dare to come out until it had passed.

A.veryB.a lotC.most D.much
A.made B.bought C.introduced D.did
A.electricalB.soil C.steamD.oil
A.success B.troubles C.people D.pleasure
A.kill C.interest D.take away
A.smoke B.noise C.driver D.engine
A.pull downB.blow awayC.set fire to D.pass
A.most B.few C.only a few D.the rich
A.said B.spoke C.told D.warned
A.roadsB.rivers C.steam D.rails
A.short of B.full of C.empty of D.without
【小题12】 great dangerB.dangerous C.a lot of danger D.few danger
A.easy B.difficult C.pleasant D.light
A.get B.cause C.make D.force
A.sometime B.some time C.a few times D.sometimes
A.was sold B.was driven C.was pulled D.helped
A.believed B.seemed C.sensed D.proved
A.of B.when C.while D.for
A.caught sight ofB.listened to C.heard D.thought
【小题20】 the distance C.on the far D.from the distance


"Get out of the plane!" Justin shouted.Teddy and he dropped to the ground,...
When Kathy and Victor reached the edge of the meadow (牧场)flames of the fire were shooting more than five meters into the air.
Kathy couldn't believe what she was seeing.One glance told her they needed medical attention immediately.She questioned Victor, "Are you able to find someone nearby for help?"
"There are no farmers, nor villagers nearby," he replied.
"I'm a distance runner, and I'll go for help." Looking at the seriously injured men, Kathy said to Victor, "It may take me several hours to get out." She started out.
When she was 23, Kathy set a women's record in a Marathon of 42 kilometers.But now she was running the race of lifeShe had nearly 30 kilometers of hard wilderness to cover to get help.
Kathy had been running for two hours.This was far back into the wilderness.The country path was growing vague (模糊).She stopped to take a quick compass (指南针) reading.Yes, she had run almost for more than 20 kilometers.Her heart fell, her muscle aching.And finally she saw her car in the distance.
She jumped into the car and sped away.She reached a holiday house and called the police.
During the wait, she walked around, relaxing her legs and drinking water.It took almost two hours for a police helicopter to reach her at the trail (小路) end.They needed her for one more task.
【小题1】Who actually had the airplane accident?

A.Justin himselfB.Kathy and Victor
C.Justin and TeddyD.Kathy herself
【小题2】The underlined part "Now, she was running the race of life" means that ____.
A.Kathy would set up a new record
B.Kathy was running for the lives of others
C.Kathy would run a race alone
D.Kathy couldn't rely on Victor this time
【小题3】Kathy stopped to have a look at her compass because ____.
A.the country path was getting vagueB.she had completely lost her way
C.she wasn't sure of her own memoryD.there was only the wilderness
【小题4】What do you think Kathy's final task would be?
A.Giving the injured food and drinks.B.Taking the injured to the hospital.
C.Going back to put out the big fire.D.Showing the police the crash site.



  Bill and John, both seriously ill, lived in the same room at Marie Hospital. John lived next to the only window of the room and was allowed to 21 in his bed and watch for an hour every day. But Bill had to spend all his time 22 on his back.

  They became friends soon and talked for hours every day. They spoke of their families, their children, their hobbies, and their 23 in the American army. Each day John would sit up and 24 to his roommate Bill what he could see outside the window.

  Through John's description, Bill's world was 25  and brightened by all the activities and colors of the outside world. The window overlooked a beautiful park with a lovely 26, John told Bill. Ducks played on the water 27 children sailed their model boats. And a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As John described all these 28 , Bill would close his eyes and 29  the picturesque scene. Bill was recovering 30 .However, John became weak day by day.

  Late one night, Bill was lying in bed 31  the ceiling when John began to cough seriously. Then doctors and nurses rushed to the room. Thirty minutes later, John 32 coughing. Now, there was only silence-- 33 silence.

  The following morning, Bill was moved to the bed next to the window at his request. Slowly and 34, he supported himself up on one elbow to take the first look. But to his 35 , he could see nothing but a 36  wall.

Only at that moment did he begin to realize that the pursuit of happiness was a matter of 37. It was a positive attitude we chose to express. It was not a gift that got 38  to our doorstep each morning, nor did it come through the window. It was an inward journey. Whether a man is happy or not depends on his own thoughts 39 anything outward.

  So Bill began to describe the 40  world to his new roommate that he saw through the only window of the room.

21. A. stand up    B. sit up       C. set up        D. stay up

22. A. lying      B. depending    C. going        D. relying

23. A. service     B. advice      C. appearance     D. violence

24. A. explain     B. complain      C. describe       D. introduce

25. A. affected    B. broadened     C. damaged      D. expanded

26. A. tower      B. lake        C. statue       D. hill

27. A. while      B. though      C. unless       D. until

28. A. in addition   B. in general      C. in brief       D. in detail

29. A. see      B. remember      C. imagine      D. recognize

30. A. up to now    B. little by little    C. sooner or later    D. one by one

31. A. thinking about  B. staring at      C. holding up      D. fixing on

32. A. stopped     B. continued     C. avoided      D. survived

33. A. deadly     B. dead       C. breathless     D. aimless

34. A. regretfully    B. fortunately     C. particularly    D. hopefully

35. A. surprise     B. delight      C. relief      D. anger

36. A. simple     B. blank       C. colored     D. painted

37. A. consideration  B. expression    C. choice      D. practice

38. A. delivered    B. decorated     C. devoted      D. determined

39. A. more than    B. better than    C. other than     D. rather than

40. A. friendly     B. yearly     C. lively       D. likely


For hundreds of years, Japan has been hit, from time to time, by tsunamis(海啸), which are caused by earthquakes or underwater volcanoes. The story of the boy Yuuki is the story of such a disaster.
Yuuki lived with his family in a seaside village, below a small mountain. One day, as he played on top of the mountain, Yuuki felt a small earthquake but it was not strong enough to frighten anybody. Soon after, however, Yuuki noticed the sea darken and begin running away from the shore very fast, leaving behind wide areas of beach that had never been seen before.
Yuuki remembered reading that just before a terrible tsunami, the sea suddenly and quickly rolls backward. He ran to the beach, warning the villagers who had gathered to admire the new beach land.
But no one listened. They laughed at him and continued playing in the new sand.
Desperate, Yuuki could think of only one thing to do. He lit a tree branch, raced to the rice fields and began burning the harvested rice. Then he called out, “Fire! Fire! Everyone run to the mountain! Now!”
When everyone reached the mountain top, a villager cried out, “Yuuki is mad! I saw him set the fire.” Yuuki hung his head in shame, but said nothing as the villagers screamed at him.
Just then, someone shouted, “Look!”
In the distance a huge dark wave of water was speeding towards the shore. When it hit the shore, it destroyed everything.
On the mountain everyone stared at the village ruins in terror.
“I'm sorry I burned the fields,” said Yuuki, his voice trembling.
“Yuuki,” the village chief answered. “You saved us all.”
The villagers cheered and raised Yuuki into the air. “We were going to celebrate our rice harvest tonight,” said one, “but now we’ll celebrate that we’re all still alive!”
【小题1】 Where was Yuuki when the earthquake struck?

A.On the beach.B.On the mountain.
C.In the rice fields.D.At home.
【小题2】In what order did the following events take place?
a.Yuuki ran to the rice fields.
b.The villagers paid no attention to Yuuki’s word.
c.Yuuki went to warn the villagers.
d.The village was in ruins.
e.The people were screaming at Yuuki.
A.c, b, d, a, eB.a, c, d, b, eC.c, b, a, e, dD.a, c, d, e, b
【小题3】How did Yuuki save the villagers from the disaster?
A.He told them about the earthquake.
B.He explained why the sea was flowing out.
C.He told the village chief to warn the people.
D.He set fire to the rice field.
【小题4】What were the people planning to do before the tsunami struck their village?
A.Burn the rice crop.B.Play on the beach.
C.Climb the mountain.D.Celebrate the rice harvest.


"Get out of the plane!" Justin shouted. Teddy and he dropped to the ground…
When Kathy and Victor reached the edge of the meadow, flames of the fire were shooting more than five meters into the air.
Kathy couldn't believe what she was seeing.One glance told her they needed medical attention immediately.She questioned Victor, "Are you able to find someone nearby for help?"
"There are no farmers, nor villagers nearby," he replied.
"I'm a distance runner, and I'll go for help." Looking at the seriously injured men, Kathy said to Victor, "It may take me several hours to get out." She started out.
When she was 23, Kathy set a women's record in a Marathon of 42 kilometers.But now she was running the race of life. She had nearly 30 kilometers of hard wilderness to cover to get help.
Kathy had been running for two hours.This was far back into the wilderness.The country path was growing vague.She stopped to take a quick compass reading.Yes, she had run almost for more than 20 kilometers.Her heart fell, her muscle aching.And finally she saw her car in the distance.
She jumped into the car and sped away.She reached a holiday house and called the police.
During the wait, she walked around, relaxing her legs and drinking water. It took almost two hours for a police helicopter to reach her at the trail end.They needed her for one more task.
【小题1】Who actually had the airplane accident?

A.Justin and TeddyB.Kathy and Victor
C.Justin himselfD.Kathy herself
【小题2】The underlined part "Now, she was running the race of life" means that ____.
A.Kathy would set up a new record
B.Kathy would run a race alone
C.Kathy was running for the lives of others
D.Kathy couldn't rely on Victor this time
【小题3】Kathy stopped to have a look at her compass because ____.
A.she wasn't sure of her own memory
B.she had completely lost her way
C.the country path was getting vague
D.there was only the wilderness
【小题4】What do you think Kathy's final task would be?
A.Giving the injured food and drinks.B.Showing the police the crash site.
C.Going back to put out the big fire.D.Taking the injured to the hospital.

