22.-What’s like being a sailor, Tom? -I can travel around the world and get paid at the same time, of course I can meet a lot of people all over the world and then I can learn something. It’s really terrific! A.this B.that C.what D.it 查看更多



As the Chinese saying goes, each family has its own trouble. But I want to say that some troubles are  36  .

  My mother is now 84 years old. She can't read or write, nor can she understand putonghua. What's  37  , she is hard of hearing.  38  she came to live with us from our home town, our two children gave her new  39  in life and kept her  40  for several years. When the children grew up, she still kept  41  in housework, shopping, and cooking every day.

   42 she was getting old, we asked her to keep  43  the road and not go shopping, cook  44  wash clothes. The more she  45  , the more we worried for her. But she never  46  . Now every day at work, I  47  my mother when I have a  48  minutes. What is she doing now, I  49  . The modern kitchen appliances have trained a good  50  into a forgetful cook. She forgets to  51  the gas and we'll smell rice  52  before we enter our home. Rushing into the kitchen, we'll see the  53  pot smoking on the stove. We have asked her not to do housework, but she says we don't  54  her any more and cries and refuses to eat. Then we  55  her as if we were treating a child.

(  ) 36. A. curious   B. glad    C. sweet     D. troublesome

(  ) 37. A. more    B. that     C. the matter    D. wrong

(  ) 38. A. As     B. Because  C. Until      D. When

 (  ) 39. A. ideas    B. meaning  C. thought     D. trouble

 (  ) 40. A. busy    B. free     C. unhappy     D. worried

(  ) 41. A. active   B. easy     C. quiet      D. secret

 (  ) 42. A. As     B. So     C. Though      D. What

 (  ) 43. A. away    B. off     C. on        D. up

 (  ) 44. A. and    B. but     C. nor        D. or

 (  ) 45. A. did    B. kept     C. lived       D. said

 (  ) 46. A. believed  B. followed   C. heard      D. obeyed

 (  ) 47. A. ask    B. call     C. see       D. think of

 (  ) 48. A. few    B. free     C. good      D. spare

 (  ) 49. A. know    B. say     C. suppose     D. wonder

 (  ) 50. A. child    B. housewife  C. servant      D. worker

 (  ) 51. A. order    B. shut off   C. turn on     D. use

 (  ) 52. A. burning   B. cooked    C. ready      D. smell

 (  ) 53. A. grain    B. rice     C. tea      D. water

 (  ) 54. A. belong to  B. care    C. need      D. respect

 (  ) 55. A. appreciate  B. comfort   C. encourage   D. feed



Learning values and character at home is as important as any schoolwork. We all hope that the very values  36  are important to each of us are 37  along to our children. Often,  38 , that hope is challenged by a great many of pop culture messages, peer pressure (同伴压力), and overscheduled lives.

In the real world of jobs and career, people are 39  by two standards: Their professional skills and their  40  abilities.  41  grade school, high school, and college can teach skills and proficiency, it’s  42  parents to teach children the characters that make for 43  in the real world—a cooperative attitude,  44 , optimism and honesty. So take the work  45 . Send your kids into the world ready to  46  not only the tasks of life but its difficulties with character.

You really can’t start soon enough.  47 , children need personal integrity (个人操守) and morals as much as any adult.  48  the 5 to 10 most important messages you want your children to truly understand. Then think through  49  to teach these lessons. Talking to your kids should be only  50  of the plan. Letting them  51  honesty in action—through your own behaviour, by 52  films about great people together, or even by visiting a courtroom—is the  53  way to pass the message.

By identifying the specific  54  you would like to see in your children, you’re more likely to  55   those characters. So make a point of it.

36. A. which                B. that               C. who             D.  /

37. A. handed                 B. given                C. belonged         D. passed

38. A. therefore              B. however            C. thus            D. besides

39. A. chosen                     B. divided            C. selected        D. judged

40. A. personal               B. outstanding         C. collective         D. genetic

41. A. While                B. When               C. Until           D. Unless

42. A. for                       B. to                C. on to           D. up to 

43. A. work                      B. success             C. grow           D. maturity

44. A. depression            B. encouragement       C. creativity       D. desertion

45. A. quickly                    B. eventually           C. seriously      D. obviously

46. A. face                      B. achieve              C. make              D. handle

47. A. First of all           B. After all             C. In all               D. All in all

48. A. Work out            B. Go over             C. Write down     D. Get through

49. A. how                  B. what               C. where         D. why

50. A. root                B. base                C. all            D. part

51. A. witness              B. stare                  C. gaze         D. scan

52. A. reading                    B. scanning            C. watching     D. examining

53. A. easiest                     B. strongest            C. cruelest        D. simplest

54. A. problems            B. manners            C. wonders       D. characters

55. A. strengthen           B. forget              C. remind            D. tear



It's no secret that many children would be healthier and happier with adoptive parents than with the parents that nature dealt them. That's especially true of children who remain in abusive homes because the law blindly favors biological parents. It's also true of children who suffer for years in foster homes (收养孩子的家庭) because of parents who can't or won't care for them but refuse to give up custody (监护) rights.

Fourteen-year-old Kimberly Mays fits neither description, but her recent court victory could eventually help children who do. Kimberly has been the object of an angry custody baffle between the man who raised her and her biological parents, with whom she has never lived. A Florida judge ruled that the teenager can remain with the only father she's ever known and that her biological parents have "no legal claim" on her.

The ruling, though it may yet be reversed, sets aside the principle that biology is the primary determinant of parentage. That's an important development, one that's long overdue.

Shortly after birth in December 1978, Kimberly Mays and another infant were mistakenly switched and sent home with the wrong parents. Kimberly's biological parents, Ernest and Regina Twigg, received a child who died of a heart disease in 1988. Medical tests showed that the child wasn't the Twiggs' own daughter, but Kimt only was, thus sparking a custody battle with Robert Mays. In 1989, the two families agreed that Mr. Mays would maintain custody with the Twiggs getting visiting fights. Those rights were ended when Mr. Mays decided that Kimberly was being harmed.

The decision to leave Kimberly with Mr. Mays rendered her suit debated. But the judge made clear that Kimberly did have standing to sue ( 起诉) on her own behalf. Thus he made clear that she was more than just property to be handled as adults saw fit.

Certainly, the biological link between parent and child is fundamental. But biological parents aren't always preferable to adoptive ones, and biological parentage does not convey an absolute ownership that cancels all the rights of children.

36. What was the primary consideration in the Florida judge's ruling?

A. The biological link.                  B. The child's benefits.  

C. The traditional practice.            D. The parents' feelings.

37. We can learn from the Kimberly case that

A. children are more than just personal possessions of their parents

B. the biological link between parent and child should be emphasized

C. foster homes bring children more pain and suffering than care

D. biological parents shouldn't claim custody rights after their child is adopted

38. The Twiggs claimed custody rights to Kimberly because

A. they found her unhappy in Mr. Mays' custody     B. they regarded her as their property

C. they were her biological parents               D. they felt guilty about their past mistake

39. Kimberly had been given to Mr. Mays

A. by sheer accident          B. at his request       C. out of charity          D. for better care

40. The author's attitude towards the judge's ruling could be described as

A. doubtful             B. cautious         C. critical          D. supportive




My grandparents built and lived in a small 600-square-foot cottage for most of their adult lives. They actively practiced living a   21   life. Saving and avoiding overspending was their life   22   for their whole life.   23   seeking satisfaction through material items, they chose to spend   24   time together, with family, and in nature.

Over the years my grandparents noticed   25   changes in their community. Every year more farmland was   26   to build larger and larger homes. With houses’ prices   27  , many of their neighbors sold their little homes and lands.   28   only their small house was still on the block, surrounded by a sea of tall buildings. Countless family members   29   my grandparents to expand their home. But they didn’t want a bigger place and were   30   with what they had.

  In many ways, I’ve modeled my life after my grandparents. Through their example I learned an important   31  : It is absolutely possible to live a small and fulfilling life.

  My grandparents lived in a small home, but they owned a(n)   32   garden. They loved gardening deeply because it not only   33   their grocery bill, but also improved their health and gave them a(n)   34   to be outside. They said, “  35   you live in a small home or an apartment, you don’t have to give up gardening.”

My grandparents avoided lifestyle creep(攀比) by paying for their own home in cash and building it themselves. They also recycled and   36   everything. For instance, they drove the same car for over 15 years and didn’t buy anything new until their stuff was   37   worn out.

My grandparents taught me that living well on   38   isn’t about feeling bad for myself.   39  , it’s about giving yourself the time, freedom, and money to seek your dreams. You know: Becoming debt free, living in a smaller home, and others are a few ways to   40   your life.

1.A. dull                       B. simple                     C. single                       D. busy

2.A. attitude               B. experience            C. principle                 D. standard

3.A. Rather than        B. More than              C. Other than             D. Apart from

4.A. shopping             B. work                        C. break                       D. quality

5.A. obvious              B. delicate                  C. enjoyable               D. flexible

6.A. improved            B. ruined                     C. discovered             D. distributed

7.A. taking up             B. making up              C. going up                 D. turning up

8.A. Probably             B. Suddenly                C. Instantly                  D. Eventually

9.A. forced                           B. encouraged           C. persuaded             D. ordered

10.A. content             B. angry                       C. cautious                  D. familiar

11.A. lesson               B. theory                     C. truth                        D. sentence

12.A. small                  B. special                     C. ordinary                 D. huge

13.A. reduced           B. handled                  C. checked                  D. handled

14.A. platform           B. stage                        C. excuse                     D. solution

15.A. As if                    B. Even if           C. Only if            D. What if

16.A. sewed               B. created                   C. sold                          D. reused

17.A. thoroughly       B. generally                C. nearly          D. hardly

18.A. more                B. less                         C. better                     D. worse

19.A. What’s more    B. As a result              C. On the whole         D. On the contrary

20.A. risk                     B. manage      C. limit                       D. destroy



Do you know that men die earlier than women? The latest research makes it known that the reason could be that men’s hearts go into rapid decline when they reach middle age.
  The largest study of the effects of ageing(变老) on the heart has found that women’s longevity may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose their pumping power with age.
  “We have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25 percent between 18 and 70 years of age,” said the head of the study, David Goldspink of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.
  “Within the heart there are millions of cells that enable it to beat. Between the age of 20 and 70, one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men,” said Goldspink. “This is part of the aging process.”
  What surprises scientists is that the female heart sees very little loss of these cells. A healthy 70-year-old woman’s heart could perform almost as well as a 20-year-old one’s.
  “This gender difference might just explain why women live longer than men,” said Goldspink. They studied more than 250 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, focusing on healthy persons to remove the confusing influence of disease. “The team has yet to find why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart,” said Goldspink.
  The good news is that men can improve the health of their heart with regular exercise. Goldspink stressed that women also need regular exercise to prevent their leg muscles becoming smaller and weaker as they age.
【小题1】 The underlined word “longevity” in the second paragraph probably refers to “________”.

A.healthB.long lifeC.ageingD.effect
【小题2】 The text mainly talks about ________.
A.men’s heart cellsB.women’s ageing process、
C.the gender differenceD.hearts and long life
【小题3】According to the text, the UK scientists have known that ________.
A.women have more cells than men when they are born
B.women can replace the cells that enable the heart to beat
C.the female heart loses few of the cells with age
D.women never lose their pumping power with age
【小题4】If you want to live longer, you should ________.
A.enable your heart to beat much faster
B.find out the reason for ageing
C.exercise regularly to keep your heart healthy
D.prevent your cells from being lost
【小题5】We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the reason why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart has been found out
B.scientists are on the way to finding out why the male heart loses more of the cells
C.the team has done something to prevent the male from suffering the greater loss
D.women over 70 could lose more heart cells than those at the age of 20

