This is a program designed to mainly to teenagers. A. attach B. appeal C. refer D. contribute 查看更多



Jobs for abroad students in Shanghai

Ad  No.37120

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:44 by castellari

We are an Italian company engaged in high leveled Italian coffee and coffee machines. Now, we have a program which requires involving of foreign students in Shanghai.

This is a job about selling our products online in the office to individuals or offices or any place where there’s a need for coffee. You’re required to work only at weekends. We’ll offer you a favorable payment. For those who’re interested, please contact Ava.

Reply to:        Tel: 61212021

Office assistant needed (Full-time)

Ad No.40994

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:55 by roybivExpire

UK Accessories Brand is looking for a new talented person to develop with the company. You must be able to speak a little English and understand emails written in English. Please send your personal information with expected salary to us.

Contact: Josie

Reply to:    Tel: 63573038

Teaching in China

Ad No. 40894

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 09:23 by Sh_ shifter

We have contacted most schools all over China and agreed to introduce many good foreign teachers to the schools. This is one of the best positions because you can work in different cities of China at different times.

Position: Oral English teachers (Full-time)

Salary: 8,000 RMB~10,000 RMB per month

Working load: 20~22 hours per week

Apartment: Free fully furnished single accommodation, equipped with telephone, TV, air conditioner, fridge and so on.

Teacher’s qualification: BA / BS / TESL and having teaching experience is preferred.

Contact: Foreign Affairs Manger, International Department

Address: No. 9 Jiefang road, Wuhan, Hubei

Tel: 86(0)2782300522


Logistics(后勤) manager needed in Shanghai

Ad No.41055

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 17:01 by jobtrans

We want to find 2 full-time logistics manager for our forwarding company.


(1) Female;  (2) Bachelor’s degree or above;  (3) 3-year working experience required.

For more information, please visit our website:

Tel: 62875341

60.What do these advertisements have in common (共同)?

A. They all employ only applicants (求职者) with work experience.

B. The employment agencies are all based in Shanghai.

C. They are posted on the same day.

D. They are all for China-based foreign companies.

61.Miss Green wants to find a part-time job, which telephone number should she dial?

A. 63573038    B. 61212021     C. 86(0)27782300522    D. 62875341

62.Li Ming has just finished high school, which position might suit him?

A. Salesman in the Italian company.

B. A logistics manager.

C. An oral English teacher.

D. Office assistant in UK Accessories Brand.

63.Your American friend Mr. Smith wants to find a job in China which offers a flexible (易弯曲的,可适应的) workplace, you may recommend him to _____________.

A. write to

B. visit

C. write to

D. write to








    The  most important 1essons I learned at college weren’t the ones my professors taught me.Instead,1 learned unpleasant truths about things like money,socializing,and self—sufficiency(自给自足)——usually the hard way.If I could go back and give advice to my

freshman self,this is what I’d say.

    *Take the opportunity for a semester abroad.

    If your college has a program to study for a semester or a year in another county, take

advantage of it.Yes,it will probably cost a little more,but you may never again have a chance to travel abroad for an extended period.There’S no better way to do that than to become completely involved in a new culture.

    *  3 

    This isn't high school anymore,So there’s no need tO join every club under the sun to try to impress somebody.Figure out what you’re interested in and then pursue it.Colleges have radio stations,political advocacy organizations,writers’groups,and so much more.They’re a great way to meet people with similar interests,as well as to broaden your horizons.

    *Get a job,especially during the summer vacation.

    5  It doesn’t work that way.Particularly in this economic climate,getting a job is 1ess about what yod know,and more about who you know.The best way to meet the people who may one day hire you is to get a job while in school,maybe in summers.You can get in the door at a company you may truly want to work for after graduation,get some valuable work experience,and even get the course credit.  It’s a winning situation all around.

  A.Apply for scholarships and grants(津贴).

  B.What 1 wish I’d known about college.

  C.Get involved with student organizations.

  D.If your college lacks the group you’d like to join,go ahead and start it yourself.

  E.Some college graduates expect to have their choice of job offers immediately after they graduate.   

  F.If you’re interested in your major,you won’t have much trouble earning good grades in those courses.

  G.College should be more than learning about facts and figures——it should be a chance to educate yourself about the world you live in.



Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and power of friendship.It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people (ages 7-17) with a volunteer(志愿者) adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.

  Volunteer tutors come from all walks of life—married, single, with or without children. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are not replacement(代替者)parents or social workers. They are tutors: someone to trust, to have fun with, to talk and go to when needed.

A Big Sister and Little Sister will generally spend between one and four hours together three or four times each month for at least twelve months. They enjoy simple activities such as a picnic at a park, cooking, playing sport or going to a football match. These activities improve the friendship and help the young person develop positive self-respect, confidence and life direction.

Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations exist throughout the world. It is the large and most well-known provider of tutor services internationally and has been operating for 25 years.

Emily and Sarah have been matched since 2008. Emily is a 10-year-old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school. “ I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me.”

Emily’s mum came across Big Brothers Big Sisters and thought it would be helpful to Emily by “providing different feedback (反馈) about herself other than just depending on schoolmates to value her self-worth.

Sarah wanted to take part in a volunteer program. “I googled it and found out how to be a part of it. I thought it would be fun for me to take part in making time to do something because sometimes it is all work and no play.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters has been helpful and enjoyable to both Emily and Sarah. They love and look forward to their time together and the partnership has certainly helped Emily be more comfortable in being the wonderful, happy and unusually good girl she is!

66.What is the aim of Big Brothers Big Sisters?

A.To offer students public services.

    B.To help students improve their grades.

    C.To organize sport activities for young people.

    D.To provide partnership and fun for young people.

67.A volunteer is usually expected to work within a year for at least______.

    A.24 hours  B.36 hours  C.48 hours    D.72 hours

68.According to Emily’s mother, this program may provide Emily with______.

    A.advice from her teachers B.a new way to value herself

    C.a new way to value her schoolmates   D.more thoughts from her schoolmates

69.Why did Sarah want to join in the program?

    A.She used to be a volunteer. B.She needed a part-time job.

C. She felt a bit bored with her life. D. She wanted to get a difficult but interesting job.

70.According to the passage, the underlined phrase “vulnerable young people”in the first paragraph are probably those who are _________.

    A.popular at school     B.rather in good health

    C.easily hurt in feeling  D.sure about their own ability to do things



The Florida Sea Base Programs
Diving Adventure
If you are a diver, this is your program. During the program you will be making as many as nine dives (weather permitting), including a night dive. We have open dates in June, July and August for the summer months and for fall we have opening in September, October, November and December. Check out the dates today. Click here!
Sea Exploring!
The name brings back the memory of pirates(海盗) sailing the high seas of the past. This adventure is for larger teams of 18 to 20 teammates. Sailing on a tall ship with your team, you will be making memories that you will share for the rest of your life with anyone who will listen. Be sure and check out the dates we have open. Click here! We can fit your timetable to meet your needs with these great dates.
Live Aboard Diving
The Florida Sea Base has the sailing and diving programs joined for one wonderful adventure! On this adventure, you will spend your days not only in diving, but also in sailing around the Florida Keys. There are openings this fall and winter. Check now for open dates to spend your winter holidays in the keys. Click here! Fall dates are open now. Check them out today!
Just around the corner: the Christmas season in the keys! We have an opening for the Live Aboard program on December 26. Book today---it won’t last long!
Diving Certification(证书)
The Diving Certification program is designed for teammates who want to get a certification--- all who complete the week successfully will be offered PADI certification! Come and learn how to dive in the beautiful waters of the Florida Keys.
We have the following dates open: August 5, August 12, August 19, August 22 and August 26. We also have programs we offer in the fall: September 30, October 7, October 14, October 21, and many more dates. Check out the rest of the dates. Click here!
55. The text is most probably found _________.
A. in a newspaper            B. on the Internet
C. in a science magazine       D. in a book about Florida Sea
56. Colin wants to join in the Diving Adventure. He is supposed to have ______.
A. 9 dives                 B. 10 dives       
C. 19 dives                D. as many dives as he likes
57. According to this text, Live-Aboard Diving is special in that ____.
A. diving goes on during the sailing   
B. it is an adventure at sea
C. there are diving programs in it     
D. it is held in the Christmas season
58. The purpose of the text is mainly to ________.
A. teach        B. introduce       C. report       D. advertise

