13.What does the man think of the holiday? A.It’s exciting B.It’s boring. C.We don’t know. 查看更多






1.What does the man suggest doing?

A.Taking a taxi.

B.Taking a bus.

C.Holding a meeting.

2.Where is the man now?

A.In Washington.

B.In New York.

C.In Los Angeles.

3.When did Tony say he would start?

A.At 10∶00.

B.At 9∶30.

C.At 9∶00.

4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Who will give them a lecture.

B.Where the lecture will be given.

C.What the lecture will be about.

5.What happened to the man during the holiday?

A.His arm was broken.

B.His leg was broken.

C.His foot was hurt.




6.Where are the speakers?

A.At a restaurant.

B.In a shop.

C.In a supermarket.

7.What does the woman finally order?

A.A chocolate cake.

B.An apple pie.

C.A cup of coffee.


8.What does the woman think of the job?




9.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Stay at home.

B.Take the job.

C.Find a better job.

10.How much will the woman get a week if she works in the hotel?





11.How long has the woman studied English?

A.For a couple of weeks.

B.For a couple of months.

C.For a couple of years.

12.Why does the woman feel so discouraged?

A.She finds it hard to write English well.

B.Nobody wants to communicate with her.

C.She finds it hard to learn English grammar.

13.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Father and daughter.



14.Why did Jane go to the U.S.during the vacation?

A.To attend a summer course in English.

B.To visit an American family, the Smiths.

C.To have a sightseeing with her family.

15.Where did Jane have her daily three meals?

A.At school.

B.In the hotel.

C.In the Smiths' house.

16.What is the main difference that Jane found in the American classes?

A.The teachers were strict.

B.You could share your ideas.

C.They mainly taught reading.


17.What did the speaker have to do before going to school?

A.To feed chickens.

B.To have a bath.

C.To go to church.

18.Why didn't the speaker go to school by bus?

A.He didn't have the money.

B.There wasn't any.

C.He lived near the school.

19.Why didn't his parents need to worry about them when they went out?

A.There weren't many cars on the roads.

B.There were no robbers and thieves.

C.They were always in the church.

20.What did the speaker think of his life in the past?

A.Easy and comfortable.

B.Hard, but happy.

C.Simple and lonely.


听力(Listening Comprehension)


1.When will the post office open on a weekend?

A.All day.

B.Only in the morning.

C.The same as during the week.

2.How many pills should the woman take in twenty-four hours?




3.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At a doctor's office.

B.At a food shop.

C.At a restaurant.

4.What is true about Bill?

A.He doesn't have enough money to buy a house.

B.He really doesn't want to buy a house.

C.He will have enough money for a house soon.

5.Who suffers from heart disease?

A.Mrs Smith.

B.Her father's family.

C.Her family.



6.What is the most probable relation between the two speakers?

A.They are friends.

B.They are strangers.

C.They are both scientists.

7.Where did the dialogue take place?

A.On a bus.

B.On a train.

C.On a plane.

8.Why is the woman travelling?

A.She is traveling on holiday?

B.She is traveling on business.

C.She is traveling to give some lectures.


9.Who is answering the call?




10.Why is Pat making the telephone call?

A.To tell his friend to attend a party.

B.To tell his friend to hand in the experiment report.

C.To tell his friend to come to work for the Chemistry Department.

11.Which of the following do you think is true?

A.Pat knows Anne.

B.Jean knows Pat.

C.Jackie doesn't know Pat.


12.What's the matter with the man?

A.Headache and a sore throat.



13.Why didn't the man tell the woman?

A.He thought it didn't matter.

B.He thought they might disappear after a night's sleep.

C.He ate some medicine.

14.What did the woman advise him?

A.To take some medicine.

B.To lie down and take a rest.

C.To see the doctor.


15.What does Ben think of the city?

A.Exciting and clean.

B.Exciting, noisy and dirty.

C.Exciting, noisy and clean.

16.What does Janice like about the tourist sights?

A.The Statue of Liberty.

B.The skyscrapers.

C.The monuments and the Statue of Liberty.

17.What's the opinion of Subway?

A.Janice likes it.

B.They think it is OK.

C.Janice hates it and thinks it terribly dirty.


18.Which of the following is true?

A.The population is over 500 million.

B.It is within 14 minutes trip by car from Leeds and Liverpool.

C.It is about three and a half hours by car from London.

19.What kind of traditional industries does Greater Manchester have?

A.Fishing and farming.

B.Flight engineering and transport.

C.Gold mining and cotton manufacture.

20.Where is Greater Manchester?

A.In North East England.

B.In the 230 miles north of London.

C.In the south 187 miles of Edinburgh.





1.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a classroom.

B.In a concert hall.

C.In a ticket office.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He's not worried at all.

B.He wants the woman to relax.

C.He's too nervous to calm down.

3.What is the woman doing?




4.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man has no time to call home often.

B.The woman doesn't keep in touch with her family.

C.The man calls home as often as the woman does.

5.Why didn't the man bring the drinks?

A.He forgot about it altogether.

B.There were no drinks at the store.

C.The drinks were to be sent to them.



6.What is the conversation mainly about?

A.Classical music.

B.The school radio station.

C.The campus newspaper.

7.What does the man think of the news?



C.Just so-so.


8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.On the phone.

C.In a travel agency.

9.How much will the man pay for his room?





10.Who is Jake?

A.Kate's classmate.

B.Kate's neighbor.

C.Kate's co-worker.

11.Why did Kate write to Jake?

A.To invite him to spend a holiday i nL.A.

B.To thank him for his help while she was sick.

C.To advise him to keep on running every day.


12.What are the speakers doing?

A.Working in an office.

B.Sitting in a classroom.

C.Exercising in a gym.

13.What can we learn about the speakers?

A.They are both too busy recently.

B.They have seen one another a lot recently.

C.They haven't seen each other for a while.

14.Who likes the morning math class?





15.Where are the speakers?

A.In a store.

B.In a factory.

C.In a repair shop.

16.What does the man plan to do?

A.To repair the DVD player.

B.To return the DVD player.

C.To exchange the DVD player.

17.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The remote doesn't work because the man forgot to put batteries in it.

B.There are several problems with the DVD player bought by the man.

C.There is a problem with all the models made by this brand of the DVD player.


18.Where is the head office of the company?

A.In Canada.

B.In the USA.

C.In Europe.

19.What can we learn about the man?

A.He has given some advice to his aunt.

B.He is satisfied with the result of the interview.

C.He is well-prepared for the interview.

20.What will the man do when he gets very nervous?

A.He will sit there saying nothing.

B.He will have a headache and a dry mouth.

C.He will make the mistake of making things up.





1.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Plan his budget carefully.

B.Give her more information.

C.Ask someone else for advice.

2.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The man can speak a foreign language.

B.The woman hopes to improve her English.

C.The woman knows many different languages.

3.What will the man do first after class?

A.Go to the library

B.Meet the woman.

C.See Professor Smith.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She isn't sure when Professor Bloom will be back.

B.The man shouldn't be late for his class.

C.She can pass on the message for the man.

5.What do we learn about John from the conversation?

A.He has a strange personality.

B.He's got emotional problems.

C.His illness is beyond cure.




6.What is the relationship between the speakers?


B.Caller and operator.

C.Secretary and boss.

7.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to know Ms.Amanda Rhodes's telephone number.

B.He wants to find where Ms.Amanda Rhodes lives.

C.He wants to know if Ms.Amanda Rhodes is OK.


8.What's the woman's main purpose of going to Quebec?

A.To go sightseeing in Quebec Province.

B.To call on a friend in Quebec City.

C.To attend a wedding in Montreal.

9.What does the man advise the woman to do before the trip?

A.Find more about Quebec Province.

B.Brush up on her French.

C.Learn more about the local customs.

10.What does the man say about Quebec City?

A.It's most beautiful in summer.

B.It has many historical buildings.

C.It was greatly expanded in the 18th century.


11.What was Ms.Rowling's first book about?

A.It was about a little animal.

B.It took her six years to write.

C.It was about a little girl and her pet.

12.Why does Ms.Rowing consider herself very lucky?

A.She can earn a lot of money by writing for adults.

B.She can make a living by doing what she likes.

C.She is able to win enough support from publishers.

13.Where did Ms.Rowling get the ideas for the Harry Potter books?

A.They grew out of her long hours of thinking.

B.She mainly drew on stories of ancient saints.

C.She doesn't really know where they originated.


14.What is the man complaining about?

A.Not accepting any gift from his friend.

B.Not receiving any answer from his friend.

C.Not hearing any good news from his friend.

15.According to the woman, when should you write a thank-you card?

A.When you receive a gift from your friend.

B.When you are invited to a birthday party.

C.When you spend a holiday with your friend.

16.What's the speakers' attitude towards writing thank-you cards?

A.They think it outdated.

B.They think it inconvenient.

C.They think it good to keep the custom.


17.How did the speaker's friends feel about his change of interest?

A.They were very glad about it.

B.They were afraid he wasn't fully prepared.

C.They were puzzled by his decision.

18.Why did the speaker change his interest to underwater exploration?

A.It is much cheaper than space travel.

B.It is much safer than space travel.

C.It is more exciting than space travel.

19.In what way does the speaker think diving is similar to space travel?

A.They both attract scientists' attention.

B.They are both expensive.

C.They can both be quite challenging.

20.Why does the speaker give this talk?

A.To explain the danger of exploring space.

B.To explain why he took up underwater exploration.

C.To show how simple diving can be.





1.What size will the man probably buy?

A.A size 5.5.

B.A size 6.

C.A size 7.5.

2.What does Betty think of skiing?

A.She enjoys it.

B.She is scared of it.

C.She feels excited.

3.When will the man leave for New York?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 8∶15.

C.At 9∶00.

4.Who answered the phone?

A.Miss Green.


C.David Stevens.

5.What does the woman often do in autumn?







6.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A magazine.

B.A new film.

C.A new novel.

7.What does the man think of the Reader's Digest?

A.It is not popular.

B.It is not instructive.

C.It is inspiring.


8.What does the man want to borrow this time?

A.Some CDs.

B.A video.

C.A book on travel.

9.Why does the woman ask for the man's number?

A.To inform him of available books.

B.To check out books he borrowed.

C.To arrange for her trip to China.


10.What do we know about the woman?

A.She adores Andy Lau very much.

B.She is to join Andy Lau's fan club.

C.She saw Andy Lau's interview on DVD.

11.What does the woman have?

A.All Andy Lau's films on DVD.

B.All Andy Lau's albums.

C.All Andy Lau's posters.

12.What did the woman buy last month?

A.Two copies of a magazine.

B.Several posters of Andy Lau.

C.Andy Lau's early films on DVD.


13.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The man's holiday.

B.The man's hobby.

C.The man's family.

14.Where did the man go right after Pinnacles?


B.Northern Queensland.


15.What did the woman think of the man's scuba diving experience?




16.What did the man do in Sydney?

A.Did some shopping.

B.Swan in the sea.

C.Visited his friends.


17.How often does Phil go shopping for groceries now?

A.Once a week.

B.Almost every day.

C.Once every four days.

18.Why does Phil buy meat at last?

A.Because it is too heavy.

B.Because it is easy to get.

C.Because it can stay cold.

19.Which section does Phil always go to first?

A.The cereal section.

B.The vegetable section.

C.The fruit section.

20.What can we learn about Phil?

A.He eats cereal for breakfast.

B.He always buys food for a week.

C.He always wastes food.

