A Ancient Coin Unearthed A coin of the Western Han Dynasty Was recently unearthed in an ancient tomb near Changchun, the capital of northeast China’s Jinlin Province. The round coin is made of bronze with a hole one centimeter square in the center. Wuzhu, as such coin are called, were the ones lougest in circulation in ancient China – used until the four years of the Wude reign (621) in the Tang Dynasty . 56.Wuzhu is the name of . A.a kind of ancient tomb B.a kind of ancient coin C.a dynasty D.a kind of bronze. 57.Which figure shows the shape of the coin mentioned in the news? A B C D 58.Which figure shows the relation between the Wude reign and the Tang Dynasty? 查看更多



Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been  21  to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to  22  them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how  23  this method has been. We have set innumerable  24  , from simple wires to  25  machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to inflect them with  26  developed germs. We’ve  27 tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the  28  .

So why can’t man manage to  29  a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a mere animal; It is a very special kind of animal. An average rat  30  : wriggle through a hole no  31  than a $1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same  32  ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away  33  ; and last but certainly not least ,  34  so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!

35  all these phyical qualities, we also have the  36  that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to  37  when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve  38  it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to  39  a trap with no real difficulty.

One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to  40  these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.

21. A. Trying 

B. managing

C. coming 

D. failing

22. A. solve

B. drive

C. kill

D. murder

23. A. effective

B. efficient 

C. explicit

D. extreme

24. A. troops

B. tricks

C. tires

D. traps

25. A. commercial 

B. complicated

C. conventional

D. contemporary

26. A. secretly 

B. especially

C. specially

D. separately

27. A. ever 

B. never

C. just 

D. even

28. A. competition 

B. companion 

C. battle

D. challenge

29. A. Overcome

B. hunt

C. grasp

D. interrupt

30. A. should

B. can 

C. must

D. may

31. A. larger

B. smaller 

C. less 

D. more

32. A. method 

B. way 

C. means

D. road

33. A. harmed 

B. unharmed

C. brave

D. clumsy

34. A. adopt

B. grow

C. multiply 

D. accelerate

35. A. In spite of

B. Owing to

C. In addition to

D. At the mercy of

36. A. phenomenon

B. problem

C. principle

D. privilege

37. A. touch

B. taste

C. feel 

D. sense

38. A. after 

B. when

C. since

D. before

39. A. realize

B. recognize 

C. ruin 

D. rewind

40. A. win

B. hit 

C. strike

D. defeat



Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been  21  to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to  22  them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how  23  this method has been. We have set innumerable  24  , from simple wires to  25  machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to inflect them with  26  developed germs. We’ve  27 tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the  28  .

So why can’t man manage to  29  a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a mere animal; It is a very special kind of animal. An average rat  30  : wriggle through a hole no  31  than a $1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same  32  ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away  33  ; and last but certainly not least ,  34  so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!

35  all these phyical qualities, we also have the  36  that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to  37  when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve  38  it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to  39  a trap with no real difficulty.

One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to  40  these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.

21. A. Trying          B. managing         C. coming          D. failing

22. A. solve            B. drive            C. kill              D. murder

23. A. effective         B. efficent          C. explict           D. extreme

24. A. troops           B. tricks            C. tyres            D. traps

25. A.commercial       B. complictated      C. conventional      D. contemporary

26. A. secretly          B. especially        C. specially         D. separately

27. A. ever             B. never           C. just             D. even

28. A. competition       B. companion       C. battle           D. challenge

29. A. Overcome        B. hunt            C. grasp            D. interrupt

30. A. should           B. can             C. must            D. may

31. A. larger            B. smaller          C. less             D. more

32. A. method          B. way             C. means           D. road

33. A. harmed          B. unharmed        C. brave            D. clumsy

34. A. adopt            B. grow           C. multiply          D. accelerate

35. A. In spite of        B. Owing to        C. In addition to      D. At the mercy of

36. A. phenomenon      B. problem         C. principle         D. privilege

37. A. touch            B. taste            C. feel             D. sense

38. A. after             B. when           C. since            D. before

39. A. realize           B. recognize       C. ruin             D. rewind

40. A. win              B. hit             C. strike            D. defeat


Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been   1   to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to   2   them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how   3   this method has been. We have set innumerable   4  , from simple wires to   5   machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to infect (感染) them with   6   developed germs. We’ve   7   tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the   8  .

So why can’t man manage to   9   a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a ‘mere’ animal; it is a very special kind of animal. An average rat   10  : wriggle through a hole no   11   than a $ 1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same   12  ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away   13  ; and last but certainly not least,   14   so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!

  15   all these physical qualities, we also have the   16   that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to   17   when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve   18   it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to   19   a trap with no real difficulty.

One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to   20   these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.

1.A.trying                   B.managing             C.coming               D.failing

2.A.solve                    B.drive                   C.kill                      D.murder


3.A.effective               B.efficient               C.explicit                D.extreme

4.A.troops                   B.tricks                  C.tyres                   D.traps

5.A.commercial           B.complicated         C.conventional        D.contemporary

6.A.secretly                 B.especially             C.specially              D.separately

7.A.ever                      B.never                  C.just                     D.even

8.A.competition           B.companion           C.battle                  D.challenge

9.A.overcome              B.hunt                    C.grasp                  D.interrupt

10.A.should                 B.can                     C.must                   D.may

11.A.larger                  B.smaller                C.less                     D.more

12.A.method               B.way                    C.means                 D.road

13.A.harmed               B.unharmed            C.brave                  D.clumsy

14.A.adopt                  B.grow                   C.multiply               D.accelerate

15.A.In spite of           B.Owing to             C.In addition to       D.At the mercy of

16.A.phenomenon        B.problem               C.principle              D.privilege

17.A.touch                  B.taste                    C.feel                     D.sense

18.A.after                   B.when                  C.since                   D.before

19.A.realize                 B.recognize             C.ruin                    D.rewind

20.A.win                        B.hit                   C.strike                      D.defeat


On the first day of class, a graduate student from Xi’an Jiaotong University reminded me that, especially in China, “There are always two sides of a coin.” Experiencing China’s May 12 earthquake while living in Xi’an, Shanxi Province just north of the earthquake’s epicenter (地震的震中) in Sichuan with our two daughters, we have indeed seen both sides of what is beginning to be called China’s 5·12 disaster coin.
On television, in newspapers and through the Internet, we learned about the extent (巨大,重要性) of the destruction, and the statistics were horrific – over 69,000 confirmed (确认) dead, some 18,000 missing and more than 374,000 injured.
When we turn off the television and discuss what we as a family have learned from the events of the last several weeks, we find ourselves marveling (觉得惊奇) at how the Chinese are confidently but quietly dealing with this unprecedented tragedy – a disaster that continues with every aftershocks, mudslide and potential flood.
It seems like every school, organization and business is raising money for Sichuan, and young people all over the country are out in the streets looking for donations or giving blood at the many mobile blood vans that are out in full force.
Those who cannot give, like the 75-year-old woman from Sichuan, are volunteering or giving in other ways. An impressive example is the Sichuan policewoman with a newborn child who was nursing many infants whose mothers were killed in the quake.
The national concern over the fate of affected children has been moving. On May 22, there were 1697 orphans, but on June 24, the number dropped to 558; and rest assured, there are more people willing to adopt than there are orphans from Sichuan.
So, while no country or person ever welcomes tragedy, especially something of this magnitude (程度), the earthquake has taught us a great deal about China’s true character and its people’s resilience (韧性). It has also reminded us that the other side of even a dark coin may hold the promise of a brighter future,
(The author is an American Professor of International Relations at Xi’an Jiaotong University.)
When the 5·12 earthquake happened, the author and his family were ________.

A.in Sichuan provinceB.near the earthquake epicenter
C.in Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityD.in their own country
How many orphans had been adopted from Sichuan by June 24, 2008?
A.1139B.1697C.558D.We don’t know.
The author quoted “ There are always two sides of a coin.” In the passage. Here “ two sides” refers to ________.
A.a dark side and a bright one of a coin
B.the unprecedented tragedy and China’s true character
C.the dead and the victims in the earthquake
D.the destruction and the donations
Which of the following statements is NOT right according to the passage?
A.The whole world has seen all about China’s 5·12 disaster in the news media.
B.A policewoman fed her breast milk to many babies who lost their mothers.
C.Even a 75-year-old woman gave blood at the mobile blood vans.
D.The earthquake brought other natural disasters at the same time.


Cell phones with cameras are really a popular way to capture a moment in time, but some “clever” students found another use—capturing tests as a way to cheat.

The Magnolia Independent School District in Montgomery County has added camera phones to a list of electronic devices students are banned from having at school.

School officials said the move was made as a preventative measure to stop potential test cheaters, since students could use the phones to snap pictures of test questions. Another concern was that students might take inappropriate pictures of classmates to later share or post on a Website. Cell phones without cameras are allowed on campus, but must be turned off. Camera cell phones will be confiscated if found on campus, and disciplinary action will be taken, officials said.

Some students were disheartened to hear about the ban. “I’d be lost without my phone,” said Kendall Paul, a Magnolia High School student. “All my numbers are in it. I’ve never used it to cheat and I don’t know anyone who has at our school, so I think it’s kind of stupid.” But other students said they saw it all the time at their school.

“You would take a picture of the test and then send it to the next person taking the test,” said Melissa Sparks, a student.

“They would send the question and the answer, or just the number of the question and the answer. It’s quicker that way,” another student said.

Parents often provide their children with cell phones for use in emergencies and to keep better track of them. “My Mon wants me to have my phone with me at all times for emergence purpose. So, it goes with me wherever I go,” Paul said.

According to this passage, which of the following statement is true?

A .Cell phone can’t be taken into the School District.

B. The students’ parents are in favor of the ban.

C. Students have different opinions about the ban.

D. Students can use cell phones without camera freely at school.

The writer would agree that____.

A. every coin has two sides   

B. the School District’s ban is right

C. parents care about their children too much

D. schools should not invade students’ rights

The underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to the fact that ____.

A. some students cheat in exams

B. the School District’s ban is stupid

C. some students get lost without their camera cell phones

D. some students cheat in exams with camera cell phones.

