第三节:短文改错(共10小题.每小题1分.满分10分) One day Li Ping was riding in the street when the old man came across the street without noticing 1. her. The old man knocked down. Instead of helping 2. him standing up, Li ping shouted at the old man angrily 3. The old man said nothing more. Then Li Ping rode away 4. at a high speed. Several minutes late, she remembered her 5. shoe which had been on the backseat of the bicycle, but 6. now they are missing. She hurried back to the place. 7. where the accident took place. To his surprise, Li Ping 8. found the old man was waiting her. Ling Ping felt really 9. ashamed when the old man handed the shoes back to her. 10. 查看更多




The main purpose of newspapers are to provide                 __________

news. If you examine newspapers closely, you find that           __________

there are all sort of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars,            __________

sports, books, etc. The news cover everything that happens            __________

to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there are                __________

news items which are very interested.                             __________

A news report is usually very short, except for when it                __________

was very important, but it has a lot of information. It                 __________

is also writing in short paragraphs. The first paragraph                __________

is in the fact a summary of the news items. It gives all                _________

the necessary information, what, when, where, how, and why. The other paragraphs give

full details of the subject.


第三部分  写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节  单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


66.Chinese characters are the most beautiful, ______ (比较) with the words in other languages.

67.Neither the driver nor the ______ (乘客) were hurt.

68.The small boy looked ______ (好奇) at me and asked “Why are you doing such an experiment?”

69.Smoking is ______ (禁止) in public places in our country.

70.We had great difficulty in ______ (呼吸), for the air was thin.

71.There are four oceans in the world, of which the ______ (太平洋) is by far the largest.

72.I’d like to write him a letter, but I don’t know his ______ (地址).

73.Last Friday they ______ (野餐) in the forest with their teacher.

74.The athletes taking part in the Olympic Games are young and ______ (身体) fit.

75.The police asked ______ (过路人) if they had seen the accident.



第一节   短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Once an old man saw a bag on his way to home.                            76. _______
In the bag there was a wolf. It was catching and put in                 77. _______
the bag by a shepherd(牧羊人) a few minutes ago.
The wolf asked the old man to let him out.                                 78. _______
The old man took pity on him and opened bag.                             79. _______
When the wolf got out, said to the old man, "I am very hungry.  80. _______
I want to eat you." The other old man could do nothing                  81. _______
and cry for help. Just then the shepherd came and saw this.            82. _______
He beat the wolf to death by a stick. Then he said to the                83. _______
old man, "wolves want to eat men all the time. It's nature            84. _______
will never change. We should took this as a good lesson."              85. ______  




第一节   短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Once an old man saw a bag on his way to home.                            76. _______

In the bag there was a wolf. It was catching and put in                 77. _______

the bag by a shepherd(牧羊人) a few minutes ago.

The wolf asked the old man to let him out.                                 78. _______

The old man took pity on him and opened bag.                             79. _______

When the wolf got out, said to the old man, "I am very hungry.  80. _______

I want to eat you." The other old man could do nothing                  81. _______

and cry for help. Just then the shepherd came and saw this.            82. _______

He beat the wolf to death by a stick. Then he said to the                83. _______

old man, "wolves want to eat men all the time. It's nature            84. _______

will never change. We should took this as a good lesson."              85. ______  





第一节    短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Once an old man saw a bag on his way to home.                             76. _______

    In the bag there was a wolf. It was catching and put in                 77. _______

    the bag by a shepherd(牧羊人) a few minutes ago.

    The wolf asked the old man to let him out.                                 78. _______

    The old man took pity on him and opened bag.                             79. _______

    When the wolf got out, said to the old man, "I am very hungry.  80. _______

    I want to eat you." The other old man could do nothing                  81. _______

    and cry for help. Just then the shepherd came and saw this.            82. _______

    He beat the wolf to death by a stick. Then he said to the                83. _______

    old man, "wolves want to eat men all the time. It's nature            84. _______

    will never change. We should took this as a good lesson."              85. ______  

