His bike was broken on the way; , he was late for school. A. as a result B. after all C. in other words D. in fact 查看更多



His bike was broken on the way; _________, he was late for school.

A. as a result   B. after all   C. in other words   D. in fact


Michael’s birthday was coming soon. He asked his dad for a     36    so that he would not need to walk to school anymore. However, Michael’s dad had     37     his job and did not have much money. Michael got a book instead, 38    he did not complain.

One bright and sunny day while Michael was  39      past a store on his way to 40 ,he saw a big boy on a bike. The bike was too small for the 41 .As he was turning around a comer, the bike skidded(打滑) on puddle (水坑)of water and 42 into a wall..

The boy was a student in Michael’s school. Michael 43 him. The boy’s name was William. William seemed to have broken his 44 . Michael picked up William’s bike which was not   45 and rode to the nearby hospital to get 46 .A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车) came and 47 William to the hospital .Michael rode William’s bike to school so he would not be 48 for class.

After school ,Michael quickly 49 the bicycle to William’s house with a book for William. He was not too seriously  50 .He was to leave hospital 51 his leg was put in a cast (打止石膏)。Michael was 52 that William was getting a new bike on his birthday in two months’ time and he could 53  William’s old bike. Michael was very 54 .From then on, Michael and William became good 55 . Michael visited William every day till William’s leg healed(治愈)。

36.A.bicycle      B. book     C. pencil     D. car

37. A. finished      B. kept      C. lost      D. done

38. A. for         B. but       C. or         D. so

39. A. driving      B. moving    C. leaving    D. walking

40. A. hospital      B. school    C. home     D. store

41.A. corner         B. water     C. boy      D. wall

42. A. crashed      B. changed   C. added     D. got

43. A. liked        B. praised    C. protected  D. knew

44. A. arm         B. leg       C. neck     D. head

45. A. strong       B. new      C. broken       D. safe

46. A. help        B. advice    C. medicine  D. ambulance

47. A. passed       B. returned   C .led       D. brought

48. A. ready           B. late      C. early     D. suitable

49. A. lent         B. bought       C. rode      D. carried

50. A. suffered      B. killed     C. attacked   D. hurt

51. A. before       B. after      C. since     D. because

52. A. great        B. honest    C. surprised  D. disappointed

53. A. have        B. repair     C. sell      D. refuse

54. A. happy       B. sad      C. wise     D. lovely

55. A. classmates       B. brothers   C. relatives   D. friends

